Tagged: Scholastics

q&a 1

KT Answers, pt.1: Cosmic Ego and the Devil in Psychoanalysis

As we received quite a lot of question and none of them an easy one, we'll need more than one podcast to provide answers. In this one, we pick two easiest ones: what is Ego and what was Rene Guenon's charge against psychoanalysis. These two subjects are not unrelated and can be treated quite similarly from the metaphysical perspective which encompasses what is usually understood as purely psychological set of problems. We explain how Ego can be a metaphysical principle, why it is in fact the most precise expression of what is meant by elementary material particle, how it relates to time and why it is by its very nature destructive towards the past. Finally, we give some everyday examples of Ego-principle working in our day and age, especially as a conditio sine qua non of popular culture and entertainment.

As for Guenon's verdict on psychoanalysis, we explain his method and approach, as well as why he did consider it to be a crypto-diabolic practice.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Truth as a Transcendental

In this episode of our going series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics" we inspect the classical definition of truth and its implications which reveal, as usual, the proverbial "more than meets the eye" dimension of something seemingly quite pedestrian.

So let us take a look back into our Medieval and classical past and explicate what is implicit in the notion of the truth as transcendental.


An Incommunicable Given, Pt. 1

It is often said that dignity of person is in itself the greatest moral "given"; that person is "a purpose unto itself" (Kant); that it is inviolable "given" of humanity. And so on and so forth, from the popular moralizing to the real basis of legislature, this perpetually used, yet rarely pondered upon notion strikes us as something that should be the most comprehensible and closest thing to our minds, but, on closer inspection, it is hard to be sure where it really stems from and how we came to understand it as a self evident "given". In this two parts essay we'll inquire about the origin of this "given" in the singular event in history when, quite literary, the "given" was handed to us, while employing help of our regular assortment of traditional authorities. In the first part we treat metaphysics that can prepare the mind for the approach to the heart of the matter, beyond the subject/object split, but that can nevertheless take us only one part of the way. Also we juxtapose the traditional understanding of the relationship of intellect and being against Immanuel Kant's idea of "transcendental philosophy", which could be understood as an epitome of all attacks on metaphysics, by metaphysics, in modernity.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: A Pure Formality

In this podcast of the ongoing "Notions of Metaphysics" series we treat the problem of inverted meaning of traditional notions of metaphysics. We use the example of the complementary opposites of material and formal, something we today understand in precisely opposite way to their original meaning. Why this happens, what are the consequences and how does it influence our everyday life are some of the questions we rise in the course of the podcast.


To Be is to Be Seen: Nicholas of Cusa’s “De Visione Dei” pt.3

In the third and final episode in our series on Nicholas of Cusa's De Visione Dei we address prevalent modern misconception of mystical state as "individual experience" and how God can be known only from His act of knowing us; the act that always points us in the direction of our inner being but at the same time brings to light the fact that we cannot escape participating in it together with our fellow men.


To Be is to Be Seen: Nicholas of Cusa’s “De Visione Dei” pt.1

In KT series of videos on traditional metaphysics we turn to Nicolas of Cusa and his little theological masterpiece, "De Visione Dei". In this introductory episode we explain how Nicholas sets up the exposition of mystical theology in the form of spiritual exercise which is at its initial stages accessible to everyone.


Miscellanea: Intolerance of Eternity

Immortality is not such a tall order as it may seem at the first glance. The situation in which man can claim the right to become a woman and at the same time cannot affirm his right to exist for eternity is in fact quite the recent occurrence, as we shall see in the new KT Miscellanea.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Individuum

In this podcast we provide an exposition of one of the often used, but not always fully explained, metaphysical concepts - that of 'individuum'. We point out the difference between using this notion as fundamentally a political one as opposed to its, we would argue: proper, use as fundamentally metaphysical concept.

And, we throw some Alexander Dugin in the mix, just for the right flavor ...