Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Infinity and Indefinite
Basic notions of metaphysics series continues, this time with a twist. We won’t be content with simply giving an exposition of the metaphysical notion of infinite but use it as an example how traditional concepts get inverted. The infinite is very good example of not only that, but also of one very important thing: deconstruction of metaphysics is never an annihilation, as its proponents would like you to believe, but always an appropriation and inversion. So lay half an hour of your life at the altar of Kali the destroyer of de-constructors and learn how basic notions of metaphysics are inverted into illusions.
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Branko Malić
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Hi Branko ,
I am having trouble with a very general question of sorts. I can’t understand what is meant by the word “Metaphysics”? Is it something impossible to wrap your mind about. It feels like I should phrase it as the “complete understanding” of the world. Am I on the right track?
Why the opposition to it? I read that Vienna circle really tried to eliminate it practically. Why was the Modern Philosophies, like Analytical Philosophy so anti-Metaphysical? What is the relationship between Metaphysics and our Modern Science and Technology. Also how do you know something is Metaphysical when you see it?
Also, is your fourth part of the Conspiracy of Enlightenment close to being finished. On the same matter, I was wondering, this modern Illuminati Conspiracy, that flooded the internet ( I heard it as a joke first)- do you have any ideas where from the internet it first started.
No need to answer the stupid questions I put. (Only what you think is important)
Thanks man
You’re welcome. Here are some answers: