Tagged: SJW


Glimpses of Chaos: Thoughts on “Kill All Normies” by Angela Nagle

The phenomenon of Alt Right is rarely taken into perspective as something congenial to identitarian Left. The first attempts are now here - one by Guido Preparata in his Ideology of Tyranny and the other, upon which we'll focus here, by Angela Nagle in her book Kill All Normies. In this podcast we present the overview of the viewpoints of these two authors, with stress on Nagle's study, both of them coming from the Left side of political spectrum. We discuss the problem of congeniality of transgressive ideologies and the ways these authors trace them to their common root - postmodernist used philosophy salesmen of Twentieth Century.


Beyond Left and Right: The Identity of Identity Politics

In this video we compare two instances of extreme identity politics - one being the ultimate piece of politically correct legislative drafted in 2015. for the "benefit" of European nations by then elite think tank, the other coming from then fringe Alt Right spokesman's talk given at approximately the same period. We propose that both instances of identity politics rely on congenial principles of identity based on negation where personal dignity of human being is founded on interactions of opposed social groups and not on the intrinsic value of human person.

In plain English: we demonstrate that the same kind of stench usually indicates to same crap, whichever nostril picked it up first, whether left or right.