Tagged: alt right


Desert of the Unreal

In today's KT podcast we address a number of issues related to the deeper significance of the shift in mentality produced by the advent of Internet. We point out the peculiar instability of political and religious convictions people acquire online and try to offer some guidelines to understanding whence this quality of fleeting unreality that nevertheless informs lives of the real people to an increasing extent. For this purpose we once again throw an analytic glance of the ultimate metaphysical subversive - system thinking and its ability to represent the unreal as real.


Nowherelands: Impossibilities of Virtual Nationalism

Nationalist of all nations unite! Sounds good, doesn't it? Logical too, bearing in mind that "globalists" are one unified political block, then all those opposing them should form a unified political block of their own. Yet unified nationalists of the world is an idea that can exist exclusively as such - an idea in virtual mindscape. In this podcast we'll attempt to outline why.

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KT Answers, pt.2: Peoples, Nations, Wars and Turning of Other Cheek

In the second part of our Q&A session we answer to questions about what is ethnicity (or people) and can it be defined, whereas Christian dictum of turning the other cheek is at odds with historical reality, why the political community should have origin that its member cannot re-create, how Internet based Right could just be a homosexual grooming operation and much, much more. Also we provide some thoughts on Schopenhauer and the way we discern between what is useful and what is superfluous for the kind of philosophy we practice on KT.


Luminar Podcast: From Illiteracy to Illusion

From Atlantic to Black Sea via Adriatic, we bring you another Luminar Podcat hosted by Deirdre and joined by Mihai and yours truly. Wide range of subjects are covered - from rampaging illiteracy amongst the young to the answer to question: how illusion can be real. In the meantime, we don't neglect to address standard KT subjects: memes and mass scale Internet based occultism, inversion of traditional metaphysical notions, synchronicity and few other light talking points.

Depressive Tolerance 4

Windswept Podcast: Nationalism and Politics of Dissolution

In this Windswept Podcast, we return to hair splitting over terminology. Is nationalism really what most people think it is or is it a counterfeit of deeper reality, subverting its proper expressions? Is a "surge in nationalism" always the same thing as a "surge in local solidarity" or "love of one's home"? And what does it all mean in opposition to prevalent technocratic governance system of supra-national entities?

These and, other questions, as well as some World Cup commentary very atypical for KT, get their fair treatment in the following.


Eastern Europe and Politics of Dissolution

A perspective we could, albeit quite loosely, denote as “East European viewpoint” is to a large extent absent from, mostly anglophone, internet media and internet mediated intellectual scene. So how does East Europe defend from what we on KT call "politics of dissolution"? Come and see ...


Skiagraphia: Internet and the Art of the Shadow Weaving

"How you identify?" "Oh, I identify as ..." If you find this Q&A form peculiar, moreover, if you already noticed how it pervades the conversations, replacing the traditional "Who are you?" and "I am ...", invest some of your time into KT's analysis of the strange cause that just could be underlying this novel, yet only seemingly insignificant, nuance in the form of Internet mediated conversations. It just might cast a peculiar new light on real motives why people seek identitarian movements, conspiracy theories and serial religious conversions.


“Ethnic Bleachers of the World, Unite!”: On Vacant Minds and Internet Censorship

As internet is pulsing with gloomy stories about coming censorship, especially to step upon those nodes wailing about "white genocide", Kali Tribune offers an opinion on the matter, based on the quite real, albeit probably not white enough, genocides from the recent past. Also, we touch upon globalist policies that are seldom mentioned outside the conspiracist circles, but are non the less real and also, seemingly paradoxically, quite apt to be named genocidal themselves. Finally, we discuss the problem of combating narrative with the truth and difficulties that come with it, making censorship perhaps the most viable option for some corners of the internet.


Without a Cause: The Sinister Nature of Synchronicity pt.2

In the second part of the analysis of the phenomenon of synchronicity, we proceed to compare it with what was traditionally understood as correspondence between man and the world. The synchronicity appears to be a veritable inversion of this relation with rather sinister consequences.