Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Identity and Difference
In this podcast we put forward the conceptual pair of identity and difference. Bearing in mind how important it became to start a conversation with something like “I identify as …”, this is not bound to be a mere lecture upon shadows – pure logical determinations or empty concepts. Therefore we juxtapose two really contrary opposites, i.e. opposites that are not complementary although more often than not they are understood as one and the same thing: the whole as opposed to the system. We put forward the undivided oppositional and complementary nature of the ‘same’ and its ‘other’, using an example of the union of the soul and body, whereas we describe systemic construct as an oppositional and contrarian relationship of individual parts and totality, characteristic for the union of ego and its reflections. To give you a hint, if you are not sure whether this will be worth spending half an hour of your life: nobody ever heard of – let alone condemned – holistic society, but we all heard, and some of us condemn, the totalitarian one.
Branko Malić
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