Category: Knowledge

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Through Thorns to Chromosomes: Intersex as a New Phase of LGBTIQ Revolution

“Gender debate”, “Gender wars”, “Terf wars” … in the course of the last few years, some of the crucial problems of the Western world got verbalized into metaphors that never quite surpass the standards set by recent episodes of Star Wars franchise. Regrettably, quite similar evaluation can be applied to quality of arguments – above all those proposed by the losing side in the clash over the so-called “gender ideology”; one is left flabbergasted by superficiality of the insight into nature of the LGBTIQ revolution on behalf of its supposed opponents, even those who participated in its earlier phases.

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Purely Human

Council of Europe's "Issue paper on human rights and gender identity and expression" draws three steps required to transform the old continent into trans-Europe: inversion, equalization and normalization.

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A Question of Identity

If there is one word that could sum up contemporary political conflicts, it would be the word: 'identity'. Yet we rarely hear anybody posing a question - what is identity?


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.2

How can 'I' or 'Ego' become the principle of everything that is? What is the relation of 'Ego' and system building, and why Immanuel Kant might be the most important thinker of modern age? Why and how is system repugnant to metaphysics? Those are the questions we'll try to answer in this episode.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.1

In our day and age, the word "system" is as prevalent as it is ambivalent; moreover, bearing in mind that we are living in an epoch supposedly deprived of metaphysics, 'system' sometimes appears to be an ersatz formula for something that used to be a metaphysical notion. However, no age is free from metaphysics and 'system' is a metaphysical notion tailor made by modernity for modernity, and beyond. In this podcast we'll trace the genesis of the system principle and contrast it to traditional metaphysics, to which the system is as repugnant as it gets, although its very rarely perceived as such by contemporary historians and philosophers. In this episode we take an example of system building thinking from early German Idealism, from J.G. Fichte's Wissenschaftlehre.


Hegel, Marx and Sustainable Development: A Study in Incompatible, Pt.1

The ease with which a number of popular contemporary conservatives identify ontology and politics of sustainable development (aka 'degrowth', 'The Great Reset', 'green politics', etc.) with Marxism and its derivations is comparable only to their ignorance of the original philosophical assumptions of Karl Marx and their roots in classical German philosophy; ignorance that, in a peculiar sense, appears so blatant that it seems almost wilful. To set the record straight, in the series of podcasts we'll outline the rift existing between these two, modern and postmodern, totalitarian projects, based on their root assumptions. In the first episode we sketch the basic propositions of Hegel's metaphysics that inspired Marx' project.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Univocal Concept of Being

In this episode of our ongoing series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics", we talk about univocal concept of being as explicated by John Duns Scotus. It is hard to overestimate the influence of the idea that being is an univocal concept, that is: the simple, indivisible and, above all, indifferent notion present in all other concepts - from the spec of dust to God Himself. We argue that univocity represents the point of departure from traditional metaphysics towards modernity and postmodernity; whereas, traditionally, being was understood as reality or act/ἐνέργειᾰ, with univocity it becomes a concept and hence opens the horizon of modern metaphysics with its conceptual systems and reliance on subjectivity. Naturally, we on KT have few objections about that.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Analogia Entis

In this episode of our regular podcast Basic Notions of Metaphysics we provide an account on principle of analogy - a veritable sacred bond of the universe, according to Medieval scientia transcendens. We follow the genesis of this genuinely Christian transformation of the principle already partly known in the ancient world, its relevance in the context of the problem of mediation between equivocal and univocal predication of being, its roots in the doctrine of transcendentals and, ultimately, its nature as the form of the revelation of the presence of God in His creatures.


Kant and the Problem of Posthumanism: An Outline, pt. I

When talking about posthumanism and its intellectual dependencies the philosophical groundwork that made it possible often tends to be neglected. In this series we'll provide an incentive to reflect upon these presuppositions by outlining the implications present in the work of premiere philosopher of modernity, Immanuel Kant, that opened up the intellectual horizon for posthumanism. In the first part we focus on Kant's groundbreaking intuitions about the nature of consciousness and its constitutive role at the heart of reality itself as both irrevocable departure from pre-modern intellectuality and necessary condition for assumptions of contemporary posthumanism. We do this by giving a broad outline of Kant's arguments from the central part of his Critique of Pure Reason - "the transcendental deduction of the categories of pure reason". In the second part we'll sketch how posthumanists rely on Kantian understanding of subject/object split for building their utopian quasi metaphysics.