Tagged: Guido Preparata


Glimpses of Chaos: Thoughts on “Kill All Normies” by Angela Nagle

The phenomenon of Alt Right is rarely taken into perspective as something congenial to identitarian Left. The first attempts are now here - one by Guido Preparata in his Ideology of Tyranny and the other, upon which we'll focus here, by Angela Nagle in her book Kill All Normies. In this podcast we present the overview of the viewpoints of these two authors, with stress on Nagle's study, both of them coming from the Left side of political spectrum. We discuss the problem of congeniality of transgressive ideologies and the ways these authors trace them to their common root - postmodernist used philosophy salesmen of Twentieth Century.


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 2

Second part of the conversation with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, where Jasun and yours truly discuss:

"(...) contemplating the nature of evil, where did the devil come from, the power of beliefs, fragmentation & wholeness, when the mind turns into what it grasps, evil’s mask of goodness, the will to good, evil as parasite (...)"


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 1

Yours truly engages in dialogue with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, covering such diverse subjects as:

"... being a half-baked academic, egos in alt media, George Bataille and taboo,  Heidegger and post-modernist nihilism, cutting through left and right, Alexander Dugin, Jeffrey Kripal, mapping an ideologue, trauma and neo-Satanism and much more ...


Aztec Blues: Myth of Overpopulation as Politically Correct Human Sacrifice

In this podcast we take a look at the familiar theme of political correctness from seemingly unusual position: i.e. from the Left. By referring to passages from Guido Preparata's book Ideology of Tyranny claiming that myth of overpopulation cuts through both extremes of political spectrum, we expound upon the idea that the common core of contemporary darkening of the intellect indeed exists.