KT Answers: Unterwegs zu Heidegger Cul-De-Sac, pt.2

In the second part of our Q&A on corrosive influence of Heidegger, we turn to actual (not in the sense of presence, but in the sense of energeia) texts, i.e. to concrete examples of how he misinterprets Aristole’s notions of energeia, kinesis, entelehia.
We conclude with overall evaluation of Heidegger’s influence and remarks on low grade philosophy found online.
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Quotes used:
- Aristotle Metaphysics, IX 1048 b 18 – 35. (Translated from Greek/Croatian edition)
- ————- Physics, III 201 a 10-11.
- ————- Nichomahean Ethics, I 1098 a 7.
- ————–Metaphysics, IX 1047 a 30.
- Heidegger, Grundbegriffe der aristotelischen Philosophie. in: Gesamtausgabe 18 (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2002), pg. 313, 315, 296.
On Heidegger’s philosophical and philological misrepresentations of fundamental Aristotelian concepts:
Francisco J. Gonzales, “Whose Metaphysics of Presence? Heidegger’s Interpretation of Energeia and Dynamis in Aristotle”, in: Southern Journal of Philosophy (2006) Vol XLIV
Francisco J. Gonzales, “Beyond Good and Evil? Heidegger’s Purification of Aristotle’s Ethics”, in Heidegger and the Greeks: Interpretative Essays. (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2006), pg. 127 – 156.
Branko Malić
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