Tagged: postmodern


Lost in the Supermarket

In this podcast we take an opportunity to introduce a new term in the vocabulary - technodoulia. While it is customary to talk about technocracy, blaming it - even more customarily - on "the powerful", with technodoulia or "reverence/service given to technology" we are taking into focus complicity of the masses, not to "technocrats", but to their own, customarily perverse, desires.

The discussion is based on observing the nature of the riots in the wake of the ending of the lockdown in USA, by observing how "observing" more and more becomes the necessary element of any given event.

Also, in response to questions by readership, we explain why KT is keeping a distance from COVID19 and US riots conspiracy theories.


Die Furie der Zerstörung: Slavoj Žižek’s Reinvention of Revolutionary Terror

In this video we analyze Slavoj Žižek's proposition to reinvent the "divine violence" of "classical" revolutionary, laid out in his essay on Robespierre. We point out Slavoj's rhetorical tricks by which he obfuscates his, rather blatant, appropriation of the thesis that Revolution (a.k.a. "Event") without terror is "decaffeinated", i.e. not really revolutionary at all. Also, we lay out Žižek's proposal of "revolutionary subject" as an essentially "inhuman human" - a virtual being brought into existence by depersonalization - the proverbial "individuum" which, for some reason, pops up every now and then into our focus when we analyze ideas of postmodern totalitarians. We conclude by demonstrating how Žižek's clown like demeanour and rhetorical tricks hide quite, if only potentially, dangerous man.


Without a Cause: The Sinister Nature of Synchronicity pt.2

In the second part of the analysis of the phenomenon of synchronicity, we proceed to compare it with what was traditionally understood as correspondence between man and the world. The synchronicity appears to be a veritable inversion of this relation with rather sinister consequences.


Without a Cause: The Sinister Nature of Synchronicity pt.1

In this analysis we’ll offer few insights about what the phenomenon called "synchronicity" might be. However, in contrast to most treatments of this issue – from C.G. Jung’s preliminary work down to plethora of the New Age “spiritual” textbooks and manuals, ending up with alt right ‘chaos magick’ inauguration of their President of choice – the inferences you’ll find here are intended to show that the question of synchronicity could in fact be a rather sinister affair.


Orwell’s 1984 Revisited: Postmodernity and the Demise of Self-Made Man

Mihai Marinescu revisits Orwell's "1984" and provides us with the exposition of still darker undertones present in this work, popular perhaps for all the wrong reasons. Orwell proposed no antidotes - but could it be that he never detected the essence of the poison itself? As Mihai demonstrates, the real horror of "1984" does not lay in the depiction of totalitarian monstrosity, as is customary understood. It is in the soul of its hero doomed to encounter his own reflection in the eye of executioner.