Tagged: Ananda Deirdre


Casual Malificence

On principle we don't speculate about the obvious crisis de jour. But, then again, why let the good crisis go to waste? In her short, but poignant, reflection on the reaction of a doomsday cultist, whose cult lost the undue attention it had literary over night, Deirdre makes the point we should keep in mind.


Getting Weirder

Deirdre's newsflash on top current craziness fashion achievements in the former British Commonwealth.


Luminar Podcast: Michel Houellebecq’s Itch

Taming the KGB accents one more time, Deirdre hosts another Luminar Podcast with Mihai and me:

"on the way from David Icke to Michel Houellebecq we chat about consciousness, knowledge, ego, the dark night of the soul, smashing the idol of the self, ambition or lack thereof, what is meaningful work, the willing participation of the people in their own control, comparisons between Communism and the European Union, the rush among the masses towards progressiveness and cutting roots, Croatia, Romania and Ireland, the role of intellectuals, James Joyce's depiction of the odyssey in modernity and other writers like him, and finally onto Houellebecq's unscratchable itch."


Luminar Podcast: Communal Wombs

In a new episode of Luminar Podcast, Deidre informs us about wonderful world of surrogacy and in quite off hand fashion demonstrates once again that feminism, especially in the hands of - oh, the irony - "merciless millenials" is the one aspect of posthumanism especially concerned with the destruction of women.


Luminar Podcast: On Forgetting Fairytales

Deirdre informs us about yet another ongoing attempt to deprive human beings of human form, in this case at the youngest age. Taber school in Barcelona, removing fairytales and books from young children's bookshelves, and no doubt to be followed by other schools doing likewise, is a deeply ideological act, and part of a wider process of historical revisionism that infantilises us all.


Luminar Podcast: Splash of Civilizations

In this iteration of Luminar Podcast, I join Deirdre to discuss the meme-based mass murder in Christchurch, Islam in media as opposed to Islam in reality, difference between genuine - albeit not automatically true - religion and its simulacrum, Wahhabism, the reality of ethnicity and other light subjects.


Making Manifest of What Was Hidden: Abortion and Infanticide

Recent ballyhoo about an attempt to justify "third trimester" abortion in USA provides us with ample opportunity to analyze the thing itself: to make explicit what is implicit to the act of abortion. In this video we argue that infanticide - a supposed "slippery slope" of the pro-abortion argument - is nothing but terminus, a logically explicated boundary of the abortion itself, into which abortion in the end has to resolve. We argue the point mainly from the stand point of open infanticide advocates, whom we already discussed on KT, and simple presumptions of traditional application of logic.


Luminar Podcast: On Transgender Ideology

In this iteration of her Luminar podcast Deirdre provides us with an exhaustive run down of the situation on gender multiplication front, including, but not limited to: difference between biological gender dysphoria and transgenderism, manipulation of children, trans lobby, posthumanist aspects of transgenderism and other merry subjects.


Luminar Podcast: From Illiteracy to Illusion

From Atlantic to Black Sea via Adriatic, we bring you another Luminar Podcat hosted by Deirdre and joined by Mihai and yours truly. Wide range of subjects are covered - from rampaging illiteracy amongst the young to the answer to question: how illusion can be real. In the meantime, we don't neglect to address standard KT subjects: memes and mass scale Internet based occultism, inversion of traditional metaphysical notions, synchronicity and few other light talking points.