Tagged: Rudolf Steiner


In Praise of Limitations: The Superiority of Dogma Over “Critical Thinking”

The notion of "critical thinking" or "using one's own head" is unanimously praised even by those who secretly hate it the most - the adherents of  radical critique, that is. Yet, as it is understood today, it barely applies as thinking at all, when juxtaposed against the traditional method of guiding the mind towards the truth.

The main difference lies between the knowledge presupposing positive content and the one that attempts to dissolve any such content. Traditional metaphysics is rooted firmly in the former whereas the later, embodied in the modern metaphysical question of "why is there something and not nothing instead", is entangled in the later.

Finally, we conclude with discussing attempts at creating the "spiritual science" by modern thinkers who believed they can transcend inherent human limitations on the grounds of evolutionary idea, two examples being Hegel and  Rudolf Steiner, and futility of such attempts.