Coronation of Democracy pt.2
In the second part of his take on current crisis, which is now apparently fading out into something repeatedly named “new normalcy”, Mihai addresses the wider issue at stake: the technocratic, automatic, reaction it provoked and its implications for every day life. Technical approach is conditioned by its inherently limiting nature which necessarily produces a reduction of plentitude of the real to isolated aspects of it, that can ultimately be controlled or, at least, be confined into controllable context. While this may be a sound approach for the specialist, dealing with special problem, it certainly becomes ominous when it takes on metaphysical reach. The ensuing result can be understood in terms of the rejection of hierarchy of reality, which Mihai exemplifies with examples from everyday life both of individual and the society at large.
Also, as a bonus you get some weight loss advice (no fat shaming implied).
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Mihai Marinescu
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Thanks very much for both these talks.
I would add to your list of human needs a need for authority.
I think this is a metaphysical or spiritual need, people must be told what to do, told what is important and valuable etc, what to believe.
In the end, everything is too arbitrary and this drives people crazy. So they need authority.
Enter: Technocrats.
This may explain why people actually listen to them despite all the other considerations you’ve listed.
With their laboratory ways, they represent most clearly that swollen udder in which mankind finds it’s nourishment.
It’s still a shame though and thanks for your insights.