Category: Humor


Dictionary of Alternative Media

Alternative media ... how to find your way through it? Why, that's easy! Kali Tribune provides you with all the alt media prep knowledge you need: comprehensive dictionary of alt media. This is a work in progress so stay tuned.


A Pocket Eurasian Dictionary

Geopolitics this, geopolitics that ... it kinda gets annoying doesn't it? Well, why not educate ourselves about it. A year ago Kali Tribune presented "A Pocket Euro-Atlantist Dictionary" which served to clarify some terms used by Eurocrats, NATO, American think tanks and other annoying entities. Now we'll push further and turn our focus into opposite direction.

Emperor’s new vulva 0

Emperor’s new vulva

How to beat up women and not feel guilty about it? Simple. Cut off your social construct and get into the ring. In this guest post, our resident Cimmerian, Incompetent Reactionary, explains how to become a galaxy class pussy eligible to beat up woman and even get a medal for it. Only downside is: it involvels scalpels going down where even the butter knife should never be allowed.