Tagged: antifa


Nihilism Forecast: Monument Bashing and the Eternal Recurrence of the Same

"Prevalently destructive with periods of tedium". That's the the standard forecast of Kali Tribune's Nihilism, Genocide and Bad Language Forecast Authority. Yet, if we observe the mania of erasing the past by means of sledge hammer in USA and UK, that is: of erasing every possible moral wart from the face of the past, we have to speculate on possibility of radical nihilism change in future; the one nominally coming from the political right. To this effect we employ the most radical modern idea of affirming the past to an extent that absolutely no conceivable cruelty is to be rejected but embraced as one's own most intimate possession. To this effect we employ the most radical modern idea of affirming the past to an extent that absolutely no conceivable cruelty is to be rejected but embraced as one's own most intimate possession. We are talking about the idea of the eternal recurrence of the same as envisioned by Friedrich Nietzsche; in some sense the polar, yet strangely congenial, opposite of the principle that's driving the destructive movements from the radical left. If anyone is posing a question how radical could be reaction from the Right to the amok of the Left in the USA and Western Europe, in this podcast we provide you, via Nietzsche, with an image of The Radical.


Righteous Beyond Redemption

The specter is haunting the world, the specter of self righteousness. In this podcast we address three forms of self-deceit by which masses succeed at inducing and maintaining the psychotic illusion of "righteous indignation" in themselves. We treat the primacy of negative freedom, violent dissolution of historical origins and secularized idea of divine justice as congenial underlying principles that play out in partly virtual, partly real theater of the riots shaking American and British cities and try to answer the only really important question:

how masses of humanity can progressively melt into a pile of moral excrement and simultaneously attempt to turn the world into their own mirror without causing single individual among their number to vomit.


Rebels Without a Clause: Dialectics of Charlottesville Events

In this podcast we offer some thoughts on the developing ideological trends that emerged to to the surface in the aftermath of recent, highly publicized, Alt Right/Antifa clash in Charlottesville, USA. Kali Tribune's position according to which the two extremes are one and the same identitarian black hole seems to be reinforced by this event.