Category: Media


Pizzagate & Fakenewsgate: From “Truthing” to Hive Mind

Some remarks on turmoil raised around alleged establishment pedophile rings and MSM attack on Internet based independent information sources. The main question is: can quantity give birth to quality or can mass alt media find the truth by amassing information?

The answer is: no.

Mayday Call for dr. Nobel 0

Mayday Call for dr. Nobel

Ig-Nobel-awards-mascotIn 133. episode of Sunday Wire, yours truly joins Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley and Basil Valentine to discuss such themes as Nobel prize nomination for terrorists-linked "humanitarian" group, UN climate (no) deal and USA presidential shenanigans. Moreover this episode is significant as it commemorates the anniversary of Adam Weishaupt's founding of order of Perfectibilists, better known as Bavarian Illuminati, International Worker's Day, and one more step towards the light for our dear host Patrick, whose birthday we just celebrated.

The Science Sought For … on Aristotle and Problem of Metaphysics (pt.1 –  introduction) 5

The Science Sought For … on Aristotle and Problem of Metaphysics (pt.1 – introduction)

This is introductory podcast in the series dealing with Aristotle's Metaphysics through close reading of it's fourth book (gamma). The aim is to show how ancient philosophy dealt with most immediate reality disclosed to us in experience, and how it proves to be utterly abundant with meaning and mystery. In this introduction we explore the origin and the meaning of the expression ta meta ta fysika and it's use in every day life, as well as some obstacles postmodern men have to face in approaching it.


Rene Guenon and Penultimate Times

Kali Tribune proudly presents series of podcasts on Rene Guenon and his notion of the end of the modern world. The podcasts are based on an essay "The Way the World Goes - Rene Guenon on The End" that was in effect an interpretation of the book "Reign of the Quantity and the Signs of the Times". However, this time around we'll attempt to go in depth into general Guenon's notions of metaphysics, myth, Tradition, civilization, religion, etc.