Basic Notions of Metaphysics: the Being
Back to philosophy. In this podcast we investigate probably the most fundamental notion of philosophy: that of Being. We base our disscussion on original Parmenides’ disclosure of Being and its congeniality with thinking and the truth. Also we point out some historically important notions of Being, both those that follow and those that deviate from this ancient insight of the “path of true inquiry” as Parmenides called it.
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Against the Modern World: As If Only Heidegger Can Save Us Now
Prolegomena to Any Future Satanism: Order of the Nine Angles and Supremacy of the Fringe pt. 1
Nothing on the Horizon: Introductory Passages of Heidegger’s “Being and Time”
Branko Malić
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