Eastern Europe and Politics of Dissolution

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5 Responses

  1. Mihai says:

    Good one- and you helped me articulate the answer to a question I have been putting these last few years- a few times on KT as well: namely how was it possible for customs and ways of life that had come out unscarred from communism to be dissolved in just a few years of liberal capitalism.
    I would add to this that during communism the enemy was visible, so when you have an elephant in the room, it is very likely that many will instinctively jump to save what they can from trampling. But now the enemy is invisible, or he works through subtle means which but few perceive.

    What it strikes me as far more worrisome is the rapidity with which people forget how some things were- not many years ago- very different from how they are perceived today. The forgetfulness which is bred by post-modernism is, I think, the most destructive gruesome aspect of it all.

    One thing I cannot understand, though is the appeal of PC mentality on young generations especially. Young people are generally inclined towards rebellion, while PC is, quite obviously, the most ridiculous kind of herd mentality and bovine conformism the world has ever seen. The possibility of appearing good through proper words cannot account for this conformism- it holds no power or seduction and no psychological depth of any kind.
    The explanation, it seems to me, has to be looked for elsewhere..

    • Malić says:

      This last point, it’s a hard one. I would also point out the conformism as the most baffling thing in young people – completely unnatural for their age. But, regarding “appearing good”, perhaps I used too light words to signify something deeper. I’d say its an ultimate in “self love” or “the love of self” and it would be an exchange of the real thing for its appearance. Although, its just a blanket term – an attempt to approach the problem. The appeal of PC, especially among the young, is definitely not something that I fully comprehend or even begin to comprehend.

      • Han Fei says:

        Leftist PC isn’t the only kind of PC out there. I’m appalled to see how easily so many young people, good friends even, fall into this sort of intellectual pigeonhole, where they absolutely refuse to accept any facts and data that doesn’t fall into their world view or identity that they think belongs to them, but is in fact a hollow marketing product of the same modern zeitgeist they claim to be against. I agree with you 100% that there are of course certain natures people can claim they belong to, in most cases rather involuntarily. But these things tend to have little to do with politics or even temporal events.

        To be fair we have to be careful that “facts and data” can also be used for the purposes of nihilism, and also to promote very clearly twisted political agendas of both leftist and neo-rightist variety. It seems to me that we can’t escape predisposed thinking, as actual reality has a tendency to be indifferent to our intellectual plight. With that in mind, I was wondering if you could expand a bit on this notion of “normalcy” that you have previously presented, in a future article? What is the nature of the relation of a human being to what could be called the normal state of life, and how does this normalcy tie into a deeper sense of being that unites and transcends ethnic and ideological borders?

        • Mihai says:

          “I’m appalled to see how easily so many young people, good friends even, fall into this sort of intellectual pigeonhole, where they absolutely refuse to accept any facts and data that doesn’t fall into their world view or identity that they think belongs to them, but is in fact a hollow marketing product of the same modern zeitgeist they claim to be against.”

          That’s the internet for you. An echo chamber where you can surgically remove yourself from the rest of the world and converse ad nauseam only with those who repeat what you say or say what you repeat. So when a rare occurrence happens- such as your ideology being challenged in the real world you immediately start the panic alarm and shut off eyes and ears so nothing troublesome can enter.

          On the other hand, as you said, endlessly commenting on facts and figures leads exactly nowhere. Libertarians are, as far as I see, extremely prone to endless debates about what this or that statistic says.
          In my opinion, statistics are to mathematics what televangelists are to Christianity- I’m sure you see the point.

        • Malić says:

          About normalcy: I certainly will try to do that. The whole purpose of this site could be summed up as an attempt to accomplish this. But, you know how it is, baby steps …

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