Prolegomena to Any Future Satanism: Order of the Nine Angles and Supremacy of the Fringe pt.3
In the third and final episode of our series on Order of the Nine Angles we conclude an analysis with outlining its political doctrine. Perhaps we’ll leave the occultism leaning reader disappointed, but as it turns out it is all indeed about politics. Satanic for sure, but politics non the less.
Read/listen to: Part 1, part 2.
Transcript with additional video material and references:
The popular notion of Satanism rarely lays stress on the political aspect of it. Seemingly, its radical individualism submits the ideological ambitions to the needs of individual “self-expression” – or self-indulgence – rendering it to a large degree a-political, at least at the first glance.
However, as we shall see, when we come to deal with the “sinister dialectic” of O9A, we are soon forced to realize that deep down the real stress is precisely on politics; the politics taken in the most radical sense of inciting the “end of the present world (Aeon)” and the creation of “the new man” and “the new world”. To be more precise: the creation of the world empire, dreamed about on the intellectual and moral fringes of the society, but in our day and age ominously more and more potentially feasible in the imagination of the modern man.
O9A is considered to be “a traditional” or “theistic” form of Satanism, i.e. the one that takes its god to be “a real entity” but only insofar as it pushes this notion to the extremity by going down into the “deeper layers” of the human psyche. The Satan is an “abstraction”, a “causal form” of the formless, acausal being; which means, as we established previously, an unfolding of non-Being dependent for its form on the given historical epoch.
In this sense, O9A system tries to reattach itself to the traditional mode of existence, where Devil was understood as the real presence in history, by re-imagining him or, in the quite Heideggerian sense, letting him emerge from Nothingness (“presencing”) in various “causal forms”, ultimately dependent on human understanding.
It is essential to stress that this has got precious little to do with what religion proper calls “Satanism”. And it is one of the reasons why O9A is primarily a system of radical political subversion – the politics conceived as the way of applying the will driven by imagination into molding the world into desired image.
This is not really possible in the confines of what Satanism proper is, i.e. in the confines of it being an inversion of already existing Tradition, because the assumption of Tradition is that what is codified in it is in no way dependent on human will.
The existence of demons is a well developed aspect of Christian theology; this means, above all, that there is an intellectual framework reflecting the truths inherent therein.
The sub-human and praeternatural does not have to – and indeed should not – be imagined, but intellectually apprehended as a subsistent reality and then dealt with in accordance with methods handed down by Tradition, all the way to its divine source.
The office of priesthood, sacraments and other symbols of the sacred – that is: temporal objects and activities imbibed with spiritual essentiality, a hypostasis, and not the subjective will nor what O9A would call ‘acausal’ – have definite effect on adversary entities and are not in any way products of human ingenuity.
The same, but with the converse moral qualification, applies to their opposite: the Devil has his own sacraments and priesthood, traditionally considered to be deviation or desecration of the original ones. In this sense Satan worship does not entitle his “faithful” to imagine or re-imagine him, but to take his bidding as it comes.
Sinister politics
On the other hand, modern LHP Satanism is really neither traditional nor theistic. As is customary for modern ideologies, it seeks to change the world according to its principles, that is: it is in its essence a political doctrine designed, to an extent unlike other radical revolutionary ideologies, to subvert the widest possible political strains and is coupled with somewhat elaborate metaphysics, and specific, pseudo-scientific, techniques of “magick”. The invocation of “Satan” is necessary because in an attempt to transcend the limits of mainstream politics and confines of historical situation, O9A lays the foundation in the absolute below: the primordial state of Chaos.
However, what really makes O9A stand out is how high it sets the bar: every other conceivable form of radical politics can potentially be assimilated, provided it is genuinely directed “against the system”, towards the creation of the “new world” and the “new man”. Through it all it is astonishingly truthful to the principles of modernity – radical subjectivity and dissolution of it in the further radicalization of freedom, evolutionary principle driven to the extreme and technical approach to human inner life.
All this is made possible by the trade mark principle of modernity being stamped under the O9A writings much deeper than the cloven foot of the Devil, that is: reductionism.
O9A is a simple system in the sense of being stripped to the bare minimum needed to make it comprehensive and intellectually acceptable. This is clearly a modern, completely non-traditional and a-historical mental guideline. In order to provide the consumer with the teaching that is most accessible for his mind and least offensive for his ego, O9A rejects as insubstantial everything that is not necessary to make it “sinister”. It only needs to be antinomian, destructive and subversive. Those qualities are pathways into acausal, i.e. the realm of all-possibility or Chaos.
The reason for this is primarily an unspoken epistemological presupposition of the primacy of human being, demanding a comprehensive synthesis of knowledge. This means that everything that cannot be in some way reduced to a set of principles comprehensible to everyone is deemed obsolete. The other thing stemming thereof is that everything is indeed subjective, in the transcendental sense of every object of knowledge being constituted only in relation to us.
Therefore, the Satanism is human-centered and it observes all supposedly non-human entities or principles as a dialectical relation of the system of natural laws humans can describe (causal) and non-human (acausal, law-less) realm. Acausal is here strictly related to that which cannot be reduced to a sequence of mechanical causes which is, supposedly, the only fundamental causality there is. In this sense:
“The ONA is not just “satanic” because even traditional Satanism (a term we first used, some decades ago, and now appropriated by others) is only one particular causal form linked to one particular Aeon (the current one). That is, it is only one means, one way, of currently presencing The Dark Forces; of provoking change and aiding our evolution, individual and social. That is, Satanism is but an exoteric (or public) form of the current Aeon – an outer shell which just encloses, or which can enclose/contain, some particular sinister, acausal, energies in a certain span of causal Time.” (O9A, 320. All references about O9A teachings are from “Requisite O9A” compilation of MSS, if not noted otherwise, KT)
The evolutionary principle, a conditio sine qua non of modernity, is also a conditio sine qua non of O9A. The purpose of the Sinister Way is aiding or finalizing this imagined cosmic process in the creation of the tectonic historical shift. This is dubbed Aeonic Magick:
“Magick – correctly understood and correctly used – is a means not only of personal development and personal understanding (a freeing from psychic, archetypal, influences and affects) but also of evolving to the next level of our human existence where we can understand, and to a certain extent control and influence, supra-personal manifestations of acausal energies, such as an Aeon, and thus cause, or bring-into-being, large-scale evolutionary change. Such understanding, such control, such a bring-into-being, is Aeonic Magick.” (O9A, 56)
Men (and girls) against time
It is almost touching, admittedly in a quite perverse way, when you imagine this being written by the hand of the individual buried deep not only in anonymity of the complete political fringe, but also seemingly out of time – against the time, as post-Nazi guru Savitri Devi would have it; utterly out of touch with the zeitgeist of the last decades of the previous century. But, as we shall try to demonstrate, nowadays ideas of this kind are proving to be quite capable to capture the imagination of people living out the crumbling of the post-WWII world order.
The idea of influencing the broader society by subversion ranging from inducing moral depravity to terrorist acts is the nucleus of O9A metaphysics and an aim of rebirth of civilization – rectifying the erroneous ways of the age – is its true purpose, quite congenial with the teachings of the plethora of contemporary ideologues some of which, like Alexander Dugin and some Alt Right influenced Westerners, have managed to insinuate themselves in the intellectual and political mainstream, completely ceasing to shock the younger, internet formed, generations.
Alt Right’s princess of Persia is a O9A kinda girl
In this respect being on the fringe seems to be more of an advantage than an obstacle in capturing the imagination of the masses disillusioned with the political forms of modernity, hungry for the new beginnings.
The trick, however, is that, as we can clearly see from O9A system, such ideas are in fact an attempt to defeat the modernity, not by reattaching themselves to what it tried to detach itself from, but to go one step further over its edge.
The Aeon is not to be taken in any conceivable traditional sense of the word – where this notion always bears a clear relation to eternity or is identified with it, as is the case in the original meaning of the Greek word aion – but strictly as the ‘presencing of acausal’ on the level of societies, cultures and, finally, civilizations. This ‘unfolding’ of chaos achieves certain ‘causal’ form expressed in social order, mythos and ethics, but their vitality forever remains dependent on chaotic non-being of that which is a direct opposite of eternity – unformed, sub-natural realm which is originally invoked into existence by in some way demolishing the order of the reality:
“One of our aims as an esoteric Order is to continue our evolution through creating a higher, more evolved, type of human being – a strong, independent, warrior-like, individual. This individual is the antithesis of the denizens of The State – of the individual in thrall to Old Aeon abstractions and ideas – and in this truth is the essence of the understanding required to appreciate, and know, the current situation vis-a-vis Aeonics and sinister strategy. To destroy The System both magickal and practical action is required, by individuals, and groups. Thus, any group or individual which is engaged in practical action against The System with the purpose of destroying it and challenging its ideas is interesting from the point of view of the Sinister Dialectic and those undertaking an Aeonic Insight Role.” (O9A, 233)
Here I must ask the reader to take the text in bold into consideration. Couldn’t this sentence be applied to Wikileaks as well as also to the plethora of other declaratory anti-establishment groups, movements, ideologies and individuals?
The underlying reductionism of the sinister dialectics makes this not only possible but very close to certain. We’ve witnessed how precisely anti-establishment rhetoric endeared Donald Trump and the whole package of European populist politicians to the masses of the young internet dwellers. On the other hand, a good number of “progressives”, ultra-leftists and anarchists got on board or at least proceeded to support some non-Western dictator of their choice.
To an extent, this is not an entirely new phenomena. But now it is being reinforced by the quite real historical crisis of the dissolution of post-WWII order and modernity itself. The insubstantiality of the age calls for action because the void it creates obviously becomes insufferable for a great number of people. But the notion of “freedom” nowadays seems to be quite insubstantial and negative in itself: a need to subvert the elites, to uncover the hidden plots or support some Middle Eastern country of choice is apparently only a manifestation of the need to deconstruct or to destroy that which hampers individual’s need to free itself from the constraints of its own belonging – of its own self, really.
Thus we come full circle – back to the significance of the “insight role”. The purpose of this trickster role playing game is to create strife, chaos, confusion and – Satan willing – bloodshed in order, not only to open oneself to the chaos of acausal, but also to create the same disposition in the social groups and society at large. This intersection of chaos and, in O9A always to some extent illusory, order is called nexion and at its most elementary level can be taken as every single manifestation of life while at the highest level it is a civilization:
“Our own sentient life – the most advanced and complex living organism we know at present – is therefore the largest intersection of these two universes. We access more of this specific acausal energy than any other organism we know. In effect, each individual is a nexion – that is, a connection or nexus between the two universes. Our consciousness means that we possess the latent ability to directly access the acausal. (…) A civilization represents the practical changes which this energy causes in the causal – in terms of the effect such energy has on individuals and this planet. A civilization is tied to, is born from, a particular aeon. By the nature of this energy, a civilization is an evolution of life – a move toward a more complex, and thus more conscious, existence. A civilization represents the practical changes which this energy causes in the causal – in terms of the effect such energy has on individuals and this planet. A civilization is tied to, is born from, a particular aeon. By the nature of this energy, a civilization is an evolution of life – a move toward a more complex, and thus more conscious, existence.” (O9A, 214 – 215)
The Aeon is thus an archetype of the given civilization – that which provides it with meaningful form or symbol: a mythos. The nexions are points where this archetype can emerge from the strife of chaos and “order”. That’s the main reason why there is a “Seven Fold Way” with “Star Game”, “culling”, creation of Satanic temples, black masses, insight roles and other activities proposed by the O9A. The aim is to “open the gates”, be it through creation of O9A cells indulging in magickal (or terrorist) practices, inciting political change through subversion and adversary tactics or sacrificing the “opfers”, i.e. undesirable human beings.
David Myatt and O9A one time fellow traveler Kerry Bolton sums this twofold, magickal and political, aspect of Aeonic magick quite succinctly:
“(…) Aeons could be influenced by those working magickally, adepts who had reached a level of consciousness to utilize the theory of Aeonics to work consciously to intervene in the cycles of history by opening the causal to acausal energies, or what are called the “dark gods”. Hitherto civilizations had arisen unconsciously, and man had been subject to the laws of cyclicity without being aware of the forces that were controlling him. Now through Aeonics and the conscious Aeonic magick directed by occult adepts, the cyclic laws could be consciously directed. Western Civilisation would go through its final cycle, but this would be the prelude to a new civilisation, the Galactic empire, extending the West’s Faustian scientific impulse. In order for this destiny to unfold, those conscious of this cultural destiny would have to actively work for it both esoterically and exoterically. Myatt was therefore involved in formulating a system of occultism via the Order of Nine Angles (ONA), the primary magickal purpose being to open what Myatt called “nexions”, the meaning of which can be readily deduced from the word: a nexus or star-gate between the acausal and the casual worlds. The ONA had a unique pantheon of dark gods and goddesses relating to the opening of star gates through which acausal energies would be manifested on earth.” (source, for those who are interested in the question whether Myatt was really “Anton Long”, founder of O9A, note that this article in which Bolton flatly identifies Myatt as such is published on the website that, among other things, serves the purpose of debunking such claims with no objection or editorial note to rectify Bolton’s claim)
O9A notion of history is based on interpretation of Spengler and Toynbee with some amendments:
“According to the sinister tradition of the ONA, there have been five Aeons, including the current Thorian (or “Western”) one. The current Aeon is, however, unique – for it has, in the last hundred years or so, suffered from a distortion of its life-force, a distortion of its soul. This distortion has been somewhat simplistically and rather graphically described as akin to a “viral infection” which has modified the behavior of the peoples of the civilization through changing, modifying, and in some cases supplanting, the natural archetypes of the Aeon. In the esoteric sense, this distortion, this infection, can be understood as a natural process affecting our evolution – a consequence of that evolution itself, and such an infection could have certain undesirable consequences for our evolution, and for our ability to free ourselves from those viral forces which are, in essence, de-evolutionary. That is, this distortion, this infection, represents a challenge to the Sinister Way – to magick, to the alchemy of evolution itself. Thus, one aim of Aeonic Magick is to counter this Aeonic distortion through various sinister strategies; another aim is to consciously bring-into-being a new Aeon: one which will allow us, as human beings, to evolve and fulfil the potential latent within us.” (O9A 56, 57)
The infection referred to here is a re-interpretation of Spengler’s notion of the ‘Magian’, identifying it with Christian or, if we but scratch the surface, Jewish mentality to which Christianity is being reduced to in a simplistic manner. In the O9A political system, which is obviously a decidedly post-Nazi one, this historical “virus” prevents both social and individual practice of “conscious evolution” which is the true destiny of Western, European man.
Must we point out that it is also a destiny of O9A practitioners?
The new Aeon that should come about after the Magian subversion of the “volk-soul” of the Aryans would be a “Galactic Empire” – a European centered civilization that would expand into outer space. As David Myatt puts it, the true mythos of the New Aeon can be summed up in the archetype of the “space craft”, a consequent expression of the Faustian nature of Western man – his desire for knowledge and conquest for their own sake.
The spectral modernity
So, you can lay every imaginable objection on O9A, save one: you may never accuse it of being an anti-modern, backward or “traditionalist” doctrine. The epistemological principle is one of extreme hypothesis non fingo empiricism and the utmost belief in the modern natural science as a vehicle of bringing about the New Aeon is the real substance of it. All references to supposed “aural tradition”, ancient unwritten lore of pre-Christian England and such are not really the source of inspiration for all that sinister exhortations to terrorism, subversion and human sacrifice. It is all just a tactical appendix or set of tools to make way for the true development of science and “big politics” that will turn man into a superman.
All this, of course, can appear as the draft for a bad SF/Fantasy novel, but one has to be a bit more cautious before jumping to such conclusion. We are presented with the quite consequent system of both scientific and political reductionism perfectly congenial with the whole plethora of movements and ideologies, some of which – like Alt Right – are probably directly influenced by it to a certain extent. Moreover, let us not forget that the archetype of Lucifer even from the times of the first edition of Diderot’s Encyclopedia down to Max More’s transhumanist manifesto “In praise of the Devil”, haunts the modernity like a shadow of unwelcome yet ineradicable presence.
The Aeon as the measure of history, i.e. the prism through which we supposedly can discern its meaning, is a spawn of the absolute below – the underworld of sub-natural, acausal chaos, gaining its form either through struggle of certain civilization with the dissolution of its predecessor or its natural surroundings. As the second option is deemed the one that can accomplish a truly aeonic development, Galactic Empire is, as bad SF byline would have it: the final frontier; a final challenge for the man who is eager to embark on the conscious evolution through the struggle, brought about by consciously induced sinister dialectic.
This may seem stupid to some or fascinating to others, depending on whether they like SF or not, but in fact it is an expression of an ultimate – and ultimately futile – escape from history. As the evolutionary principle is in itself a theological notion of God in reverse, i.e. the creator that develops from creation and then, which is only natural to conclude once all logic is abandoned, turns back to re-create it, so is this notion of history and its eschatological end in the eternal play of the “star child” a total escape from each and any religious and metaphysical tradition that could hamper this flight of fancy.
In O9A optics, this is primarily a destruction of Magian (Jewish) plague in the form of Nazarene religion (Christianity), which denies the differences among cultures and civilizations, for the sake of an absolute above. This denial is formulated as an instinct of the equality or “the herd”.
As is customary for post-Nazis this doesn’t lead directly into the crude materialism of blood & soil, but, probably taking a cue or two from Evola and Yockey, into “ethnic soul”, “volkisch communities” and such non-biological racist imaginarium.
The origin of individual is the Volk, i.e. greater meaningfully organized community, which “evolves” from the intersection of the acausal abyss and causal circumstances of its place in the world. So, the logos of the peoples – their dependence on aion of the Divine that provides them with discernible characters – is being replaced by the chaos of the tribal communities – their dependence on the Aeonic influence of the Abyss – evolving into Empires through struggle with nature.
In a strictly philosophical sense this truly is a form of Satanism. What makes it ominous is that, when you ponder about it a bit, it really isn’t detached from presuppositions of the mainstream, seemingly anti-metaphysical, notions about man and history. O9A has an “ontology and metaphysics of Satanism”, but it is fairly in accordance with both extreme empiricists and supposedly opposed Heideggerian understanding of “getting over the metaphysics” (überwindung der Metaphysik): rejecting the “error” of transcendence towards above. The only step needed to develop what would properly be called “subphysics” is to draw the final consequences of this decision.
The supposed rootlessness induced by Christianity is in fact freedom of God’s creature to have a root and home in the One that will forever remain above it yet ever present by His divine Love. Reducing it to an ethnically based “virus” is, at least in my eyes, nothing but the expression of political resentment of the people whose version of modernity suffered a terminal defeat in the WWII. All that dribble about invoking the “dark gods” of the Abyss, opening the “star gates” and fighting the “system” seem to be nothing more than a thin veil covering the animated corpse of Nazism, empowered in its undead postmortem by a healthy dose of liberal disdain for hierarchy of good and evil.
The very fact that O9A is a leaderless, non-hierarchical cell structure, based only on the utterly reductionist principles, in order to be accessible to everyone crazy enough to go down its path, testifies to this. The elitism here is not the one of insight or sainthood – even the inverse sainthood of the Devil’s faithful – but of combination of ruthlessness and indifference; something I, incidentally, find to be a very, very liberal character feature.
In this sense, O9A principles are pretty well adjusted to the spirit of the age, especially now when the fringe seems to become more and more a badge of honor in the unqualified sense of the word.
Sociopath as paragon of freedom
Even American President is “against the system”, after all. That’s what got him elected in the first place. The Empire is again a feasible concept, having at least one of the world’s great powers supporting an open advocate of global ideocratic Empire based on amending and developing the idea of the “global rule of the Third Reich”, which, when put in a proper context is quite a karasho thing.
Don’t mess with the fringe …
We could of course dwell on the fact that Russian luminary is being published in the West by the same publisher that, under a different name, published Kerry Bolton’s essay out of which we previously quoted at length.
But that would be tedious. Congenial ideas do not simply connect. They’re a more often than not one and the same idea formulated in different words. So we’ll let the ideas speak for themselves – although, perhaps, the growling would be more precise expression in this context.
Be that as it may, the O9A is, on account of the reductionist and correspondingly all encompassing nature of it’s doctrine, a good example for getting introduced into the problematic of post-Nazism and allied movements/ideologies. Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint all the various nuanced forms this hydra-like idea transforms into by means of its various adherents and expounders. While making connections between people and organizations certainly has its merits, pointing out the essential principle congenial to them all is far more useful and important. It is made possible exactly due to it being so reductionist and so devoid of all those subtle nuances true metaphysical principle by its very nature possesses.
This series of articles was written precisely for the purpose of enabling this. And although one has to be on guard of falling into the trap of reductionism himself, it is very hard to deny that the radical reversion of principles at work in O9A system can be easily detected in congenial doctrines now current, especially in the internet sphere.
If reader would allow a picturesque demonstration of this dry logical structure, then we could conclude our analysis by invoking an adequate image of the acausal:
If you happen to see someone trying to kiss his own ass from the nine angles at the same time, don’t bother listening to what he has to say.
Branko Malić
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“If you happen to see someone trying to kiss his own ass from the nine angles at the same time, don’t bother listening to what he has to say.”
Beautiful conclusion!
One thing, not directly related to this session, but maybe more to the previous ones, namely, this idea that you refer quite often about “new begining(s)” as somewhat/something opposed to Tradition, metaphysical principle etc.
As I am not expert, just cannot avoid noticing that there is many references eg. in *New* Testament about new things, new heaven and earth to come, Jesus giving *new* order etc. Clearly Jesus wanted to stress that with Him something new is about to happen or come, or has become. Somehow, it is hard to avoid conclusion that e.g. Judaism in such view then better “preserved” the Tradition, while Christianity, which originated by Christ himself diverted from the Tradition.
Perhaps this is too ambitious topic to be addressed through just comments and probably I put it in simplistic terms, anyway, someone who hears your exposition on new beginnings might wonder what is meant by that as I do..
The palingenesis myth is a leit motive of this post-Nazi current. The most simple difference in relation to Christ is: “you don’t know the day and the hour” claim of Glad Tidings. This kind of call for humility is absolutely absent from revolutionary ideologies, among which I subsume such doctrines as LHP, especially in Dugin’s usage. Moreover, they’re in fact attempts to lay claim to God’s work, i.e. bringing about, or at least speeding up, the “apocalypse” by inciting chaos out of which, supposedly, the new world will emerge.
Regarding Judaism, Jesus is pretty explicit as coming “not to revoke the Law, but to fulfill it.” This is, of course, just a preliminary answer to something very profound that requires much more to be said and me knowing much more than I intuit right now. But, as I said, the urge to speed up the end of the world is the calling card of this O9A or neo-
Eurasianist nihilism.
Interesting how this treatment of the ONA never goes beyond the surface while pretending it reached a deeper level. Self-delusion in the face of challenges too great to face is quite common.
Lost in the labyrinth of the ONA, too.
Profoundness of bath water,
The raven shrieks,
The comment has been added,
Spill the bath water …
No baby.