Tagged: Branko Malić

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Through Thorns to Chromosomes: Intersex as a New Phase of LGBTIQ Revolution

“Gender debate”, “Gender wars”, “Terf wars” … in the course of the last few years, some of the crucial problems of the Western world got verbalized into metaphors that never quite surpass the standards set by recent episodes of Star Wars franchise. Regrettably, quite similar evaluation can be applied to quality of arguments – above all those proposed by the losing side in the clash over the so-called “gender ideology”; one is left flabbergasted by superficiality of the insight into nature of the LGBTIQ revolution on behalf of its supposed opponents, even those who participated in its earlier phases.

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Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (I)

Re-enchantment of the world is an expression some observes use to denote the decline of the "Enlightenment Paradigm", where world circumscribed by "facts and logic" slowly but surely seems to let slip some "weirdness" into it. British author Mary Harrington argues that this is the consequence of consciousness shift caused by the dissolution of modernity and the return of the pre-modern experience of the world.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.1

In our day and age, the word "system" is as prevalent as it is ambivalent; moreover, bearing in mind that we are living in an epoch supposedly deprived of metaphysics, 'system' sometimes appears to be an ersatz formula for something that used to be a metaphysical notion. However, no age is free from metaphysics and 'system' is a metaphysical notion tailor made by modernity for modernity, and beyond. In this podcast we'll trace the genesis of the system principle and contrast it to traditional metaphysics, to which the system is as repugnant as it gets, although its very rarely perceived as such by contemporary historians and philosophers. In this episode we take an example of system building thinking from early German Idealism, from J.G. Fichte's Wissenschaftlehre.


LGBTIQ in Perspective, Part 1: Liberalism in Demission

KT's Department of Nihilism Forecast and Discernment presents the first in the series of articles on the nature of the LGBTIQ principle and politics it originates, which will, as we hope, dispel some misconceptions and provide perspective on this important issue. In the first article, we discuss whether LGBTIQ can be truly identified with liberalism, as is often been done today. If you don't feel like reading, the short answer is, no. If you want to know why, read on.


An Interview on Alexander Dugin

I join J.G. Michael of Parallax Views for an Interview on Alexander Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics. We discuss Dugin's core ideas in the light of Russian invasion of Ukraine, aggressive Russian messianic politics, the role of space in Dugin's geopolitical eschatology as constant in Russian history of foreign conquest, the notion of Russian universalism, Martin Heidegger and much more.


Maps of Unmeaning

In this podcast we address the problem of "maps of meaning" as an inadequate and dangerous attempt to "make sense" of the world mediated through flow of information. The subject is nothing new for KT, yet Russians were kind enough to provide us with some original examples and incentives to revisit some problems we already discussed at length, such as: limits of human intellectuality, inadequacy of "meaning" as the substitute for "purpose/end", incomprehensibility of evil, nuances of the blanked term "West" that get lost to most Westerners, Russian information offensive, how one evil doesn't justify other evil, etc.


Desert of the Unreal

In today's KT podcast we address a number of issues related to the deeper significance of the shift in mentality produced by the advent of Internet. We point out the peculiar instability of political and religious convictions people acquire online and try to offer some guidelines to understanding whence this quality of fleeting unreality that nevertheless informs lives of the real people to an increasing extent. For this purpose we once again throw an analytic glance of the ultimate metaphysical subversive - system thinking and its ability to represent the unreal as real.


To Sow the Dragon’s Teeth: Hegel’s Invocation of the Spirit of Modernity, pt.2

Listen to Pt.1 , Listen to Pt.3

In the second episode of our series on Hegel as an exemplar of the modern metaphysics, we go with some depth into main points of this metaphysics – the notion of encyclopedia, absolute knowledge and, above all, his attempt to abolish “the given” in identifying essence and appearance. We proceed to point out his relative convergence with Jacob Boehme in an idea of nature as the “body of God” and why this naturally follows from Hegel’s Science of Logic and why it is, rather than being an instance of Christian metaphysics, in reality its almost total inversion, ending up with the notion of absolute knowledge as absolutely secular “wisdom of the world”. Throughout we give remarks on Hegel’s influence and his congeniality with those who were apparent opponents. In the third episode this congeniality in disparity will be the focus of the discussion. read more


Cast in Sand: Figure of the Writer as Spiritual Form of Modernity

"No more great art, no more great figures of art. No more, even, great interest in art. But, above all, no more great writers especially of 'greater than life' variety". This is the lamentation that begs the question, why. In this podcast we'll attempt to indicate why in our day some of the most valued and comprehensible spiritual forms vanished, seemingly, overnight, focusing on the figure of great writer as an exemplar. We propose that dialectical character of modernity, consisting of permanent flux and an attempt to retain stable forms of the flux, eventually dissolves everything formed by modernity into nothing.