Pizzagate & Fakenewsgate: From “Truthing” to Hive Mind
Some remarks on turmoil raised around alleged establishment pedophile rings and MSM attack on Internet based independent information sources. The main question is: can quantity give birth to quality or can mass alt media find the truth by amassing information?
The answer is: no.
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Branko Malić
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Brilliant Branko. So refreshing to hear a take on these electrifying issues in such a cool manner. Cheers for that.
totally agree with you regarding the alt right movement (what you posted previously on 21 wire was apt) and i think this is in accord with the older theory that a real change can never emerge from within a system but must come from without. Thus all these political movements are further entwining the populace as people are being led around by their emotion more than anything…it reeks of manipulation of some sort.
Thanks. This podcast is just a stream of off-hand observations.