
Metaphysics is due to be resurrected! Or zombified? In this podcast we compare the Traditional understanding of Being with its inverted counterpart, we might, for the lack of the better term, call infraphysics, exemplified by its contemporary philosophical proponents. We proceed from somewhat simple framing of Traditional understanding of knowledge as a three phase process of Being-Logos/Intentio-name to its exemplary inversion in materialism and Kant’s transcendental philosophy, ending up with fruits of modern inversion of metaphysics in contemporary “object oriented ontology”.
We touch upon Rene Guenon’s analysis of the main discrepancy of materialism and how this analysis is being reiterated by some contemporary thinkers bound to reach beyond and below the materialism; we expound on transformation of thinking into computation and the centrality of self referential systems for subphysics; also we explain why we will soon see the drive to liberate inanimate things and individual bodily organs from human tyranny and throw in some insights on various contemporary issues along the way.
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Branko Malić
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