Prolegomena to Any Future Satanism: Order of the Nine Angles and Supremacy of the Fringe pt. 1

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21 Responses

  1. Silent says:

    Myatts connection with Islamism is interesting.

    I encountered a very demonic and dangerous person in England whose orientation reminds me much of the O9A with its ‘Dark Goddess’ and vampiric black magic, but he gave the impression of being part of something more organized. I can assert with absolute confidence that he was powerfully connected. A strange anecdote, when we’re touching on “Islamic” terrorism, is that he wore the exact same symbol (featuring the 666) that is used by this private intelligence group supplying information on such matters:

    (The logo used to be red on a black background, strengthening the satanic occult impression)

    If I’m not onto something here…

    • Malić says:

      Never being in UK, I tend to suspend the judgement about who could be under the protection of British internal secret service, yet Myatt’s CV just forces one to assume this, even from my distant vantage point. He himself declares, in his autobiographical sketch “A Wyrdfull Life” how at one point he joined Column 88 and adds that the group was widely considered to be a part of GLADIO network for England. Moreover, the fact that charges against him always tend to be dropped is also interesting. The mentality of insight role, on the other hand, is detectable in the whole range of nefarious characters in the domain of alt media, especially pro-Russian, far Right ones like Katehon. Consequent practitioner of this method would make a very useful intelligence asset, not because of his capabilities, but because of the broken personality. In my experience that seems to be a very sought after characteristics among spooks.

      Myatt on C88:

      Fade, back to my political life in Leeds. While all the above was
      occurring, I was dutifully doing my duty as a street-agitator, and had been
      recruited (by JM) into Column 88, a clandestine paramilitary and neo-nazi
      group, led by a former Special Forces officer, which at that time held regular
      military training sessions with the Territorial Army, the volunteer reserve
      force of the British Army. According to gen received decades later, Column
      88 was actually part of NATO’s pan-European underground Gladio network,
      set up and trained to employ guerilla tactics against the Soviets had they ever invaded (as was still expected, in those days). But I knew nothing of
      this, at the time, and simply enjoyed being part of and training with Column
      88. For C88 seemed to me to be a genuine National-Socialist group, devoted
      to comradeship and to the slow process of socially and politically infiltrating
      British society, with perhaps some possibility that, if the need arose (such as
      a Soviet invasion) we might “do our bit”, as National-Socialists, and fight

  2. Marcin says:

    All those “secret orders of parsnip and beetroot” are nothing more than a breeding ground for spooks, agents provocateurs and police snitches . ”Playing of insight roles ” is a crucial skill for an informer, isn’t it? I bet that Myatt & co. are handsomely paid by the “community”.

    • Han Fei says:

      There’s this view among many people is that “money” is the end cause of all causes on the social and personal realms. This is a laughable view, because at best, it’s only a projection of the sense of their own dearth of it, and at worst, it obfuscates true motivations. Are humans no different from animals, trained to do any kind of trick in reward for a peanut?

      Even if he is paid by those above him in the chain of subversive hierarchy (and there’s no reason to believe that the individual in question is inclined to live a particularly affluent lifestyle), why does it matter?

      The only reward these people seek is destruction, both of themselves and this hateful world.

  3. Han Fei says:

    Very good. I haven’t had much to say in the recent articles on KT, even though I found them profound, especially the excellent one by Mr. Marinescu. These matters of esoteric nature are too far outside of my intellectual specialty and I feel there’s little I can add to the discussion. That said though the notion of metaphysical evil represented by a void of substance (or perhaps more relevantly, the substance of void?) is not foreign to me.

    One can’t help but wonder just how many Myatts are out there. You’ve noticed one or two such cockroaches, but there are surely others.

    It amazes me how easily people fall for doctrines which claim to be “traditionalist” but which are, at closer inspection, anything but. Americans are truly people of gullibility, although they are hardly the monopolists of it. I’m beginning to understand the extent of your vision. If the person who you call the anti-Christ appears in this day and age, he won’t come from the executive boardroom of CNN, applauded by the talking heads of popular media and the cargo cult of “celebrity politicians”, but rather from the so called fringe playing upon the masses’ frustration with the moral and mental bankruptcy of the prevailing social order. In this sense, the concept “insight role” becomes appallingly clear. As I said before, this is a faculty enabling one to appear as whatever our tweet denominated audience wishes you to appear, providing instant gratification, while shedding any baggage associated with a previous given political affiliation like water droplets off a raincoat. But nothing in this arrangement is free of course, and the price incurred from humanity for this exchange could be hardly called fair.

    Fortunately, in due course, they are compelled to place some of their cards face up. One of the things which easily marks them is not only their hostile attitude to Christianity and Abrahamic religions in general, but the system of ethics, values and patterns of knowledge represented by these systems. That is to say, they claim to be traditionalists, and yet they oppose the very structures which bear their epistemological roots in whatever remains of Tradition, and likewise represent the sole extant bridge to it, concerning the West at least. This is of course makes them very fashionable and cool, and the delight in feeling self affirmation from throngs of dupes is enough of a tasty morsel to cause one of them to drop their mask for a moment. That’s why I’m always suspicious of such people and their motivations even though I am not a Christian myself. I simply recognize that there are not the times to engage in debates about the relative merits and faults of a particular system of metaphysics, when much greater things are at stake.

    Unfortunately, the institutions which held these dark influences at bay in the past, namely, the state (and I don’t mean it in the sense of “government” or particular political systems in general) is no longer present, or are present in vestigial forms utterly forgotten and oblivious to their true purpose and significance.

    We should consider ourselves to be lucky overall, since we are living in such times when mankind has become so weak and corrupted that the devil can afford to become sloppy.

    • Malić says:

      Unfortunately, the institutions which held these dark influences at bay in the past, namely, the state (and I don’t mean it in the sense of “government” or particular political systems in general) is no longer present, or are present in vestigial forms utterly forgotten and oblivious to their true purpose and significance.

      Yes, this is the crucial, but surprisingly not so visible, socio-political manifestation of the nihilist shift in people’s inner lives. You would be surprised how communism had preserved a modicum of this function of political community for some time, albeit unconsciously and quite despite itself.

  4. Scripta Manent says:

    Thank you for this great article. You are the only blogger I know addressing this crucial issue. Please, keep up the good work.

    Do you think Alain de Benoist and his ND companions are also into LHP?

    • Malić says:

      Thanks. I don’t know about de Benoist, but he was a crucial influence on Dugin and ND is full of Gladio suspects, so … Philosophically they are all very close, I think, and that’s the most important thing.

      • Silent says:

        Benoist used to be an all out Nietzschean, which you will find amply demonstrated in his relatively early work ‘On Being a Pagan’, for example, which is radically anti-Christian and sees Cain as a civilizing hero, the Fall from Eden as in reality being an evolutionary “arising” etc. But it is all ‘philosophical’ in a very relativistic sense. Benoist is an agnostic, pretty much a horizontal naturalist and has called himself “the opposite of a mystic”. His intellectual armchair speculations flirting with paganism simply serves some hypothetical cultural utility in his European imperial renaissance project as a kind of worldly resacralization. He is not an actually religious practicing neo-pagan; it is purely an intellectual ivory tower model. And not in his wildest dreams would he be an occultist or magician. Later on he abandoned much of his Nietzscheanism in favour of a Heideggerian focus, and I think this might be one of his primary influences upon Dugin. The two of them do in fact share numerous intellectual interests in common.

        There may be other shenanigans within the Nouvelle Droite who are inclined to a more conscious LHP or occult orientation, but my overview of the individual characters in that milieu is insufficient for me to say.

        • Silent says:

          I think Guillaume Faye, who left Benoist’s club in the ‘80s and was later denounced by Benoist as an extremist, would be a better candidate to look into. His ‘Archeofuturism’, written during a sudden return as a political ideologist after a period of successful careerism within French mainstream media/television, reads almost like an “Illuminati” script for the future. You have this massive apocalyptic war with Islam (allegedly having been revealed as a part of the Plan already in a letter from Albert Pike, if this is correct information), global systemic collapse, the formation of great imperial geopolitical blocks, including a vast “Eurosiberian Federation” ruled by a new feudal aristocracy, who reign with ultra-technological resources including sinister transhumanist excesses while the common population has reverted to a medieval lifestyle; neopaganism returns on a grand scale and the masses are allowed to practice either that or Christianity, but the imperial elite are beyond common religion and “philosophically pagan”. In my opinion, Faye is a crypto-luciferian.

          Another one worth looking into is Norman Lowell of the Imperium Europa group. This is one of the most occult ‘New Rightists’ that I have observed, though he is rather on the fringe of this intellectual milieu itself. He goes as far as praising the Esoteric Hitlerist Miguel Serrano, whom you probably know about.

          • Silent says:

            Miguel Serrano, of course, was, at the heart of his complex and syncretic mythological innovations, a Luciferian Gnostic of the LHP. Another contemporary ‘post-nazi’ figure who is inspired by him is Alex Kurtagic of Wermod and Wermod publishing, having attended various conferences including Identitarian Ideas.

            The German branch of the New Right, with the founded by the prominent New Rightist Pierre Krebs, notably displays heavy symbolism associated with the occult such as the Black Sun.

          • Malić says:

            Kurtagic’s Wermod and Wermod is a hub for precisely the kind of ideology we are looking into here. Note also the proximity of black metal music scene he was into professionally & significant presence of Kerry Bolton.

          • Malić says:

            I noticed Faye, listened to few of his speeches at NPI. I’d say he’s open to more bizarre ideas for sure.

  5. robber chih says:

    There is a great short story by Borges called Deutche Requiem wherein he writes the confessions of a nazi officer facing imminent execution after the war.

    From a literary standpoint, it captures this unfolding narrative and metaphysical legacy superbly.

    unfortunately many westerners have been denied any sort of metaphysical education or identity (perhaps due to transcendent men philosophical legacy) which translates into political opinions becoming the substance of spiritual identity. The fact that there is nothing ‘deeper’ is exposed by the chaos they encounter as soon as they strip their facade away.

    “…the Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and Unseen…”

    • Malić says:

      identity (perhaps due to transcendent men philosophical legacy) which translates into political opinions becoming the substance of spiritual identity. The fact that there is nothing ‘deeper’ is exposed by the chaos they encounter as soon as they strip their facade away.

      That’s quite close to the truth, I think.

  6. Great article. Clearly, accusing someone of being a “shill” on the far right isn’t all that crazy. It’s not surprising Myatt was part of the GLADIO network either, Nazi street fighters would have been fertile recruits for that operation.

  7. Wahid says:

    As always, very important stuff. Also, the linkages and connections of ONA with the Temple of Set and its successor organizations (and the various people involved) need to be looked at more carefully. There does not seem to be much online discussing the relation of Myatt and his acolytes with Michael Aquino and his. However, I have it on very reliable authority that there was much active cross-fertilization happening between these organizations and their spin-offs during the late 1980s and 1990s in North America, Europe and Australasia.

    • Malić says:

      You’ll find some of the Myatt – Aquino correspondence on this link Kerry Bolton of New Zealand was a Sethian who ran at least two “orders” in late Eighties/early Nineties and was in correspondence with Myatt, too. Playing the same game, in my opinion.

      • Silent says:

        By the way, have you heard of this LHP order that was nicknamed (?) “the Friends of Hecate” and that allegedly centred much of its operations in Sussex (but according to some was connected with an extensive network led from London) during the ‘80s, having been associated with a proliferation of weird paranormal activity around the Clapham Woods? One work of investigative journalism that dealt with the subject was ‘The Demonic Connection’. It just came to mind since the little we know of them is highly reminiscent of O9A. Many symptoms seem to suggest that the satanic presence in the UK underworld is quite formidable, and that the groups advertising in public are only the tip of the iceberg.

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