Beyond the Pale: The Morning After of Irish Abortion Referendum
The landslide victory of Irish pro-abortion public vote in recent referendum came not as a surprise because it was victory, but because it was more or less a public acclamation – a true voice of the people, one might say.
In this podcast we analyze the meaning of this event in the global context and how it stems from peculiar state of mind now prevalent in the West, but very easily observable in Ireland itself: a mentality of indifference.
We focus not so much on pro- & contra- arguments or the politics of referendum and its aftermath, but on the emotional attitude of celebratory elation that followed the vote as a further stage of development of what starts as indifference but ends up being something much worse.
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Branko Malić
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Very fitting words for this truly saddening development, thanks for expressing your thoughts. I wonder, though, whether there will be a significant right-wing reaction. I get the impression that there certainly are small conglomerations of people who start leaning more and more to the right. But as for a sufficient number to rock the boat in politics? I assume you purposefully kept from being specific on the possible results on the political/societal sphere, and this is not the most important point of this podcast, but since you said that “we” will pay dearly for this (of which I’m also convinced) it seemed to suggest that this might happen within half a lifetime or so and that it will be related to extreme right-wing politics. Doesn’t it seem at least equally likely that Western societies will stay on the present course and further descend into a culture of death and celebration of evil, much like Moloch-whorshipping pagans? Where would right-wing politics fit in there as a reaction? Facism and Nazism all over again? They brought about cultures of death…and how would they campaign in the name of order (meaning anti-abortionist, anti-eugenicist etc. causes)? By presenting a facsimile of order (conceivable e.g. in Nazism, which emphasized the family and hierarchies in politics)?
Not sure how to pin down my question, the point is rather that I get the impression that left and right-wing politics are becoming less and less relevant and that the whole development takes on a more and more chaotic dynamic, such that it won’t be possible to capture people’s attention by appeal to any moral principles or principles of order in general. But maybe that’s end-time mood and should be shunned..
There are significant numbers of people in academia and politics who are fed up with all this and are biding their time to turn things over, I believe. The only problem is: how and in what direction. And I am afraid it will not be good. The thing is that something will happen and it would be prudent to devise and outline the structure of the problem at least to try to prevent the knee jerk reaction which is bound to come from being too chaotic. On the other hand, in Ireland obviously one cannot expect the righteous anger of the people, because they overwhelmingly support everything that is cutting their roots for whatever reason. Honestly, I can’t tell what can be done because people usually at least feel that something is wrong and, even as a mass, have a vague sense of right and wrong. I think this time around, sense of right and wrong is increasingly becoming the property of the precious few individuals and the process is about to continue in the direction of making this number even smaller. It is possible that coming generations will pack few surprises, though.
In summation, one clear statement that can be made is that polarization is complete: I don’t see reason to argue or try to convince someone who celebrates something like this. We are worlds apart and perhaps the deepening of that divide is the only thing that could and should be done. If this was only a vote for some ambigous freedom of choice or whatever sales pitch people latch on, there would be no KT podcast on the subject. But people falling in euphoria about what, when stripped of “freedoms & rights” rhetoric, amounts to gruesomeness en masse is quite a new phenomenon.
A very rational darkening of the minds which in effect makes further discussion between them and those who see this for what it is obsolete.
Heh, you sound angry. I’ve been angry for a while. In fact I’m even worried for myself since the sort of things I’d deem legitimate in combating the social phenomena such as the one you describe here isn’t something I’d be comfortable with 10 or even 5 years ago.
If I remember correctly, you said once quite long ago that you begrudge the left more, since it is their recent policies and initiatives that make people evil, in the sense that in reacting to all that madness people end up accepting methods and ideas that they would never consider acceptable otherwise. This is definitely true, I can attest to it on my own example.
I might not always leave comments, but that doesn’t mean I’m not closely watching your podcasts and blog posts . Time after time, I think you have been proven right. The alternative media has driven itself into sclerotic irrelevancy with its constant and absurd denunciations of the trans Atlantic “monad” while extolling certain states like China and North Korea. I won’t go into its infatuation Russia, which as of today appears to uphold a mutually exclusive set of principles, but China? There’s nothing more “mainstream” than China. The logical end result of liberal globalist ideology is a technocratic, and increasingly robocratic totalitarian state and China is a pioneering leader in that direction.
The problem I’m seeing with this referendum is not only that it passed, but that it passed with a landslide. Of course there are moral considerations to take into account, but even boiling it down to a practical perspective doesn’t tend to an enthusiastic conclusion. The demographic situation in Ireland, like many European countries, is quite frankly untenable. Within a generation or two, the nation will be compelled to drastically replace its core population with migrant foreigners from third world nations, simply to maintain its rate of labor and consumption required by the current economic model. Importing a fraction of a demographic with a different cultural mindset and mentality, translates to different social identity and orientation from the core population, opening the way to all manners of outside influence and interference in domestic politics of a state. Time after time in history we can observe the age old dictum of “divide et impera” through resettlement of peoples. Even Machiavelli wrote that to secure a region, you need to replace its core demographic. It can be clearly seen that what is meant by the word “diversity” is a social engineering phenomenon to destroy the ethnic fabric of a nation to render it open, in a tabula rasa fashion, to complete social reprogramming from the ground level. That is why abortion and diversity are intricately related, and it’s no coincidence that the states that have adopted liberal ideology to the utmost extent which have both of them proceeding at the greatest rate.
This process occurred one time in history, but not to humans. Livestock too, were delivered from the freedom of natural fickleness by their human captors, enjoying a safe, predictable, feed provided existence on a farm, only to be slowly shaped, through a means of selective breeding, sexual control and behavioral manipulation into providing the juicy, protein rich cuts that we get to enjoy on our platter. So the question we may pose at this point – is not humanity going through the same process right now?
Without much further ado, I would agree with this and answer: yes, to your last question. After some time I spent in Ireland, this became glaringly obvious. For one thing, Ireland is under the programme of “repopulation”, i.e. the strategic plan of rising the population in terms of millions until a certain date (I hate to look for a document with exact numbers now)and at the same time the abortion is finally a feasible thing at home: they don’t have to go for the weekend to UK or Northern Ireland, poor people.
You just can’t fail at solving the equation here.
Landslide was a shock, yes, and elated, celebratory mood even more so. I think that Ireland is not very Irish any more and they don’t have immigrants to thank for that. It was a series of decisions that people took which boil down to escape from themselves: why bother with that turbulent history, that complicated Catholicism, the conflicting aspects of everything your belonging brings with it, when you can have prosperity based on inviting major IT multinationals and cutting their income taxes?
And, make no mistake, it is a tangible success. Yet it came with the cost of Irish souls. And I don’t say this lightly, because it is so painfully visible, that you just can’t miss it and see it for what it is.
However, the most appalling thing is indifference, as I already pointed out. I think it is a foretaste of Hell for Modern man – a mood where you’re not deeply touched by anything and the best thing you can say about your fellow man is that he (She/Sher/It)is nice, and all the sudden this mood develops into elation about the act which is, when stripped of all rehtorics, butchery of womanhood and childhood.
Rural Ireland is somewhat different, I think, but not merely enough, as reflected by this landslide victory. I think only Donegal voted No.
Irish are people suppressing something, a lot of things in fact. This is an impression you get very quickly. But what we see with this vote is that they’re more or less stripped of their belonging and history. I mean, you don’t need to count the votes, but rather spend some time working in Ireland, and you’ll realize it, if you yourself are not there solely to make money.
Suicide by not caring about anything is a peculiar and effective act perfected in Ireland.
Thanks Branko for your timely piece on this. It angers me to no end. To leave issues of classical morality to referenda is stupid and dangerous, as we have seen. What do you think of the somewhat common comparison of abortion to slavery? It has been noted that both considered other humans as unworthy, and therefore expendable (for profit). The tricky thing is that abortion has been integrated so well into a perverted womens’ rights movement. I also note that the lgbt crowd was vociferously supportive of the results. I wonder why, as it really has nothing to do with them. Arguably, they would be against this as they fought so hard for adoption rights in most countries. I will reserve my comments on this.
There will be a reaction to this, I agree. In Canada, perhaps the flagship of the progressive march through the institutions, our Prime Feminister will not accept any members of the part that hold pro-life views. They have shut down the debate, and debate is a pressure valve. I would say the valve is now shut and the pressure builds.
We are all complicit through indifference.
Thank you for kind words. About LGTBXY…whatever, it’s got everything to do with it. These things come in package, because they’re, at least in my somewhat informed opinion, aimed at systemic change, i.e. they’re not ends in themselves. As such, abortion, euthanasia, quasi-marriages and some other seemingly insignificant legal reforms are also a system where each segment mirrors the other. I think that sustainable development is the best umbrella term we have to define it, as this is the official label of the policy of globalization. If you’re interested in tackling this, just type “sustainable development” in site search box. Both Mihai and I wrote and said a lot about it.
Salaam Branko, yes since last we spoke I followed Guenon’s route to Islam. Mindful of the “180 degree turns after watching one internet video contemporary” danger you have described so well, very interesting for me on many levels nevertheless.
One of the things embracing Islam helps me appreciate is the flaws in Christianity, especially Anglo-Christianity, and how much it helps makes sense of the motivations for all of this cultural and demographic self destruction. As a little sister religion, Islam is in a position to critique the “Christian Heresy” known as modernism, that say a Buddhism (too far) or Christianity (too close) is not.
What the avatars represented by Mohammed (pbuh) and Jesus (ohbp) contrast in most distinctly is the possibilities of sacrilising sexuality and aggression. Muslim saints are hardly ever celibate. And the energies that pool to the chest and go out to the arms, the basis of both unskillful vengeance and skillful courage, and keep head rationalisation under control, are thus easier to utilise well IME in an Islamic frame. Doesn’t mean it always is of course. And the lack of kink about sexuality, which can power the rage too, has its own dangers.
Nevertheless, Protestant and post-Christian kinked “sex and aggression” goes alongside your indifference narrative quite well.
I find it funny the guy who calls himself Kali is crying about abortion when the actual Kali the Devourer cuts open her stomach and eats her own children as fetuses. Women are more kind than men and far more cruel than men. Just look up the greek wives who would throw their children off cliffsides if they were not within standards of the state, or the women who would kill babies born on certain days of the year and all the other examples of ancient abortion. I feel bad for the unborn too but Ireland has made it’s choice to be a beer-and-party island and it is an island, in other words, cannot exceed a certain population per square capita. Besides, Ireland is a welfare state that drains England and Wales and more children being raised means more gibs being stolen from hardworking tax payers and going to the Irish. As Marquis de Sade said (paraphrase): The Monarchy needs slave and peasant labor and has high birth rates, but the Republic where every citizen has a degree of sovreignity must always find a means to dispose of it’s surplus population.
Obviously, I call myself by my name which is to be found under most of the content published on the website called “Kali Tribune”. Also, I haven’t cried in public since the first month in kindergarten so I’m affraid the introductory sentence somewhat misses the (ironical?) point.
As for population control, actually you picked quite an authority, i.e. the one who, both by his life and work, sums up the most typical personality traits, as well as the recquired epistemological acumen needed, to assimilate such an idea.
Btw. Ireland’s sustainability programme is poised to increase the population by cca 1 million + until 2040.