Tagged: substance

q&a 5

KT Answers, pt.3: All or Nothing

In the third episode of our Q&A podcast we address the questions about the nature of substance, being, person and soul, while pointing out the pitfalls of confusing the popular Science Fiction narratives with the philosophy proper.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Hypostasis and Person

We continue discussion of the basic notions of metaphysics with the outline of the profound reality beyond the word "hypostasis". We talk about the profound shift in the understanding that came to pass with the formation of the Christian Tradition on Incarnation and the birth of understanding of hypostasis as implicitly personal being. Also we give a brief outline of the significance of the notion of hypostasis as person to the development of what is usually misunderstood as the modern "discovery" of inviolability of person in both moral and legal terms.