Category: Analysis


Flags of Posthumans

Will posthumans wave flags? Well, they already do. In this podcast I talk about a discernible advent of the posthuman era, heralded by dissolution of all hitherto existing forms of identity: a sexual, ethnic, national, racial one - to point out only the obvious. However, other kind of strictly posthuman identity is in the process of emerging, and it is, at least for us still standing on the sunny side of event horizon, quite a bizzare one.

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Soul Kitchen: Transgender and Return of the Soul

A long time ago Rene Guenon made a prediction. He conjectured something along the lines of the return of traditional understanding of the man and world, albeit with inverted quality - a sort of advent of anti-man and anti-world. In this podcast we point out a peculiar tendency inside the "transgender population" to speak of themselves as disembodied 'souls', thus putting the soul back in the public discourse, from whence it was banished. How this comes to pass, why is it an inversion of the original notion of the soul and what might be possible trends are some of the questioned answered.

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Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (II)

In the second part of the podcast we discuss the enchanted world of not so distant yore and re-enchanted world of post-modernity and point out crucial differences, which Mary Harrington in her article tends to omit. We sketch some of the Croatian folklore and juxtapose it to contemporary horror movie fiction. All this in order to demonstrate that "weirdness" of "liquid modernity" has rather sinister implications and that de-enchantement of the world was rather the work of Christianity, not the Enlightenment.

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Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (I)

Re-enchantment of the world is an expression some observes use to denote the decline of the "Enlightenment Paradigm", where world circumscribed by "facts and logic" slowly but surely seems to let slip some "weirdness" into it. British author Mary Harrington argues that this is the consequence of consciousness shift caused by the dissolution of modernity and the return of the pre-modern experience of the world.


Hegel, Marx and Sustainable Development: A Study in Incompatible,Pt. 2

Sustainable development is fundamentally incompatible with some of the main supposition of Karl Marx and, by derivation, Marxism. In the second and final episode of our podcast on the subject, we lay down and compare some of the fundamental ontological propositions of sustainable development and Karl Marx to demonstrate their incompatibility.


LGBTIQ in Perspective, Part 1: Liberalism in Demission

KT's Department of Nihilism Forecast and Discernment presents the first in the series of articles on the nature of the LGBTIQ principle and politics it originates, which will, as we hope, dispel some misconceptions and provide perspective on this important issue. In the first article, we discuss whether LGBTIQ can be truly identified with liberalism, as is often been done today. If you don't feel like reading, the short answer is, no. If you want to know why, read on.


LGBTIQ and the Logic of the Cuckoo’s Egg

We, philosophers, suffer because most people tend to despise our vocation, whereas some - admittedly, a minority - usurp it and tend to render it actually despicable soon enough. This makes 'being philosopher' quite an unenviable path through life. However, some things, dear reader, cannot really be comprehended without due brush with philosophy. One of those is the thing behind the LGBTIQ acronym.


Wavering Spectrum

As KT's Department For the Sewing, Dyeing and Folding the Flags Colored Spectrum to be Forcefully Trust Back into Depths of the Queer Rectum (Capitol Branch) was informed that omnipresent rainbow flag just became obsolete, we immediately reached out for the velvet gloved hand of Utikejt (pronounced, 'outekeit') to lead us out of the conundrum and explain the reason why the symbolism of the LGBTIQ flag implies the mutual destruction of the groups who mistakenly hold that politics of acronym serves their interests. In her previous post, Uti explained this by analyzing the meaning of the letters. This time around, she lays out the corresponding symbolism of the now rapidly changing flag of the LGBTIQ movement.


Spelling Doom

After long deliberation, and in full view of the pressing historical moment, KT Department for Research and Development of Misgendering Appliances was authorized to unleash our most lethal weapon upon the world. At the end of the deceptively uneventful summer, we present you with Croatian woman of mystery, a scourge of the small but appropriately annoying Croatian LGBTIQ regiment. Who is Utikejt? According to some a witch known to strangle potential pretentious pricks while still babies in their cribs and melting their fat into flying potion; others know her simply as a Grendel like “monster” crashing annual Pride parade to devour an occasional innocent; still others claim she is a feral girl trained in a cave for years for the single purpose of annoying activists to death. More backward among Croatian peasants still worship her as an Icon of Patriarchy and commit ritual sacrifices of virgin TERFs before her cute&terrible countenance. Be that as it may, Uti is a class A expert on the subject of LGBTQ and, in our opinion, has some definitive thoughts on the true nature of the thing behind the acronym, something we on KT were also pointing out for years, but never really literary spelled out. In the following Utikejt does just that.