Arrivederci, Third Rome

The idea that Russia is now being ruled by cost/benefit rationality could be a terminal mistake. In this podcast we elaborate upon messianic impetus behind Russian drive to expansion and why the Third Rome can be a great, empty space – a wasteland, even – without losing its appeal to Russians.
Also it seems that Alexander Dugin should’ve been taken more seriously. On KT we’ve written extensively about him but always with tongue in cheek. In this podcast we remedy that injustice.
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Transcript (please not that as podcast was not scripted, the transcript does not match it completely in some details, due to editing):
First of all, apologies. I’m quite aware that we are not as prompt in putting out new articles and podcasts as is usually the case.
There are two reasons for this. One is that I’m trying to steer this project back to its origins so as to keep working on more substantial essays and analyses that take quite a lot of time to prepare. The other reason is, unfortunately, quite prosaic – there is a lot of work that has to be done outside of this project.
Now, for a long time we avoided talking or writing about current affairs, focusing more on philosophy and perhaps a deeper cause – or what we see as the deeper causes – behind current events. But today we’ll make an exception because we have a looming third world war, and it would really be in bad taste not to say anything about it. I also want to announce that I’m preparing a more substantial written analysis on the situation in Ukraine, as well as the European and American reactions to it: yet not solely in the political sense.
At the outset I will say this: I support Ukranians. (And partly we’ll be talking about that in this podcast but from what, I would say, is quite an unusual angle: at least quite unusual for Western analysts.)
I’m not as Western as most because I come from the part of Europe where the situation happening in Ukraine right now is not as alien as it may be for an Englishman or an American. I think some understanding of it is an historical given: something we Eastern Europeans, fortunately or unfortunately, know to an extent – even intuitively so.
The analysis I’ll now try to provide will be a bit impromptu because this is how we do our podcasts: to fill the space between more substantial essays. I’ll talk about some possibilities that are at work in this situation and that could unfortunately become real, as well as something that I believe could be overlooked by Western analysts when it comes to Russia and its motivations to attack Ukraine.
First and foremost, let us clarify something before discussing this war. If you take into consideration what Putin has mentioned throughout the years in his speeches (especially from his first Munich speech that had international impact to this speech at the outset of the invasion of Ukraine), and if you really observe him with the intention of truly understanding what he is saying, I think that you must tone down your focus on pragmatic rationality. What I mean by this is that most people–myself included–are flabbergasted by the complete and utter unpreparedness of Russia for what they did (or what they are attempting to do). Furthermore, I am even more astonished that this doesn’t take away from their ultimate goals. And their ultimate goals extend far beyond Ukraine, for this is the moment wherein Russia “decided” [in quotes, of course, because Russia is not a person – even though for some Russians it seems to be something akin to a person], Russia went beyond the discrepancy in its culture and in its very national matrix, or as they like to say ‘civilization’ (although, unlike Putin and his cronies, I am not convinced that Russia is a separate civilization) and that it completely rejects the West. And I think that this war is Russia’s attempt to finally divorce itself from Europe.
But this divorce is the resolution of an old historical problem: therefore divorce is not simply a rejection of the European Union, or the collaboration with the European Union, or of accepting the so-called ‘values’ of the European Union – this war is a rejection of the Western civilization built on the bedrock of the Western Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. And these two, the Western Empire and the Western Church, are the real core of European civilization, no matter how European civilization is now detached from it and how negligent and rejecting it’s been towards it.
This is the legacy of the West, and the only true tradition that the man of the West–no matter where in the West– can reattach to.
Russia, at this point, I think in reality declared war on this legacy, which it considers to be a kind of competitor for global supremacy in both spiritual and material senses. The trouble–and why people don’t understand this in the West–is that there is nothing pragmatic about this. Additionally, the material and the spiritual are not really distinct in this outlook. What I’m talking about is the Russian national–or better said Russian quasi-civilizational–original idea: the idea that Moscow (or Muscovia, as it was when this idea that the the knyazstvo – the principality – that was Russia at the time when this idea came forth) is the Third Rome.
Now, for those who don’t know, the idea is based on an interpretation of Christian eschatological history in which the First Rome fell because of the Latin heresy of Catholicism: a fall that dragged along with it the right to rule the world in Christ’s name. The Second Rome was Constantinople, or Tsarigrad which fell under the Turks. And then the mantle of Rome was transferred to a third center – and this third center is Moscow. (And there won’t be a fourth one)
The implications of this idea are, as far as I can see, completely lost on people in the West: especially to younger intellectuals who encounter this idea, who encounters Russian Orthodoxy and the Russian political apparatus or Russian political theory in general. I was kind of keeping a distance towards this because it is abysmally difficult– if not well-nigh impossible–to explain this mentality to somebody who has never been in touch with it: to somebody who was never on the receiving end of the expansion of a country (or, again, quasi-civilization) that has this complete identification of the state and the church as is the case in Russia. Because there is no difference between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state apparatus.
To comprehend it you have to see it.
I comprehend it. And I can comprehend it very easily because, throughout my life and my people’s lives, Croatia since the XIXth Century has had to deal with Serbia, which is a miniature version of Russia, where this essential structure of church and state is unquestionable; this very peculiar ‘spirituality’ that exists there.
People in the West who never had anything to do with this, never been on the receiving end, cannot comprehend it.
Now, to try to explain what this is, I’ll give an example of what Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Church said in his Easter homily that touched on the problem of the war in Ukraine. He says, among other things, that Russia has a calling and a religious duty to protect Russian-speaking people in Donbas and Donetsk (all classical casus belli simply supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine). But there is more. He defines Russia as “standing to the right side of the Lord,” whereas the West–and this includes Ukraine, where there are “Nazi”s [and we will come back to that shortly, for there is more than meets the eye with this slur] “stands to the left side of the Lord.”
Anybody who knows Christian iconography also knows that to the left of Jesus Christ is where the damned are. So Patriarch Kirill damned us all with this homily, let us not forget. He damned us all…
My interpretation of it is: “The only way to get to the right side of the Lord is to submit to Russia.”
Now, how is this possible? Is he an ex-KGB officer role-playing as a Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church just doing dirty work for Putin?
I don’t think so. I think he is expressing the essential eschatological understanding of the Russian people, the Russian Church, and the Russian state – these three things being one indistinct entity.
The idea is this: There is one people, Narod Bogonosatz – that means “God-bearing people” “Christ-bearing people” – that have the eschatological calling of being the body of Christ. So theirs is not the idea of the Church as a universal church, as a universal union of people regardless of their ethnicity or origins as the body of Christ, but one people – and it’s the Russian people. And, from there, one civilization created by Russians. And in order to be incorporated into this body – this body must expand and suck you in. And this is the idea of Third Rome; this is what is behind Patriarch Kirill’s words.
Now, I’ll tell you something about Nazis.
When Serbia attacked Croatia and later Bosnia, they were also attacking Nazis. “They wouldn’t be doing this if those Nazis admitted that they are in fact Serbs!” was their reasoning. And it means the following:
The Serbian state’s idea denies the existence of Croats as being other than Serbs: they are Serbs that, for various reasons, lost their identity. For the most part, the conspiracy theory they used is that the Vatican or Jesuits manipulated Serbs out of the Serbian nation, people, and church (these three are one thing, remember). So any kind of division in this body or the Serbian church-state-people, created by so-called Croats (who, let’s remember, are in fact “wayward Serbs”), makes it incomplete and wounded and unwholesome. And the eschatological aim is to push westwards and absorb the wayward brothers.
But when those brothers decide that they are not what you say they are: that they are instead Croats and Catholics from VIIIth century onwards (since Croats converted to Catholicism very early on) – then the brothers are Nazis!
Therefore, the very same qualification that Russia is now using for Ukraine.
And, mind you, Ukrainians are predominantly Orthodox – but they are not Russians and they don’t belong to their Church and their religiosity is different from that radiated by the Russian Church.
They have to be named “Nazis” because they have to be amputated as a people. And the lands that they inhabit, the space –and this concept of ‘space’ is very important–has to be assimilated. Yet Russia has far grander aims than Serbia.
When you are on the receiving end of something like this–as I was and still am because this idea never dies: it can be defeated in individual instances but its constantly reappearing– you recognize it when it pops its ugly head up once again instantly. And this is what’s happening in Ukraine. Therefore I believe that in Ukraine, unfortunately, there’ll be a lot more civilian casualties that won’t be just a matter of collateral damage but victims of genocide – because Ukrainians reject being Russians. By rejecting being Russians, they rejected the Russian Christ. They are not part of that body.
And it will get extremely ugly – yet one doesn’t have to be very wise to understand how it will get ugly for Russians too, since now they’ll get bogged down and gloves will be taken off by defenders, be it in the siege or destruction of their cities, because they won’t give up defending them. Though I don’t even want to estimate the number of Ukrainian casualties, I believe Ukraine will eventually win this war: that is to say, I am sure that Russia will not only lose this war – I think Russia started a de facto global war and is completely ready to take on the world for reasons we will keep discussing. There is no cost/benefit analysis here. This is an eschatological war. It is how they understand it. It is how Putin understands it (if I am to believe his words). There is no stopping at anything: no amount of victims, no amount of damage. Nothing…
They cannot go back. They have crossed the Rubicon.
I’m not the only one saying this, but I’m trying to provide one dimension that is very easily missed by Western observers because they have no experience of it – and it can only be known from experience: i.e. you have to see it and only then you can rationally explain it to an extent. But because it is completely irrational it doesn’t have rational structure: its structure is contradictory because having the state and the church as the same thing is incomprehensible, in fact. It implies, for instance, that a high-ranking spetsnaz officer is a kind of “angel” or something like that.
I’m aware that it sounds idiotic and crazy, but it is idiotic and crazy. It’s the consequence of a kind of Christian heresy coming from a part of the once-whole Church that I’m not a member of, so I don’t claim to understand how it came to pass long ago, but it’s very deeply embedded and I don’t know how it can be resolved. But I do know that it is persistent. You cannot extinguish it. You can win battles against it, but you cannot win the war. The only way to win the war would be if it were removed by a deep reforming act–an act which would be, in my opinion, only possible as an act of God’s mercy– or if you get destroyed by it, because this is a completely either/or scenario.
This takes us to an old friend and companion of Kali Tribune: someone we said a lot of ugly things about and ridiculed – Aleksandr Dugin.
I apologize to those who read my articles and essays and criticisms of Dugin because they were always tongue-in-cheek. I never took him seriously. I know he is serious about what he’s saying, because this idea is what drives him and I know that very well. I did not explicitly mention this before because I kind of wanted to believe that it wasn’t true.
Dugin is, by the way, calling for nuclear war: i.e. warning the West that they are miscalculating things: that Western analysts think that Russia would only use atomic weapons, nuclear weapons as retaliation or self-defense but they are “miscalculating” because Russian intellect “cannot be calculated,” and that they are going for all or nothing because this is an existential threat to Russia, so they should not be so sure that Russia would not be capable of striking first.
Observing the current situation, I think Dugin is completely right (and by right I mean serious). I should’ve known better and owe him an apology because the first thing I noticed about Aleksandr Gyelevich is his profound love of fire. Fire as a metaphor is always present in him. He loves to burn things. He loves to burn himself, I think, so atomic nuclear fire would be only fitting and would be quite pleasurable for him.
The other thing is that Putin’s own plan as he laid it out–Russia’s war aims–are fairly neo-Euroasianist: Duginistic in all the craziness and megalomania Dugin can muster. And I’m not saying that he’s, indeed, Putin’s Rasputin, but perhaps simply used as a guy who is spreading the most radical forms of the ideas that Putin himself cannot say publicly. Every regime has somebody who is flying test balloons to see how the public will react, especially the public in a different part of the world – and Dugin was mostly popular in the West, not so much in Russia.
For what I see now, Dugin’s megalomaniacal eschatology, the Endkampf of the final war between “sea power” and “land power,” is to be taken extremely seriously because this seems to be the thing that they are enacting just now.
It’s very hard to predict the future. All I wanted to point out here is that no matter how crazy something seems to you, they are capable of doing it: precisely because the Third Rome is a space. Third Rome is a spatial term. They want space – and they want to expand because they have to expand. They are driven by this.
What is contained in this space is absolutely irrelevant, so you can have ruins as far as the eye can see. Kiev turned into nuclear dust? Doesn’t matter – it must be incorporated into the Russian church-state-people.
This is something we experienced in Croatia in cities like Vukovar, a city in east Croatia that was under siege and practically razed by the Serbian army and their irregulars. The thing is that, although the city is now rebuilt and reincorporated into Croatia, while it was in Serbian hands nothing was rebuilt, nothing was fixed. Vukovar was a ruin in which people lived. So the motives– or at least what we can call the “rational” motives– were neither to occupy nor to exploit. When nations go to war they have such motives. But this is something different. This is perverted spirituality. It has a very strong core that is completely directed in a crazy direction, and it is working in people even against their own better judgment. And there are periods in history when it is dormant and periods in which it explodes, and all kinds of calamities happen to those who are in contact with it.
Now, it’s very easy to ignore small-potatoes countries like Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and the Balkans in general. It’s even easy to ignore Ukraine. But it’s not easy to ignore Russia. And Russian potential for destruction is neither in its armament nor in its huge expanse of land – it is in its core idea because nothing in the modern and postmodern world can really match it.
This idea is very old and comes from a different world, surviving modernity, and I don’t think the modern/postmodern people ruling Europe can really comprehend it. Some people did comprehend it during the Cold War, hence this containment that Russia understands as its existential threat. Yet Russia has to be contained.
if you are in Lithuania, if you are in Poland, if you are in Romania, if you are in Ukraine, then above all you must contain Russia – because Russia will expand. It is not a matter of choice. While I wouldn’t say that it is “destined to expand,” as some Russians understand it, the inevitability of expansion comes from that same perversion.
Furthermore, its expansion (and this is a very important final determination of this political-spiritual drive) is hermetic. Russia is a hermetic society that is closed to the outside and to outsiders. And it is likewise difficult to comprehend the peculiarity of expats, who don’t really act in the same way as they do when they are in their country.
This is something I noticed right away when I saw Dugin and read his translated works while on the other hand (as I’m able to do with some effort) reading them in Russian – then I see a completely different author. It’s a different man writing. Dugin in Russian is not the same guy as he is in English.
But it is typical of this mentality. It always ends with closing oneself in – with hermetically sealing itself and staying isolated from others because it cannot comprehend the other. It cannot comprehend otherness. When faced with an otherness that neither accepts nor identifies with it (as is the case now with Ukraine) then it becomes extremely dangerous and driven towards a frenzy of destruction.
And I’m afraid that this is in the cards for the very near future.
As far as the rest of the world – look, the Eurasian empire is understood as a global empire. And its main enemy is gathering around America, but I think the real enemy is much older: it is the Rome they claimed fell under heresy – which I would very much dispute: not strictly in the sense of the Catholic Church but in the sense of the Western Roman civilization upon which the Catholic Church placed its spiritual roots. And the reason why Russia is terminally wrong is that it considers itself to be a civilization – but it is not.
Christian civilization is one in the same way as the church is one, and the split of East and West is in it without turning them into two separate civilizations: it makes one civilization split in two (that should unify but can’t because only God can unify something like that).
Further discussing this would lead me into places that are too deep and remote from the current discussion. I must, however, risk discussing them and being misunderstood because these things are very important. They must be said – and not many people are saying them.
So Russians, in this sense, are wrong. As you can see now, they are in conflict with people who are basically a core of their state and their church in its original form because Ukraine is the place where the Orthodox Church, or indeed the Eastern Slavic space, began. And, as I said, ‘space’ is extremely important for them.
The whole idea is in contradiction. This is a working, acting contradiction – and, as such, it is extremely destructive.
And, trust me – we have not seen anything yet. This I can say with some confidence. I hope, God-willing, that I’m absolutely wrong about this and will happily bow my head in shame if proven wrong… but I’m afraid that won’t be the case.
This is a very dangerous situation and there is no peaceful resolution to it. A peaceful resolution would mean either the death of Ukraine and their ethnic and spiritual uniqueness or the death of Russia: i.e. the death of what Russia means for Russia itself, its ability to expand, maybe some kind of dismemberment – who knows…
But Russia is going all the way. And I’m not talking about pragmatic politics. There is always the possibility that the people running things now will be overturned by more rational people, though I doubt it because this country has always had this drive as the strongest element pushing it forward. And, for you Westerners, this is a reason why everybody–universally–is afraid of Russia in Eastern Europe. It’s simply the way things are. It has nothing to do with communism. Bolshevism was just a form of this idea. Because if you identify church and state this state ideology can have different forms, but what’s important is that it is fulfilling the eschatological purpose of the state: their special Russian destiny.
If you don’t believe me, go read Dugin. (Foundations of Geopolitics is the best one for understanding what he thinks, even though the book is horrible.)
This is it. It seems that Russians believe they have reached this high point in their history wherein they must perform the final open bid to world power. As I said, I don’t know how it will end. But I believe it will be a sore sight. And we are all involved – especially those of us in Eastern Europe.
We cannot escape it.
(Transcript by Loic Zev)
Branko Malić
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Sorry Branko, I’m normally on the same page as you, but I feel like you’re way off on this one.
I don’t see any evidence that would support your claim of Putin waging a Holy War against the West to restore the Third Rome as you call it.
Here’s why I think you’re mistaken:
1. Putin is not a crusader, I would even go as far as to say I don’t think Putin is a religious man. He’s a classic post-war dictator who uses religious institutions to consolidate support from the Orthodox community.
2. Ukraine invasion did not come out of nowhere. The initial invasion of Crimea and Dunbas in 2014 was due to the coup in Ukraine. Since then there’s been a civil war in this region where Russian backed separatists are fighting Ukrainian nationalists. Among the nationalists there are actual nazis like the Azov Battalion which have enlisted far right volunteers from across the world to fight for Ukraine. NATO has increased the arming of the Ukraine nationalists which last year escalated the tension between Ukraine and Russia. With the potential induction of Ukraine into NATO, Russia would have NATO bases at its door step, which Putin has repeatedly claimed to be an existential threat for Russia.
3. Russia has been humiliated in this failed blitzkrieg to Kiev. The leadership’s incompetence along with deeply outdated Soviet equipment has tarnished Russian military reputation in the West, and even in the other great powers like China, Japan and India. Thought Russia is likely to win the battle at some point, their puppet government in Ukraine will not be recognized by the world. Russia cannot occupy such a large territory, they will be forced to leave at that point like they left Afghanistan.
4. Russian economy will not survive many months of sanctions. The middle class has gotten used to luxuries that were brought in the 90s, Putin won’t be able to suppress the discontent of both the oligarchs and the middle class. He’ll be thrown out much before a potential second invasion can start.
In summary, win or lose, Putin has horribly miscalculated his invasion of Ukraine. However, rather than this been a battle for Third Rome or a battle for the Russian civilization, Russia, in the short term at least, is going to come out horribly wounded. China, Japan, Turkey are all less afraid of the Russians then they were prior to initiating the invasion.
3. On the contrary, the performance of the Russian army went about as well as could be expected, given the circumstances for which the Ukrainian side has been preparing over the past 8 years by building a network of fortifications comparable to the Hindenburg line. The Ukranians are pursuing a cynical tactic of placing the bulk of their forces in urban centers and prohibiting civilians from exiting the area of combat operations, effectively turning them into human shields, which significantly complicates military operations. A comparable American/NATO offensive would likely have proceeded faster by virtue of not paying heed to civilian collateral casualties, (given its tendency to not see Slavs as human beings in the first place) as it has amply demonstrated in Sarajevo and Fallujah and many other places. The Ukrainian army, second largest in Europe, is trained, equipped, armed and propagandized into a world standard force. I doubt that any other army in the world, including the US army, could have achieved anything amounting a rapid victory over it without use of WMD’s.
4. The greatest hazard posed to the Russian economy isn’t sanctions, but its oligarchical system of economics. The overwhelming majority of the population isn’t affected by the contents of the sanctions, including the rather ephemeral notion of the “middle class” which does not exist in Russia apart from a few parts of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main mistake that the West is making right now is expanding the scope of this war on the common members of the Russian public in its spheres of mass propaganda, as evidenced by, for instance, Facebook’s latest policy of encouraging hate speech directed against them. This sends a clear signal to the Russian people that this is no longer a “politicians war” but concerns the existence of the Russian nation as such. Therefore, even if shaky circumstances within the country will lead to a regime change in the next few years, it certainly won’t be pro-western liberals who will end up at the helm, but likely the fiercly anti-NATO and anti-liberal Communist party which has been gaining massive rounds in the predictably rigged latest elections. The predominant sentiment in Russia, not uncommon even among members of the traditionalist right, is that the path that the country took since 1991 has been an entirely erroneous one, and furthermore that a rollback to beyond this date is preferable to the current conditions, of which this fratricidal war is but one consequence.
Do you live in Russia or China? Please look into legitimate news sources, most of what you’ve said above is seriously mistaken.
I’m not concerned with “news sources”, let alone ones you consider reputable. I make my judgements based on my knowledge of history and first hands accounts of the situation as it unfolds from people I know who live in both Ukraine and Russia who have no vested interest in supporting the regime of either side. As far as I’m concerned all news or mass media in general are industries for production of mass hypnosis. I do not claim to possess some sort of crystal ball that allows me to look at these matters through the lens of total impartiality, in fact I am proficient in Russian and place a greater degree of trust in written sources in that language, although I am not an ethnic Russian.
Azov and Right Sector ARE fully fledged neo-nazi organizations, in the sense that they hold fast to nazi symbols, espouse white supremacist ideology and declare themselves as the successors of OUN, the World War 2 Nazi collaborationist group, responsible for the genocidal killings of millions of people. One of the leaders of Azov openly proclaimed his intent to lead Ukraine as head of Aryan countries cleanse his country and the rest of the world from “Jews and moscals”. That these groups seek to fully live up to the reputation of their intellectual forebears is evident by the fact of thousands of political murders, beatings, imprisonments and other acts of terrorist violence occurring within the borders of Ukraine since 2014. They are the epitome of a postmodern, post-Nazi radically sinister organization that I was under the impression Branco had a handle on, given his previous articles dealing with these matters. And unlike most other organizations, which operate largely on the digital fringe, these groups enjoy the full backing of institutionally dominant Ukrainian oligarchs and western intelligence agencies.
Nowhere in my post did I voice support for the Russian invasion. However I will not deny that I look at it from a different perspective. I will make it clear that I have little sympathy for the course that contemporary Ukraine has taken. I believe Russians and Ukrainians are culturally the same people. I despise the ultranationalist Ukrainization policies of the current government. However, I also believe it should be an independent country with its own foreign policy and choice of which sphere of influence to belong to.
If the global community was truly acting in the interests of peace and global security, it would have pressured the Ukrainian government to participate in an international counter-terrorist operation to eradicate these ultranationalist groups, in the same vein as that (at least nominally) directed against ISIS in countries such as Iraq and Syria. No country can claim to be sovereign and have radical extremist groups of this sort having such an influence over state policy in recourse of all civil and legal institutions. So far as this is remains to be the case, there can never be peace with Russia, or indeed any of its neighbors.
You might be surprised to learn that one can be both against this war, but also be aware of the reasons that led to it. It is foolish to dismiss these points that I have raised as Russian propaganda, which seems to be the ultimate denial passing for an argument these days.
What NATO in Sarajevo? Rhetorical question, as the answer is obvious. Valid for other points, too.
I am tired of repeating myself, although I understand the not-getting of this situation to some extent. Still more, I don’t expect anyone more to the West from Checzs to recognize the messianic lunacy. Putin said it all clearly many times. And many, many others before him. The fact that the existence of Azov seems to you so troublesome whereas apparently “Russian sphere of influence” is no problem is something you should seriously reflect upon. I’ll tell this much:in Russian sphere of influence Ukrainian people exist as Russians, if not, they are Nazis. And that’s a codeword for genocide, I heard it before. As for Azov, in an improvised defense, as it was before 8 years, some of the initial strike force are always radicals. Nothing controversial about that especially for those who don’t find Russian unquestioning support for Putin uncontroversial.
You’ve misunderstood me here. Putin’s justification of the war due to the danger of Nazism and Azov Batallion is laughable.. They have at most a few thousand recruits. If by Nazism, he’s referring to what you seem to be in this podcast, I can’t speak to that, I’m not familiar with the use of the term in this regard,
Recently, I’ve started to read and research into the background of all this. I can’t believe what I’m reading.. Dostoevsky’s personal philosophy is not Ivan Karamazov’s.. it’s the grand inquisitors… I’ve been depressed ever since I read that. But you need to cover some of these figures.. Vladimir Solovyov is one of the more interesting ones.
There isn’t that much to be familiar with when it comes to using the term “nazism” in this case. It is a slur, meant to legitimize the attack through demonization of the other. As Branko implied, but maybe wasn’t sufficiently explicit about, these very same nazis would be instantly denazified if they would accept being Russian, with all the rest of their views left in place.
The main difference between use in the west and in Russia (and Serbia) is that while in the west it is used to demonize people who don’t accept the “values”, in Russia (and Serbia) it is used to demonize people who don’t want to be Russian (or Serb). We had exact same thing when existence of real radical elements during Croatian war of independence was used to paint the entire nation and its political leadership as nazis, and it actually keeps being pushed by mainstream media in Serbia to this very day.
Anyhow, details aside, the best lesson to learn here is to just not allow oneself to idolize Russia because of revulsion induced by the horrors we see in the west. If there are two sides in a conflict, one being bad doesn’t automatically make the other good. And this includes not just Putin or Stalin, but all the rest of it, Dostoevsky included. I don’t want to sound patronizing, and I’m sure you understand what I’m saying, but my strong impression is that many in the west have accepted Russia as the good guy as a knee jerk reaction to what they see around them, so I had to spell it out.
Also, I hope this finally wakes people up to the dangers of nationalism. The farcical attempt at building nation states is no more than myth making and reimagining history. I know you’ve spoken of the dangers of nationalism before, but you’ve also said that nations are not constructs. I completely disagree on this point, any religious or traditional man would fight this modern idea to the death. History should not be rewritten in order to romanticize the past. There is such a thing as truth, and the truth is that migrating people have always syncretized their customs and beliefs based on their environment.
What Ukrainian’s are doing now is forging a nation. I don’t see anything farsical in that. Russians do, however.
The problematic nationalism here is not Ukrainian nationalism, it’s Russian nationalism. Ukrainian people were rightfully fed up of kleptocratic governance and wanted to integrate themselves into the West to somewhat improve their lives.
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”
— Arthur Schopenhauer
I’m disappointed, Branko… For the 1st time in 7 years that I’m following your blog.
1. Ukraina is unique only by the fact that is an artificial country. If you check the history of the eastern slavs, you’ll see it clearly.
2. Ukraina is not a 100% orthodox country – only the eastern part of it + the lands inhabited by romanians and cosacks. The west is catholic, i.e. the lands that Stalin took from Poland and Chehoslovakia.
3. Until Ivan III the russians lived quite peacefully . Peter the Great is the one who gets intoxicated by the west and starts conquest campaigns. A bit later Katerine the Great expands the Russian empire to the west and the south, annexing territories from Otoman empire and Poland.
4. The only suicidal in the story is the west. Someone who commented before explained it pretty well.
5. There are nazis in Ukraine – remember what happened during and after the Maidan (the Azov batallion).
6. Ukraine is used as a proxi by the US of A to provoke Russia, by one hand, and by the other, in order to prevent a german-russian alliance — they are screwed if it happens — and it’s been their policy in Europe ever since the end of ww2.
7. I’m not so sure that Putin is so wrong… He has a very good training 😉 360° so to speak – kgb and wef.
Thank you for following. However, judging by your comment, I am affraid it didn’t do you much benefit. Don’t make me start answering point by point, because it is going to hurt. Rather go and don’t turn back.
I didn’t mean to hurt you, Branko. Please forgive me if I did.
You didn’t hurt me, you are hurting yourself and your conscience. The points you made were just a sequence of internet information cluster heavily influenced by Russians. Better to ignore the whole situation then try to “make sense of it” in that fashion. For example, “artificial nation” is almost certainly an overture to genocide, because nation and people are conflated here – Ukrainians are either “Malorusi” and thus part of the Russian state or Nazis and thus part of the Ukrainian nation. Russians consider them existential threat as long as they exist as separate people. Its got nothing to do with any external threats to Russia. Now they crossed the line and are playing out their own myths and world can burn for all they care.
I see I didn’t make myself clear…. My point is that the ethnic and the historic reality of the two nations doesn’t lead in any way, from my humble point of view, to such a war. Because they are brothers, esentially.
The fact that there is a war, is because of the forced orange revolution that didn’t convinced the eastern part of Ukraine. And believe me that I know what I’m talking about, as I myself was a witness of one in my country and I know the sheer perversity of its claims.
And what surprised me most is the fact that a person with such mental acuity as you are, fell for the old prejudice of “the russian is the bad guy”. And even if I agree that the URSS used to be the bad, I also must admit that the winds have changed and now the same bad spirit blows from the west. And you know it and demonstrated it in a lot of your articles.
Thus, in total agreement with my consciouness, my opinion is that the poor Ukraine, by her leaders, was led into a war that is not hers. That my opinion coincides with the russian propaganda…. Well, what can I say…pure coincidence, because the country where I live has banned the access to all russian propaganda sites. So, tired of the NATO propaganda that assaults the common sense, I just studied the facts and I arrived to this conclusion.
I never said “artificial nation”, but artificial country. Why I said that? Because of the territories that were added to it during the times of URSS.
If we go further back in time, we see that Its name was not Ukraine, but Russia — Kievan Russia.,. The cradle of eastern slavic statality. The reason why I think that its natural gravity is to the other Russia.
I don’t know if you know that modern Ukraine allows zero rights to minorities… Zero, zip, nula. It’s against their constitution, they say. Do you believe that ethnic epuration is something to begin do in the XXIst century in order to forge a nation?
What do you think of Woodrow Wilson doctrine?
Russia was on the same trajectory of expansion as it is now when buffalos roamed Washington and Langley. Ukrainaians had enough of being in the “sphere of influence”. The fact that they gained support from the West in the Majdan uprising doesn’t mean that West created anything there. Do you thing the “color revolutions” just happen by outside action, with no spontaneous action of the people? That those who get brought down by it are beloved leaders? Not a single peaceful regime change operation would’ve worked if it wasn’t desired by the people.
“Do you thing the “color revolutions” just happen by outside action, with no spontaneous action of the people?”
Yes, I do. Unfortunately the perversity of the color revolution stunnes the mind. The outside action – in the form of ONGs , the so called “civic society” at the begining, and then even political parties is focussed at debilitating a nations’ healthy sense of self, incumbing the false belief that there is no life outside UE or NATO, that if they aren’t partisans of UE and NATO, they are russofils, antidemocratic, anti-progressist and so on… For me sounds just like “if you aren’t with us, you are against us” form of behviour that bolchevics had back in the ’50s in my country.
And this, in my opinion, is sheer violence. A soft, insidious, psychological one.
One of the particularities of the “new world” that begins to show its ugly face at the begining of the past century, is that the real freedom of choice was abolished. Capitalism and communism are just two faces of the same coin, in keeping with the strategy “think globally, act locally”. Thus in the west, soft and insidious, claiming freedom and democracy while progressively striping people of every freedom they fought for; and in the east, forceful and brute, at the gun point. I guess you noticed it too…
“Not a single peaceful regime change operation would’ve worked if it wasn’t desired by the people.”
It works because there is no real democracy: they control the voting software, they control the press, and some people are just broken by so many years of propaganda, while the ones who can still see have access denied to the media. I’m not saying it has always been like that, but from something like 20-30 years onwards, its quite obvious.
The Maidan, according to their own statistics was sustained only by the people in the western provinces of Ukraine, while the east and the south weren’t convinced. And there live a lot of people whose opinion wasn’t taken into account… More then half…
That’s some coercive brotherhood. Why not be a good brother and let your brother leave you?
I am not in anyway convinced about denigrating Maidan as it was obviously a spontaneous event. What attached itself to it is another question.
Since you say, as I understand, that you have some insight about a concrete Color revolution, could you tell me where you from?
Let us get back to the beginning. I am sorry I initially responded harshly, but I apologize only out of conviction that you are a decent person and don’t deserve such treatment, not because I consider your arguments convincing.
You say you follow my writing, and that would imply your countryman, Mihai’s too. Throughout our work both of us repeatedly stress one thing:
1. Trying to understand the drive to dissolution of human form and intellectual resistance against it is the main reason KT exists. However, as both of us repeatedly stress, this drive is not a political one. When I say, for example, that LGBTQ+ transcends politics, I don’t mean that first you had LGBTQ+ politics and then it somehow became something more than politics – I mean the exact opposite: the drive to dissolve the dual nature of human being comes from the transcendence and then takes political and other forms. If this is not understood, its better not trying to follow what I write, because the one doing that we’ll end up making conclusions that are not simply wrong, but inverted, in the way that what is political will appear as spiritual and what is spiritual will appear as political.
As opposed to principal, transcendent, reality there’s no purity in politics, either good or evil. That’s the reason why you can – indeed, must – bear in mind that every political upheaval entails some participation of good and some participation of evil.
Now two additional remarks:
2. I am not an angel not only morally, but also intellectually. And the only being I know about, who would be able to intuit two opposites as one in one intuitive and undivided act is an angel. Expecting me, or anyone else, to take evil that emanates from Russia and the one that emanates from some of its opponents and lay it out for you to comprehend in the one, undivided, glance would imply that we are cognitively more than human. I am sometimes astonished over the fact that this is quite a prevalent expectation. Human being, no matter how intelligent, has to lay out his insights in time, therefore in sequence, and piecemeal. Now I am saying something about Russia, but in my previous essay I wrote probably the most radical condemnation of the situation in Europe and Anglosaxon rim I have ever written. One doesn’t exclude the other and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong about that. The only thing I can do, when I collate these two attempts at pinpointing evil is to come to the necessary conclusion that it is one evil. But I cannot, due to my inherent limitation, not merely as individual, but as a human being, comprehend and explain how they are one evil. I now that it is, but I don’t know, and cannot know, what it is because I am not equipped to understand it and I don’t think any man who would be cursed with such insight could survive it, because it would be a vision of evil without limitations. I would claim that we are created rather not to see it, then to see it.
3. Forget the old world of Eighties and before. Communists just froze things in time, not out of the goodness of their hearts but because they were too incompetent to step out of modern age. You had less than you have now. Then you couldn’t see, now you can.
Apologies accepted, Branko. My comment wasn’t intended to convince, but merely expressing a point of view, very synthetically, is true ( is my nature), and I guess this triggered your reaction. Mihai developed very well what I had in mind when I wrote, it in his comment of 19th of March.
I am very much aware that all things begin in spirit and then are deployed into all aspects of life, politics included. And I am also very much aware that is a “conspiration of evil” at work in the world and that the battle is for our souls. (Precisely for this I’m following you blog, because you are so good at spotting its roots in the modern philosophy.) From this perspective defending the modern “western values” and embodying all evil into Russia — as the western propaganda is doing–, it seems to me a bit against the historical evidence, because the history is long and the evil does not have nationality… And if we, as humanity have threw God out of our lives, well, you know, where there is no light, is darkness… En fin, I get your writings more than you give me credit of being able 🙂
“Trying to understand the drive to dissolution of human form and intellectual resistance against it is the main reason KT exists. ”
Precisely because of this I guess I was expecting a sort of “applied philosophy” analysis of the facts.
“Expecting me, or anyone else, to take evil that emanates from Russia and the one that emanates from some of its opponents and lay it out for you to comprehend in the one, undivided, glance would imply that we are cognitively more than human. I am sometimes astonished over the fact that this is quite a prevalent expectation. ”
God seldom works through paradox — I guess I was expecting for you to see it… Precisely because of what you say: “Now I am saying something about Russia, but in my previous essay I wrote probably the most radical condemnation of the situation in Europe and Anglosaxon rim I have ever written.” and “The only thing I can do, when I collate these two attempts at pinpointing evil is to come to the necessary conclusion that it is one evil.”
“Forget the old world of Eighties and before. Communists just froze things in time, not out of the goodness of their hearts but because they were too incompetent to step out of modern age. ”
Well, I’m not sure that the suitable term for those who “froze things in time…” is “communists”. Mainly because all global-progre’ post-modern anti-philosophy embodies so well all the very definition it.
And that’s what you got.
But God doesn’t work evil. And there’s no paradox in the simultaneous existence of two evils, except if you consider one of them to be absolute.
“But God doesn’t work evil.”
Of course He doesn’t. The only one who is working the evil is the human being. God is only allowing it out of His endless love for man.
“And there’s no paradox in the simultaneous existence of two evils, except if you consider one of them to be absolute.”
The paradox I was referring to, is that the power who is saying that is defending the peace, democracy and self-determination for all countries, went on to ignite various wars, kill the democracy and rob the self-determination right of each and every country who either denied to willingly giving up their resources to the hegemon or was considered by it a bridgehead for it to further sack or destabilize stronger countries.
Of course, it is only an apparent paradox. Moreover, I would dare to say that evil is the same — I mean there is one, not two. On the political level, some call it “the fifth column”.
I’m from Romania. I’ve seen two “revolutions” – and even if I agree that people weren’t particularly happy with the respective leaders and participated to some extent, I can also assure that the contra-leaders, i.e. the leaders of the revolutions weren”t fond at all of the welfare of the people, but in search for the benefit of the powers that sent them.
Why do I say that?
Untill ’89 Romania was an auto-sufficient country, with no external debts at all, and with a positive balance of payments. After the “revolutíons”, all industry was either closed, or sold for peanuts, external debt got to allarming quotes, and is importing even the food, because the agriculture was also destroyed.
All these under the claim of “democracy” and “freedom”.
Who were the “revolutionaries”? That’s easy to know: qui prodest? I can assure you that isn’t Russia.
Another thing worth mentioning is that the former USSR, starting from the ’60s , stopped mingling in the internal affairs of Romania. After the “revolutions” we have all the western countries ambassadors giving orders to our Government. Sovereignty? Zero.
Quick word from my side.
To Branko:
1. I don’t think that what you describe here is particular to Russia. The hunger for space, for example, is as old as human history and can be traced to every great power which ever existed. True, Russians have a particular temperament that gives this a local spice, but the difference is only in degree and colouring, not in the essence. Of course, I too much rather prefer coca-cola and mc donald’s at the corner of the street (though I despise them) than Russian tanks rolling under my window, but a war is a war and bombing the hell out of Irak for the sake of “democracy” or the hell out of Ukraine for integration into Greater Russia, the result is the same: a lot of deaths, cities and lives of millions destroyed.
Of course, if you say that Western powers are more driven by cost/benefit thinking making them more predictable while the Russians have an irrational side to it, making them unpredictable, I think you are right, but, once again, this is a question of degrees, not of essence.
But, on the whole I agree, that I’d rather have the lesser degree, than the greater.
2. While ex-KGB agent Kiril is certainly a mere puppet of Putin, I don’t think it is correct to say that “a whole church” succumbed to irredentist nationalistic mysticism. I don’t know the contemporary affairs in common Russian Church life, however I can point out to holy people like Siluan the Athonite or Sophrony Saharov from 20th century or Theophan the Recluse or Seraphim of Sarov from 19th and 18th centuries. Their way of life and teachings have nothing to do with this love affair of some hierarchs with wordly powers. And it is not something new, either. If we look at the history of the ol’ Eastern Empire, we see that many times Orthodoxy was defended by simple monks and lay people (plus a minority of lesser hierarchs) who refused to obey the deviant direction of the Patriarch of Constantinopol, many times a mere puppet of imperial power.
To the others:
1. Although there is certainly a lot of Western influence behind the revolution in Ukraine, it is certainly a slandering of the Ukrainians to reduce everything to only that, as if the Ukrainians are just a bunch of mindless sheep, lead one way or the other by anyone who has an interest to. Judging by their reaction to the invasion, I would say that they are genuinely not happy in being vassals of Putin’s Russia.
A Romanian historian wrote about convergent interests in explaining the revolutions of 1848 and the unity of Romania. True, Western powers did have an interest in creating a buffer state between the Russian and Ottoman empires (and later in ending the Austro-Hungarian Empire), but the Romanian people also genuinely fought for this purpose from the 17th (and especially 18th century) onward. As I know from my great-great-grandparents, life under the Hungarian yoke wasn’t that pleasant, otherwise they wouldn’t have taken all their movable belongings and moved from Transylvania to the shores of the Black Sea.
2. This reductionism of seeing just one aspect of the whole issue – Ex: the bolshevik revolution happened because of Wall Street- is very naive. True, no one is denying the existence of these facts, but reality is multi-layered and far more complex and irreducible to one single issue.
3. I think the basis of your attitude is not about this conflict, but rather of the unwillingness to recognize that Putin’s Russia is really no alternative to the West. It is a desperate attempt to hold on to the illusion that there is a Christian political power out there- or at least a more traditional one- who can oppose western globalism. But it is just an illusion, which must be given up. From the Christian perspective, political power is always intrinsically linked to the tree of good and evil and hence, there is no ideal solution, only acceptable compromises. But a compromise is no longer acceptable if we forget the essence for the sake of compromise.
Remember that Putin is a former KGB agent and that reality and reality show projected through Russia Today, Sputnik and other propaganda outlets are entirely different things.
Upon doing some research and reading on Moscow’s designation as Third Rome. There seems to be some discrepancy between how you’ve mentioned it here vs how it’s interpreted historically.
First Rome was that of the Romans that fell to the Goths.
Second Rome was Byzantine that fell to the Turks.
Third Rome was Muscovy that fell to the reformations implement by the Patriarch Nikon under the Romanovs in an attempt to Westernize the kingdom to conform to the practices of the Christianity of the Greeks, i.e. the Raskol.
The Old Believers believe that the loss of the third Rome to the reforms engendered the reign of the Church by the Antichrist.
Looking at their practices today across the world, mostly Siberia and USA, they are completely in line with Asian religions. Their extreme ascetic practices and isolation in the tundra reminds me of Yogis in Himalayas in India or Buddhist Monks in the forests of Thailand. They also practice a form of idolatry of religious icons which are reminiscent of Asian religions. Negative theology is also completely in line with the concept of Shunyata in Buddhism.
I’m starting to see that the Slavophiles are correct, Russia is a completely separate civilization from that of Europe. Whatever interactions they had with the West, such as the attempts of Peter the Great to Westernize the region were largely rejected by the population. Also whenever a Western power showed up in the region the rulers sided with the Mongols even though they themselves were of Viking origin.
I also disagree with your claim of the Catholic religion being the foundation of the Western civilization. I don’t want to go over that here, but this can be easily refuted by the fact that many Nordic nations have had very interactions with the religion as it was practice in Central and Western Europe at the height of its power. Nordic nations largely syncritized their pagan religion with Christianity.
I have massively “enjoyed” this podcast, Branko.
I would like to make a few remarks.
I have red also your analysis on the revision of the atrocities occured during the war in ex-Jugoslavia in the 90s. What I see now on social media is a continue influx of the same arguments from the part of some serbians and western anti-nato idiots. It is staggering to see how arguments -to point of complete correspondence of words even- made then by a Karadzic and those made now by Russians and westeners pro-putin imbeciles are exactly the same now. So i take for certain that genocide is occurring now in Ukraine, and the propaganda on how Ukrainians are supposedly making up massacres to attack Russia on international media.
I don’t see any difference between claims about Srebrenica being a hoax and, say, Buca right now: ukrainian/bosniaks did it to themselves, and if they didn’t it is NATO-engineered to make Serbia/Russia look bad and open up for western intervention.
To me it constitutes evidence of complete and unrepairable mental illness. I have the feeling that these people may be really apt to anything just to prove a point that exists only in their deranged minds. An echo of this is people in the west actually applauding a war against the west, where one is hoping for the invasion of one’s country to “free” them from globalists elite. I tend to think now that conspiracy of mainstream media about russian influence on public opinion is true: only it is a free act of the minds of those upholding Russia as a safe heaven for traditionalists and even international law believers.
It is just incredible, well, not really incredible: it is just ugly to see.
I would also like to add something on the more philosophical side. In this sense I am talking about the civil war in Sri Lanka. Not to present the whole story, but just two important facts that i see as a constant in these phenomena. One is it being a phenomenon typical of modernity and the second how it can only work through imagination first.
In Sri Lanka, after the independence, the sinhalese majority installed, through the state, an ideology of Buddhist ethno-nationalism(my mother and my entire family from her side are sinhalese, mostly buddhists, although some are christians). This resulted in a systematic discrimination of the indu-tamil minority; up until 1983 where it turned violent through progroms etc. then the civil war erupted and came in the infamous LTTE tamil army, who “prides” itself for patenting suicide bombings and explosive belts. The war ended in 2009, after a great deal of massacres among the civilians. “Killing fields of Sri Lanka” is a good -although quite gruesome- documentary on this and how it really was a form of genocide.
The thing that impresses me -mind you, the civil war being caused by buddhist nationalism is something that does not occur among those sinhalese growing up during those years- is how something like this, meaning the search of space for one “civilization” -sinhalese buddhism claims to be the orthodox and most perfect form of buddhism- is something that never existed prior to modernity. Sri Lanka had many tamils as kings during its kingdom, and generally got along pretty well with its various religions and ethnicity. But from the independence the aim of the whole sinhalese establishment was to get rid of the tamil presence in the island: those who are not sinhalese buddhists are permitted -in their minds- to live there only out of patience.
So, it is my opinion that this kind of phenomena are the results of the coming to pass in history of the modern state. As you rightly mention in terms of christianity the russian one is a complete heresy. And i tend to think that it is brought about by the tendency of the modern state to make religion collapse on the premises and ideological confines of the modern state -in its Hobbesian conception I would add. By religion i mean what an ethnical understanding of a people may regard as its place of metaphysical origin(in germany it was clearly paganism).
To add some occult flavour to this, Sri Lanka was the chosen place for theosophy: Blavatsky and Olcott travelled there and are considered those who actually propelled the resurrection of buddhism among the Sinhalese, who untile then “forgot” about their place in the renewed discovery of spiritualism in modernity. Olcott wrote the buddhist “catechism” that is still taught in schools and still considered some sort on national -yet from the former colonial power, hehe- hero.
To end, all this can only exist in imagination, which can only result in destruction of what is real, namely human beings.
Keep up the good work Branko!
It is a mental illness but in some cases it can be remedied at an early stage if you isolate the person from the flood of information. Reality check in itself doesn’t help, because notion of reality, as it was understood until relatively recently, doesn’t apply anymore.
Oh, Branko….oh….
You lost it badly.
But first, back in a day you did excellent job presenting what really happened in Yugoslavia. I haven’t found anything in English that comes even close.
Comparing and “equating” Croatia to Ukraine is not justifiable from historical perspective. In case of Croatia and ex-Yu wars shit storm had started in Serbia with Milošević as you’ve pointed out. In case of Ukraine it started within Ukraine.
In case of Yugoslavia we cannot be sure of the extent of the West’s involvement. The latter is undeniable in Ukraine, they admitted it.
I wonder what is your take on Ukrainian law about autochthonous nations of Ukraine from summer 2021 where Russians are not mentioned. I would say that transformed Ukraine to de jure apartheid state.
You said many many times, readers cannot understand because they have no experience. You are on a slippery slope: maybe you are incapable to to present/explain….maybe there is actually nothing there. Maybe you think people are intellectually/emotionally deficient and as consequence you are dehumanizing them like you do with Russians.
I haven’t been on the receiving end directly, thank’s god, but you cannot sell me bs . I’m Slovenian living in Croatia. There is way to much talk about Croatian nazis and way to little talk about Ukrainian nazis.
Btw, did you mention north atlantic terrorist organization at all, de facto the only expansionist entity.
Branko, are you serious:
“Kiev turned into nuclear dust? Doesn’t matter – it must be incorporated into the Russian church-state-people.
This is something we experienced in Croatia in cities like Vukovar, a city in east Croatia that was under siege and practically razed by the Serbian army and their irregulars. The thing is that, although the city is now rebuilt and reincorporated into Croatia, while it was in Serbian hands nothing was rebuilt, nothing was fixed. ”
I’ve been in Vukovar a month after it was possible and many times after.
People were dirt poor at the time, occupying Serbia effectively bankrupt. That is highly likely the reason and not bs religion, state of mind or whatever.
Also, to reverse the “logic”, Ukrainians wanting sovereignty is so sacred that the country can be turned into ruins with hundreds thousand corpses in the process. Are you aware destruction of Croatia is pičkin dim (nothing) compared to what will happen there and that is in the best case???
You try to philosophize about a big pile of stinking shit. An adage came to my mind: Who sleeps with children wakes up wet.
Full disclosure:
I’m for Peace.
And my dark poetry:
When I hear Tradition I think where is my nine(mm).
When I hear Peace&Love I think ,50 cal won’t be enough.
Kad je tako, prijatelju, a ti miruj i bavi se poezijom.
Kaj stvarno si se namjerio na najtanji dio mog komentara
Piše “full disclosure”.
I’m reading this a year later after quite a funny Cypriot bishop of ours has said in an interview that he’s literally been praying for the individuals leading this war, and he believes the Third War will result in Russian power liberating Constantinople from the Turks and restoring Orthodox Byzantium, supported by some ambiguous prophecies attributed to some famous past mystics of ours and good old fashion American Southern Baptist conspiracy theories that he’s presumably watched online. He was exemplifying the mentality your pointing toward albeit in a purely spiritual way, praying to God that the heretical west will finally come to it’s knees under the Emperor!
I couldn’t help smiling, we Cypriots can only ever expand our ideology sitting on our ass, sometimes on tv, but also preferably in the taverna over coffee (it’s further disheartening coming from a Cypriot who can’t see how the same Imperial impulse has really hurt our Island in recent history albeit under Moslem dress) (
I tend to think the war we’re facing will in fact lead to some kind of Christian Council, the condemnation of an ancient heresy, but far from that heresy being ‘Papism’ and the ‘Pan Heresy of Ecumenism’ it may just be the end of an enduring paganism and like every past heresy the emperor will be censured by Peter, but maybe this time spiritual authority will finally put temporal authority to it’s knees for good. I’m saying I think Solovyov may be right and that the Easts ancient sin is Caesaropapism and ethnophiletism (also embraced in England funnily enough) . . . saying that as a Cypriot and dilatant philosopher sitting on his ass in the cafeneio ofcourse (
It’s my belief that Western Church fathers are in fact treading on the same metaphysical ground as those of the East, Scotus, Bonaventure, and Augustine, are completely in line with the Cappadocians, Maximus, and even important Byzantine mystics like Symeon the New Theologians and Gregory Palamas . . . because why wouldn’t they? Reading some contemporary greek theologians of ours I was led in the past to believe a serious gulf separated East and West, but later forcing myself to overcome my own biases decided to read from the Catholic devotional and metaphysical tradition myself, and I was delighted and edified I must say, I think the gulf between East and West lies completely in what our man Guenon would call ‘sentimentality.’ There’s an ancient culture war influencing the minds of our hierarchs and anti-Catholic theologians that to be frank gets in the way of any true theology, and it’s been leading an otherwise sacred tradition into the realm of spiteful envy in the face of it’s own tragic history. If the Russian Church truly believed the West has slid into it’s end with all the decadence, surely Catholicism would be it’s greatest ally in responding to it? but as you noted Ceasoropeter has already condemned you all to hell . . .
Maybe emerging from the rubbles of war the Church that’s supposed to be Undivided will reunite again, I hope for that over the return of the Byzantine Empire, but it’s precisely the inverse desire in the subconscious satan of men like Patriarch Kirill and Emperor Putin that’s giving way to this holy war of there’s, as Talleyrand said of the Bourbons when they regained power in France ‘they’ve learnt nothing and forgotten nothing.’
It’s become far too easy for the Christian East to give way to state power, and I can’t see a way out apart from Orthodox-Catholic Ecumenism, either that or the whole Christian world simply hasn’t understood the Gospel one Jot or tittle, and this truly is the end