Bedtime for Democracy: A Dialectics of Resentment

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2 Responses

  1. Daryl Davis says:

    The author cites the historical failures of democracy without providing a viable alternative. Oligarchy? Monarchy? Anarchy? Life is about learning — or paying the price for not having done so. To the extent we are shielded from facing these personal lessons by ceding our vote to a ruling elite, or a political party, or by devolving into life without any rules, we will have also been prevented from learning constructively to face ourselves. The ideal polity therefore is a democracy which divides the voting public into the smallest political units and isolates there the consequences of their decisions. Let single voting precincts determine for themselves, and no others, the conditions of life they find ideal. Yet allow citizens therein to emigrate to other precincts, as they outgrow the lessons of the one in which they reside. Democracy is choice; and healthy choices must have consequences solely for those making them. This is how we progress both as human beings and by extension societies.

    • Malić says:

      “The ideal polity therefore is a democracy which divides the voting public into the smallest political units and isolates there the consequences of their decisions.” There was an elite that dreamed about this ideal polity, assuming that only sacred principle is freedom of individual – the Bavarian Illuminati. And the only way they saw fit to implement it was by creating a clandestine hierarchical political elite which endeavored to eradicate any semblance of free will in it’s members.

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