Tagged: infanticide


Making Manifest of What Was Hidden: Abortion and Infanticide

Recent ballyhoo about an attempt to justify "third trimester" abortion in USA provides us with ample opportunity to analyze the thing itself: to make explicit what is implicit to the act of abortion. In this video we argue that infanticide - a supposed "slippery slope" of the pro-abortion argument - is nothing but terminus, a logically explicated boundary of the abortion itself, into which abortion in the end has to resolve. We argue the point mainly from the stand point of open infanticide advocates, whom we already discussed on KT, and simple presumptions of traditional application of logic.


Paragons of Subhumanity: On Post-birth Abortion and Other Merry Subjects

A long winded discussion between yours truly and Deirdre of Luminar Podcast initiated by academic advocacy of infanticide or, as authors of 2012 article "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" we use as the starting point call it: after-birth abortion.

However, and not surprisingly, this podcast covers much more than this peculiar form of high brow nihilism.

Discussion touches upon, among other things:

problem of person and the reality of soul, Christianity and paganism, Hegel and the  philosophy of absolute subject, posthumanism, euthanasia, abortion and vulnerability of women, reaction from the Right, impossibility of traditionalist revolution and dangers stemming thereof, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, science and science fiction, Alexander Dugin, resurgence of history after its supposed end in liberal utopia, forgiveness, Down syndrome

and much, much more.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Friendship

It can appear that having a buddy or two doesn't make one all too metaphysical. Well, not according to Aristotle and with him, more or less, the whole of metaphysical tradition. Friendship - Philia - is an ontological mood disclosing far more than meets the eye, the fact that is all to eagerly forgotten in our day and age; and this forgetfulness of what lies in the background of the basic form of inter-human relations bear grave consequences - even as deprived as the choice of nothingness over Being. Join KT in taking a peek behind the veil of an average day in our average lives to glimpse not so average metaphysical and ethical abyss casually obscured by it.