Tagged: Heidegger


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Univocal Concept of Being

In this episode of our ongoing series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics", we talk about univocal concept of being as explicated by John Duns Scotus. It is hard to overestimate the influence of the idea that being is an univocal concept, that is: the simple, indivisible and, above all, indifferent notion present in all other concepts - from the spec of dust to God Himself. We argue that univocity represents the point of departure from traditional metaphysics towards modernity and postmodernity; whereas, traditionally, being was understood as reality or act/ἐνέργειᾰ, with univocity it becomes a concept and hence opens the horizon of modern metaphysics with its conceptual systems and reliance on subjectivity. Naturally, we on KT have few objections about that.


What Is Not Metaphysics?

We usually point out how modern philosophy tends to invert traditional philosophical questions. So why not do it the other way around? In this podcast we examine the supposedly fundamental metaphysical question, as proposed by Martin Heidegger in his 1929 Freiburg lecture "Was ist Metaphysik?" and come to conclusion that it is not as "fundamental" as it seems.


No Means No

In this podcast we consider what it means to root the understanding of man as zoon politikon in pure negation, taking few cues from what is now widely called - and slurred - 'Liberalism' as opposed to 'collectivism'. We explain the congeniality of individualism and collectivism based on negation and the materialist reduction ranging from the one ending up in the "free individual opinion" to "ethnic groups" based on race; we argue that contemporary "identity politics" - from "woke racism" that is currently the order of the day to "white nationalism - stem from the same root of pure negativity.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Truth as a Transcendental

In this episode of our going series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics" we inspect the classical definition of truth and its implications which reveal, as usual, the proverbial "more than meets the eye" dimension of something seemingly quite pedestrian.

So let us take a look back into our Medieval and classical past and explicate what is implicit in the notion of the truth as transcendental.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: the Being

Back to philosophy. In this podcast we investigate probably the most fundamental notion of philosophy: that of Being. We base our disscussion on original Parmenides' disclosure of Being and its congeniality with thinking and the truth. Also we point out some historically important notions of Being, both those that follow and those that deviate from this ancient insight of the "path of true inquiry" as Parmenides called it.


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 2

Second part of the conversation with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, where Jasun and yours truly discuss:

"(...) contemplating the nature of evil, where did the devil come from, the power of beliefs, fragmentation & wholeness, when the mind turns into what it grasps, evil’s mask of goodness, the will to good, evil as parasite (...)"


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 1

Yours truly engages in dialogue with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, covering such diverse subjects as:

"... being a half-baked academic, egos in alt media, George Bataille and taboo,  Heidegger and post-modernist nihilism, cutting through left and right, Alexander Dugin, Jeffrey Kripal, mapping an ideologue, trauma and neo-Satanism and much more ...