Tagged: ontological moods


Penultimate Times Blues: Nostalgia as Disclosure of Truth

With the help of KT's Department of Eastern European Affairs and Keeping Asses in the Armchairs even nostalgia can reveal some important truths. The dissolution of Communism was not the only catastrophe that befell this peculiar part of the world. Let us inspect some more subtle and more sinister processes that slipped through in the wake of it and were anticipated by ill fated generation whose youth was forfeit at the dawn of the "New World Order". We on KT are hell bent on redeeming that lost time - so we invite you to sink with us in the disclosure only true nostalgia can provide ...


Windswept Podcast: On Unholy Indifference

KT proudly introduced new brand of podcasts in the universe of global podcasting: a windswept podcast, that is, audio recording combining articulate speech combating sounds of strong wind and occasional car engine. So, instead of nagging about sound quality, our faithful flock can appreciate how well we record environmental noise in the background of the poignant discussion of the mood disclosing what philosophers call nihilism: the mood of indifference.