Tagged: cybernetics


Truth, Post-Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Can there be anything true if there's no truth? Apparently, public opinion is being swayed towards the resounding - and consequently absurd - 'yes'. In this podcast we'll address the notion of "post-truth" and its validity in the context of our times, i.e. corrosion of modern age and its concepts, as well as the fact that the very act of admitting its validity immediately annihilates it and sends us back before the notion of truth that can admit no 'post-' prefix. In the process we point out the necessity of 'system' as crypto-anthropomorphic principle of modern knowledge and its utter instability as displayed by impotence of "logic and facts" approach in combating identity politics and claim that it is a shadow of the original, transcendental and theomorphic, notion of truth; one that seems to come back to the fore in our day precisely in consequence of the annihilation of truth as it was understood in modernity.


A Posthumanist Next Door: David Icke as a Preacher

Posthumanism, in quite general sense of the term, is an omnipresent subject on KT. Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, less so. However, what if conspiracy theories, in the most pejorative sense you can think of, could be a substance of what one might call nascent posthuman religion or at least a world view that seems to be the most compatible one with the negative essence of dissolution of the modern world and modern man? If there's anyone who could provide us with even a preliminary answer to these questions than it must be the Ayatolah of conspiratorial new age populism - David Icke himself.