The Lowest Common God

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3 Responses

  1. Mihai Marinescu says:

    Good one.
    I think communism was the peak of modernity which failed precisely because, like you said, it tried to bring back, through the back door, the very principles it denied, albeit as secular parodies of the originals.

    On the other hand, post-modernity is a completely different animal, one consistent to the nihilist worldview it is based upon.

    One small correction: the CE which you render as Christian Era actually stands for “Common Era”, which makes it even more ridiculous- “common” according to what or to whom?

    • *B.C.E. is the way Jewish historians denote the era before Christianity — “Before the Common Era.” C.E. is the era after Christianity — “The Common Era.”
      “Page 17.” The Jewish Community in Canada, by Stuart E. Rosenberg, Mac Clelland and Stewart, 1970.

      I don’t mean to attack Jews with this, but just to acknowledge that this is how Jewish communities living out of the middle east with long
      unpleasent associations with the late antiquity Medditerranian world and medieval Europe would view the world, and this is how they wound (past tense of wind – not enough vowel symboles in the English script) up viewing the world, at least from academic enclaves.

      Whatever way C.E (which Christians sometimes jokingly interpret as Christian Era) and B.C.E. got adopted by official academics, the logic in universities is that they want to be inclusive and friendly to the whole world, ergo ‘Common Era’.

      • Actually, appealing to forces of past events seems rather materialist, there is something replete with meaning about people from a Jewish perspective calling christian related things ‘common’ due to the holy/common conception in a lot of Jewish religious thought. In essence common would mean ‘unholy’ (and therefore not a neutral term to use).
        Yet to say that in Western countries would, (regardless of anti-semitic connotations) would sound like a rather jingoistic statement, and a breach of the peace, but then that is what social media and comment sections are for; the breach of all possible peace (which sounds too melodramitic to be real). Christians have been criticizing ‘common era’ for a long time, and due to the interchangability with A.D./B.C there is no issue, but a complaint about it from a Christian point of view would add little of use or value, as the current system wants the B.C.E/C.E. method to prevent insult or brining up ‘religion’ in ‘non-religious’ contexts.
        So within their model, they actually should use some other term, as ‘Common era’ expresses a very Jewish religious idea, but that point would be lost in the attempt to make it, (jingoistic Christians would approve, most ppl wouldn’t care [don’t mess ith what works], and the officials that employ and ensure the usage of the C.E. way would not see that C.E. is a contradiction of their own stated principles, and only see questioning of it, as an attack on the whole ‘peace’).

        Also though, A.D. was the chronological way that Charlemagne’s court writers recorded time and it ‘accidentally’ became the way Christendom counted the years, because he won. That is at the material plain what would appear to be, but given other power(s) at work, this adoption of a time keeping way from the birth of Christ, as opposed to the creation of the world, the founding of Rome, or since Christ died, (other calenders in use in Western Europe before Charlemagne’s re-establishment of an Emperor in th the west) is filled with meaning from many points of view.

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