Tagged: destiny

q&a 0

KT Answers: Stoics in the Age of -isms, Pt.2

In this episode we talk about objections to Stoicism and "Stoic attitude" in our own day. We discuss two seemingly different, but in fact quite congenial, attacks, i.e. about APA's document Guidlines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men" and the survey "Stoicism and Well Being". In the process we discuss fruit of contemporary "dissolution mentality", clearly expressed in the first document and lay out the origin and nature of the pleasure principle which is at the base of the critique laid out in the second one. Finally, we discuss Christian evaluation of Stoicism.


Poetic Justice/Prosaic Terror

Poetic justice is one of those expressions we occasionally use but when asked what it really means, find it quite hard to explain. In this podcast we'll employ the help of Joseph DeMaistre and his understanding of French Revolution and ensuing terror as an instance of poetical justice and the deeper ordo essendi it stems from.


Miscellanea: On Vanity, Loss and Redemption of Time

KT introduces a new form of article named miscellanea, in the vein of Ancient and Hellenistic designation for treating various subjects in non-systematic manner  - short interpretations of various passages drawn from a variety of sources – ancient authors, the lives of saints, classical or more contemporary authors and others.

At the end we give moral of  the  stories, just like in the good old days when drawing a morally uplifting conclusion from the story was not something to frown at.

We present the excerpt from Plutarch’s Parallel Lives - The life of the Roman general Lucius Aemilius Paulus.


Imperatrix Mundi: On Traditional Notion of Destiny pt. 2

In the second part of our investigation into traditional notions of destiny and Providence, we focus on Providence as the most intimate inner sanctum of the world and relation human destiny has to it. Also we point out the crucial error by which contemporary thinkers completely distort this relationship.


Wholesale Angels

All men crave knowledge by nature, that is the opening statement of Aristotle's Metaphysics. Yet the good chunk of that great work, as well as some of the best passages ever written in metaphysics and theology, rather deal with the discipline of putting this craving in its natural confines, than attempting to incite it further.

In this podcast - an appendix to our ongoing series on traditional notions of destiny and Providence - we focus on attempts of those who try to cross this boundary and take more than is due to them; overstep the bounds of knowledge by not understanding its nature and its limits.

Strangely enough, those are people whose activities somehow always end up in a sort of religious marketing rendering them into wholesale agents on "the market of truth" with a claim to knowledge traditionally ascribed to angels - an total intuitive perception of the truth of the given subject and claim to prophetic insight.

They are wholesale angels, indeed. And they are so full of "spirit of prophecy", that they cannot help but confuse the sound  of expiration coming from their bowels for the pouring forth of the Holy Spirit.


Imperatrix Mundi: On Traditional Notion of Destiny pt. 1

"Nothing is without reason" - a sentence often pronounced and rarely believed in. Let us pronounce it and see how can it be demonstrated. In this two part essay we'll approach the phenomenon of meaningful coincidences in human life, i.e. destiny, from the standpoint of traditional metaphysics.