Spelling Doom
After long deliberation, and in full view of the pressing historical moment, KT Department for Research and Development of Misgendering Appliances was authorized to unleash our most lethal weapon upon the world. At the end of the deceptively uneventful summer, we present you with Croatian Woman of Mystery, a scourge of the small but appropriately annoying Croatian LGBTIQ regiment. Who is Utikejt? According to some a witch known to strangle potential pretentious pricks while still babies in their cribs and melting their fat into flying potion; others know Her simply as a Grendel like “monster” crashing annual Pride parade to devour an occasional innocent; still others claim She is a feral girl trained in a cave for years for the single purpose of annoying activists to death. More backward among Croatian peasants still worship Her, Utikejt, as an Icon of Patriarchy and commit ritual sacrifices of virgin TERFs before Her cute&terrible countenance. Be that as it may, Uti is a class A expert on the subject of LGBTQ and, in our opinion, has some definitive thoughts on the true nature of the thing behind the acronym, something we on KT were also pointing out for years, but never really literary spelled out. In the following Utikejt does just that.
The acronym LGBTIQ was constructed by grouping together the first letters of the following words: L – Lesbian; G – Gay; B – Bisexual; T – Transgender; I – Intersexual; Q – Queer.
The acronym LGBTIQ, consisting precisely of these letters and precisely in that order (L, G, B, T, I, Q), is the most complete designation of the set of various minority sexual identities, for whose owners the articulated and concrete sexual-political demands are being made.
All other acronyms of similar kind (LGBT, LGBTI, LGBTQQIP2SAA+, etc.) are either incomplete or imprecise, because they, intentionally or otherwise, by omitting, adding or changing the order of the essential letters, obscure or water down the essential nature of the thing behind the acronym.
In spelling out the LGBTIQ not a single letter is added or omitted by accident.
For example, feminists strongly support LGBTIQ politics, yet there is neither letter F (F – female) nor W (W – women) in the acronym; and for a reason, because feminists support Queer politics and not the one that would further the interests of heterosexual women. (Heterosexuality is still the majority sexual identity and it is determined by belonging to natural sex, as the foundation of gender, and, consequently, by sexual bipolarity of the human being. Heterosexuality has no place in LGBTIQ)
LGBTIQ acronym designates the set of mutually widely heterogeneous sexual identities, having nothing in common save for not being heterosexual.
This is why it is meaningless to speak of the “LGBTIQ community”, and this is why the common LGBTIQ politics is impossible: political interests represented by the single letter are directly opposed to interests represented by other letters and are necessarily poised to eradicate each other.
The letter L (Feminism, RadFem, TERF) has a single one political demand – removing all impediments to abortion.
Although it will never admit it, the letter L is against marriage equality, i.e. same-sex marriage, because the essential implication of the same-sex marriage is introduction of surrogacy and the letter L is decidedly against surrogacy.
Furthermore, the letter L is against the letter T (T – transgender), because the latter liquefies the sexual bipolarity and erodes the gender. Pronounced transphobia of the letter L is displayed by its insistence that women don’t have penises (a good example is the case of JK Rowling).
The letter L has its historical inception in political lesbianism (hence “L”), and as such it is a priori against men as embodiment of inequality and oppression, regardless of their sexual orientation.
As a sexual orientation, lesbianism is clearly defined relatively to sex and gender of the sexual partners. It unequivocally excludes men.
Both letters L and G stand for sexual identities closest to heterosexuality. Namely, a lesbian is of female sex and female gender, but of homosexual orientation (whereas her heterosexual counterpart is of female sex, female gender and heterosexual orientation); analogously, a gay is of male sex, male gender, but of homosexual orientation (whereas his heterosexual counterpart is of male sex, male gender and heterosexual orientation). The entire difference between lesbians and gays on the one hand and heterosexuals on the other rests upon the designation of sexual orientation: both lesbians and gays hold on to the firm foundation of clearly differentiated and stable categories of sex and gender that are never put in question; also, this determines their sexual orientation, regardless of it being designated as the opposite to the one held by their heterosexual counterparts. In order for a lesbian to be lesbian and for a gay to be gay, there needs to be no more and no less than two stable, clear and differentiated sexes (male, female) and genders (man, woman), and the corresponding sexual orientation – quite like in their heterosexual counterparts.
The letter B (bisexuality) is the most insidious letter in the LGBTQ acronym. Contrary to what one might surmise, it doesn’t signify the dual sexual orientation or anything of the sort. Quite the opposite, letter B designates the act of watering down and, finally, eradicating of each and every sexual orientation, regardless of its designation. While letters L and G presuppose firm and fixed sexual orientation, the letter B insists upon dislodging, watering down and erasing every sexual orientation, be it hetero- or homosexual one.
Inasmuch, it is crystal clear that letter B is an executioner of the letter L.
Namely, the letter L is tragically anachronistic and it cannot perceive, let alone understand, the historical change. Moreover, the letter L is dogmatic by nature, which prevents it to accept or adjust to any kind of change.
This is why the letter L – mistakenly and fatally – sees an ally in the letter B, so the first part of the acronym (LGB) joins forces against the rest (from the letter T and further to the right) in which it, rightly, perceives an existential threat.
The letter B strikes at the foundation of sexual identity of lesbians and gays – their sexual orientation. Bisexuality encompasses the entire continuum or spectrum between two extremes: from heterosexuality (heteronormative) to (until recently subversive) homosexuality. Bisexuals are sexually oriented towards individuals of both sexes – therefore both the members of their own and of the opposite sex – and in the most varied intensity: someone is oriented towards both sexes equally, whereas the other leans more towards one; yet another is almost completely, but not entirely, oriented towards one extremity, etc. Bisexuality pushes homosexuality on the margins and denounces it as an extremity: from the perspective of the B, homosexuality is nothing more than heterosexuality with opposite designation. Lesbians and gays are now left with the task to establish the essential designation of their sexual identity as firmly as possible, ideally in biology as, for instance, if the gene for homosexuality could be discovered.
The letter T represents a huge leap forward and the transition from the subject of sexual orientation to the subject of gender.
Heterosexuality, but also homosexuality and bisexuality (L, G, B) recognize two genders: man and woman; although gender, being a social category, is much softer than sex upon which it is being founded, at this stage it is still firm and stable, and functions as the permanent determinant of individual identity, i.e. as the determinant that is not liable to individual choice and cannot be changed at will by creating or demolishing it by performative act.
In LGBTIQ acronym, the letter T designates “transgender”, where gender is being understood as entirely independent of sex, extremely fluid, and hence in the domain of individual choice, i.e. individual will. Heterosexuality, as well as homosexuality and bisexuality (L, G, B), affirms the binary gender and in the following way: there are no more and no less than two genders (man, woman); fully grown human being is either man or woman: it is impossible to be both or neither at the same time. Transgender handles gender completely differently: gender has no relation to sex; gender has no relation to maturity – hence, children also can have gender; gender is not binary (either-or), therefore it is possible for someone to be both man and woman at the same time, neither men nor woman, sometimes man and sometimes woman, etc. Transgender understands gender as continuum or spectrum with infinite nuances and intermediate stages between the two extremes on the margins (man, woman).
Transgender must by no means be confused with transsexuality, transvestites or other trans- phenomena. In the case of transsexuality, the sex (male, female) doesn’t correspond to gender (man, woman) and this is the cause of great personal suffering. However, transsexuality, paradoxically, precisely through its specific shift of identity, strongly affirms both sexual and gender bipolarity. This is why transsexuals don’t have their own letter in the LGBTIQ acronym.
Three letters in the acronym are assigned to sexual identities founded upon sexual orientation (L, G, B), of which the first two, as we have seen, represent the minimal shift in relation to heterosexuality. The fourth letter (T) is concerned with gender, whereas the fifth letter (I) is concerned with sex.
The letter I (Intersexual) in the LGBTIQ acronym designates “intersexual”.
Its task is to dislodge, liquefy and, finally, erase sex.
The political advent of the letter I is inseparably related to the political advent of the letter T – in analogy to the inseparable relation of sex and gender. If we recall that letter L insists upon fixed notions of sex and gender, it is clear that letter I represents the grave danger for the letter L, whether L is aware of this or not.
After bisexuality established the sexual orientation as continuum or spectrum, necessarily denouncing both hetero- and homosexuality as extremes in the aftermath, and after transgender established gender as the continuum or spectrum, designating man and woman as two extreme poles of gender, intersexuality is poised to eradicate the sexual duality as such. By making essential operation and accidental phenomena of nature equal (for example, by pointing out the occurrence of anomalies in sexual chromosomes), and by putting on equal moral footing the norm and transgression from the norm, intersexuality establishes sex as continuum or spectrum, where male and female are on the extremes, whereas the space in between would be populated by individuals which are at the same time both male and female to a different degree, or neither male nor female.
Sex comes last because sex (male, female) is natural, written in the chromosomes, and as such it is toughest to dislodge. The liquefying of sex, therefore, has to be preceded by two stages of dislodging: first making sexual orientation relative and then making gender relative.
The letter Q is political-cum-bio-technological project of forming the being based upon human being, but deprived of any sexual component, i.e.: the formation of humanoid without sex, gender and sexual orientation as well as without any possibility of procreation outside of laboratory.
The letter Q is the only essential letter of the LGBTIQ.
All other letters are just transitory stages towards Queer.
Every letter of the acronym is the mortal enemy of every other letter.
The letters are, from left to right, lined up from the weakest to the strongest.
Every letter to the right devours all letters to its left.
Letters L and G are cannon fodder of Queer.
Despite some important similarities (insistence on firm and fixed sex and gender), the letter G is in somewhat better position because it accepts surrogacy.
In conclusion and back to the beginning:
The letter L in this historical moment is stuck between the rock and the hard place of Patriarchy and Queer.
In view of rapid obsolescence of abortion – due to new perspectives of surrogacy and artificial wombs – and bearing in mind that letter L has no other political demands and theoretical foundations, its insistence on abortion rights renders it into peculiar but unimportant subculture.