Tagged: Croatia


Dinaric-Carpathian Analysis

To make up for the pain suffered by KT junkies because of the longest withdrawal in the history of this Europe spanning intellectual behemoth, KT Ministry of Non-Current Events and Putting Current Events out of Focus invited the head of our Carpathi-Black Sea division, Mihai Marinescu to join the General Secretary for the high level talks. Topis covered are Covid19 crisis and how we on the outskirts on Europe deal with it, peculiar developments in Western Europe, why the most progressive societies appear to be at the same the most progressive in limiting civil freedoms, why ideologies are in fact an attempt at political metaphysics, sexual politics as the crucial denkverbot for genuinely dissident minds, liberalism classical or otherwise, Aristotle's understanding of primordial duality of human being and Christian application of this fact, symbolism, Communism and much more.


Common Ground

When talking about the ways in which Christianity was infused into ancient world and the ways in which it preserved it, or, rather, maintained its continuity all the way to our day and age, we tended to focus on intellectual profusion of Christian Revelation into the legacy of great pre-Christian metaphysical tradition. This time around we present less intellectual, but rather quite literal demonstration of the common ground upon which the continuity of ages is being preserved to our day. This is the premiere of the freshly formed Kali Tribune's Ministry for Archaeological Affairs and Anti-Antichrist Measures video material, apologizes for bad audio at few places due to wind.


Enjoy the Silence

The combination of viral and virtual pandemic yields some still largely unnoticed benefits. In this podcast we'll point out the pronounced absence of, up to only a week or two ago, omnipresent forces - one is the European Union and the other is perpetual terror of NGOs and media peddling acidic ideological trash. Both of them have been present for one or more decades, depending on the country in question, and now, in the matter of days or even hours, they are simply suspended from the existence.

While stating the benefits and educational potential of the situation, we'll provide some explanations of why this came to pass.


Luminar Podcast: Michel Houellebecq’s Itch

Taming the KGB accents one more time, Deirdre hosts another Luminar Podcast with Mihai and me:

"on the way from David Icke to Michel Houellebecq we chat about consciousness, knowledge, ego, the dark night of the soul, smashing the idol of the self, ambition or lack thereof, what is meaningful work, the willing participation of the people in their own control, comparisons between Communism and the European Union, the rush among the masses towards progressiveness and cutting roots, Croatia, Romania and Ireland, the role of intellectuals, James Joyce's depiction of the odyssey in modernity and other writers like him, and finally onto Houellebecq's unscratchable itch."

Depressive Tolerance 4

Windswept Podcast: Nationalism and Politics of Dissolution

In this Windswept Podcast, we return to hair splitting over terminology. Is nationalism really what most people think it is or is it a counterfeit of deeper reality, subverting its proper expressions? Is a "surge in nationalism" always the same thing as a "surge in local solidarity" or "love of one's home"? And what does it all mean in opposition to prevalent technocratic governance system of supra-national entities?

These and, other questions, as well as some World Cup commentary very atypical for KT, get their fair treatment in the following.


Warmongering for All Family: Andrew Korybko’s Balkan Expertise

In a breach of KT tradition we publish a FB post. However, with good reason. This is a reaction on the text written by Andrew Korybko for Katehon - generally a publication piling semi-idiotic political analysis together with some really quality stuff, which is a hallmark of the strategy of chaos so dear to it's main luminary Alexander Dugin. The post was written by Matija Lukač, probably the most well informed - in the terms of on the ground knowledge - Croatian author about situation in Syria, who previously warned us about the fact that Korybko is either a charlatan or downright warmonger.