Tagged: ask Kali

q&a 6

Ask a Question and Support KT

Welcome to Kali Tribune. During the course of six years we steadily engaged with our reader’s questions and comments about the range of topics from metaphysics to common political issues of the day we are continuously addressing. In the latter half of 2020 we decided to start a podcast that was meant to deal with more complex questions and address them in the systematical way.

Here we announce that this podcast will become a permanent feature of KT which all new comers can find in the “Ask Kali” section.

No content will be restricted and remains as free as your will and ability to back it.

However, this also means that we are for the first time tying the content we are publishing with the requirement of compensation.

If we are to continue this project and, even more, improve it, there will have to be a modicum of engagement on behalf of our readers. Therefore, the questions eligible to be treated at length in Q&A podcast, will have to be followed by donation whose amount is completely at the discretion of the reader. This doesn’t apply to our Patreon supporters. Also it doesn’t mean that answer to a question or a comment is predicated upon financial support. Comments section remains as it was, only the questions that require an article, essay or podcast size discussion will be treated this way.