Tagged: media manipulation


Truth Wears a Smirk: On Russian Influence in Alt Media

For the past few years we're witnessing an accelerated advocacy of Russia as a last bastion of freedom, Tradition, "true Left", "true Right", sound business practices and even "tasty organic tomatoes" (Engdahl) - to mention but a few attributes of this noble nation. In this video we'll note how the fun ends when one realizes that these, and many more, attributes in fact contradict themselves.


When the Fringe Goes Marching In: How Anti-Establishment is the Establishment?

In this podcast we delve upon the emerging political archetype of center-fringe relationship, symbolized for many people by the figure of Donald Trump, the "anti-establishment" establishment man. Does  a call for being anti-establishment necessarily mean the nudge to be pro-freedom? Or could it really be a veiled invitation to anti-social society?

The emerging zeitgeist seems to point into an ominous direction of the second option.