Tagged: Nazism


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 2

Second part of the conversation with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, where Jasun and yours truly discuss:

"(...) contemplating the nature of evil, where did the devil come from, the power of beliefs, fragmentation & wholeness, when the mind turns into what it grasps, evil’s mask of goodness, the will to good, evil as parasite (...)"


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 1

Yours truly engages in dialogue with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, covering such diverse subjects as:

"... being a half-baked academic, egos in alt media, George Bataille and taboo,  Heidegger and post-modernist nihilism, cutting through left and right, Alexander Dugin, Jeffrey Kripal, mapping an ideologue, trauma and neo-Satanism and much more ...


Obamamania & Trumpophrenia: Politics as Mental Disorder

What do the followers of Obama have in common with followers of Trump? Seemingly nothing, but - in truth - just about everything. Kali Tribune's Department of Mental Health presents the diagnosis of- and recommends the vaccine for Obamamania and Trumpophrenia