Author: Malić


Flags of Posthumans

Will posthumans wave flags? Well, they already do. In this podcast I talk about a discernible advent of the posthuman era, heralded by dissolution of all hitherto existing forms of identity: a sexual, ethnic, national, racial one - to point out only the obvious. However, other kind of strictly posthuman identity is in the process of emerging, and it is, at least for us still standing on the sunny side of event horizon, quite a bizzare one.

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Through Thorns to Chromosomes: Intersex as a New Phase of LGBTIQ Revolution

“Gender debate”, “Gender wars”, “Terf wars” … in the course of the last few years, some of the crucial problems of the Western world got verbalized into metaphors that never quite surpass the standards set by recent episodes of Star Wars franchise. Regrettably, quite similar evaluation can be applied to quality of arguments – above all those proposed by the losing side in the clash over the so-called “gender ideology”; one is left flabbergasted by superficiality of the insight into nature of the LGBTIQ revolution on behalf of its supposed opponents, even those who participated in its earlier phases.

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Purely Human

Council of Europe's "Issue paper on human rights and gender identity and expression" draws three steps required to transform the old continent into trans-Europe: inversion, equalization and normalization.

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Soul Kitchen: Transgender and Return of the Soul

A long time ago Rene Guenon made a prediction. He conjectured something along the lines of the return of traditional understanding of the man and world, albeit with inverted quality - a sort of advent of anti-man and anti-world. In this podcast we point out a peculiar tendency inside the "transgender population" to speak of themselves as disembodied 'souls', thus putting the soul back in the public discourse, from whence it was banished. How this comes to pass, why is it an inversion of the original notion of the soul and what might be possible trends are some of the questioned answered.

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Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (II)

In the second part of the podcast we discuss the enchanted world of not so distant yore and re-enchanted world of post-modernity and point out crucial differences, which Mary Harrington in her article tends to omit. We sketch some of the Croatian folklore and juxtapose it to contemporary horror movie fiction. All this in order to demonstrate that "weirdness" of "liquid modernity" has rather sinister implications and that de-enchantement of the world was rather the work of Christianity, not the Enlightenment.

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Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (I)

Re-enchantment of the world is an expression some observes use to denote the decline of the "Enlightenment Paradigm", where world circumscribed by "facts and logic" slowly but surely seems to let slip some "weirdness" into it. British author Mary Harrington argues that this is the consequence of consciousness shift caused by the dissolution of modernity and the return of the pre-modern experience of the world.

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A Question of Identity

If there is one word that could sum up contemporary political conflicts, it would be the word: 'identity'. Yet we rarely hear anybody posing a question - what is identity?

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KT Answers: What is Soul?

In this episode of KT Q&A podcast, we address the request of our regular reader. In summary, we answer the question: what is soul? The subjects contained therein are the nature of soul, its relation to body, what it means for something to be substantial form, traditional understanding of actuality/energy and possibility/potency, unity of human being provided by the soul, soul as a "horizon" (Thomas Aquinas) between physical and spiritual world, the powers of the soul and the critique of many souls instead of one, potentially posthumanist implications of denying the unity of the soul and much more.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.2

How can 'I' or 'Ego' become the principle of everything that is? What is the relation of 'Ego' and system building, and why Immanuel Kant might be the most important thinker of modern age? Why and how is system repugnant to metaphysics? Those are the questions we'll try to answer in this episode.