Tagged: Internet


Echomaniacs: Alternative Media as Postmodern Propaganda pt.1

Alternative media ... truth movement ... citizen journalists ... sounds good? Well ... we'll see about that. In this two part analysis we lay out what seems to be the true nature of alt media as a new form of propaganda - a veritable self-propaganda - ripe for internet age. The specimen we focus on are pro-regime pro-Syria activists and intellectuals and their understanding of reality as exemplified by their treatment of other historical events: in this case war in the aftermath of dissolution of Yugoslavia. We claim that the whole batch of alt media indicates to a rather sinister tendency - an attempt to erase the past; an attempt that, now that the means of virtualization are ready at hand, could just succeed.


Skiagraphia: Internet and the Art of the Shadow Weaving

"How you identify?" "Oh, I identify as ..." If you find this Q&A form peculiar, moreover, if you already noticed how it pervades the conversations, replacing the traditional "Who are you?" and "I am ...", invest some of your time into KT's analysis of the strange cause that just could be underlying this novel, yet only seemingly insignificant, nuance in the form of Internet mediated conversations. It just might cast a peculiar new light on real motives why people seek identitarian movements, conspiracy theories and serial religious conversions.


On Principles and Ideologies: A New Year’s Clean Up

Kali Tribune wishes you ponderous and non-ideological holidays. We talk about difference between principles and ideology, peculiarity of internet mediated intellectual viruses, impossibility of total political theory and other light subjects to lead KT over the threshold of the new year.


Your Papers, Please: Notion of Identity in Contemporary Identitarian Movements

"I identify as ... white, Pagan, pine tree, pink unicorn ... who are you to judge me!!!?" Is this statement merely a parody of contemporary vogue or does it indicate to a deeper truth? In this podcast we provide a sketch of the second option - we argue that notion of 'identity' applied by movements as Alt Right, as well as the establishment promulgated political correctness, is in fact a multifaceted attempt to reduce oneself and one's belonging to nothing. Or, if we are to be generous, to at least prepare oneself to permanent process of identification quite akin to metaphysical police interrogation; an endless session of self inflicted torture.

Also, we briefly dwell on the metaphysics of identity of Classical German Idealism and some of the ominous tendencies already present in this monumental spiritual movement.