Sergent Pepper’s Empty Heads Club Band: Anti-globalism for Idiots
The current year marks the important yet largely unperceived event, still unfolding before the eyes of those involved in the creation of independent media, political analysis and/or promulgation of ideas rejected, or downright ignored, by both mainstream academia and mainstream media.
For the good number of people this year represents a certain “mainstreaming” of the “alternative” as the old mainstream is supposedly crumbling before their eyes.
However, the precise opposite is coming to pass.
At the point this lose movement started to consolidate and exercise some true influence, clumsily recognized from the Western mainstream throughout the #fakenews scare, it started either falling apart or falling in line.
The image emerging before the eyes of dispassionate observer is not the revelation of reality, supposedly lost to mainstream outlets of media and academia, but final consolidation of the fringe worldviews into one, systematized body of ideas.
From the shape-shifting lizards to global geopolitical endgame; from the holographic universe to resistance against the Empire (USA and Europe); from the Zionist plots to Kazhar world order; from white nationalist to pizzagate; from ancient aliens to Russian geopolitics – everything is now coming together.
And it looks, feels, and indeed smells, like a pile of crap.
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