Tagged: Proclus


Silent Master: Political Correctness and Inner Submission

It is more or less usual procedure to observe political correctness from the point of view of someone rejecting it - looking from the outside upon this peculiar edifice and attempting to describe and explain it. However this always seems to be not completely satisfactory. There's always a sense of some point being missed.

Well, here we'll attempt something different: show how PC acts upon us from the standpoint of one submitting to it and suffering its coercive power. From this angle, some quite worrisome insights become apparent, chief one of them being a potential of PC to act intimately - intrinsically - i.e. invisibly upon the will itself, changing not only actions and thoughts, but very faculties of man that act or think.


Of Fathers and Sons: Metaphysics from the Everyday’s Perspective

Traditional metaphysical notion of causality seems like the most abstract thing in the world. In order to demonstrate the opposite, or rather qualify "abstract" in a quite different sense, we'll take a look at two passages from supposedly the most abstract treatise on the subject: Elements of Theology by Proclus. Simultaneously, we'll lay out how the notion of unity of cause and effect is quite obvious from the pinnacle moment of growing up from boy into man: a recognition of likeness between father and the son.


On Principles and Ideologies: A New Year’s Clean Up

Kali Tribune wishes you ponderous and non-ideological holidays. We talk about difference between principles and ideology, peculiarity of internet mediated intellectual viruses, impossibility of total political theory and other light subjects to lead KT over the threshold of the new year.