Tagged: Donald Trump

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Welcome to the Desert of the Impossible

The KT hiatus is over.

In this podcast we analyze some points in Donald Trump's inaugural address and worriesome implications present therein.

I address messianic politics, the impossibility of resurrecting modernity, let alone an American modernity; 9/11 and Left/Right split; "Easy Rider" and two poles of American patriotism, now rendered irreconciable; posthuman age and Trump's proposition of doing the impossible in posthuman context; Trump's decree on "biological reality of sex' and hopes that Trump's election holds for some who want to see the world order as a prelude to total war.


Glimpses of Chaos: Thoughts on “Kill All Normies” by Angela Nagle

The phenomenon of Alt Right is rarely taken into perspective as something congenial to identitarian Left. The first attempts are now here - one by Guido Preparata in his Ideology of Tyranny and the other, upon which we'll focus here, by Angela Nagle in her book Kill All Normies. In this podcast we present the overview of the viewpoints of these two authors, with stress on Nagle's study, both of them coming from the Left side of political spectrum. We discuss the problem of congeniality of transgressive ideologies and the ways these authors trace them to their common root - postmodernist used philosophy salesmen of Twentieth Century.


Swampy Common Ground: When Demagogues Speak Truth to Power

In this video we demonstrate how Trump's "drain the swamp" punch line punched the lights out of two demagogues.

We analyze portions of the interview with Alexander Dugin by Alex Jones and Dugin's on the fly explanation of Trump's "failure" to "drain the swamp". The obvious conclusion is that when you find common ground to be swampy, you're about to lose it quickly. Further, we point out that Dugin is promoting a peculiar kind of Globalism and demonstrate how he manipulates the Western alt media consumers into assimilating his own worldview.


When the Fringe Goes Marching In: How Anti-Establishment is the Establishment?

In this podcast we delve upon the emerging political archetype of center-fringe relationship, symbolized for many people by the figure of Donald Trump, the "anti-establishment" establishment man. Does  a call for being anti-establishment necessarily mean the nudge to be pro-freedom? Or could it really be a veiled invitation to anti-social society?

The emerging zeitgeist seems to point into an ominous direction of the second option.


Obamamania & Trumpophrenia: Politics as Mental Disorder

What do the followers of Obama have in common with followers of Trump? Seemingly nothing, but - in truth - just about everything. Kali Tribune's Department of Mental Health presents the diagnosis of- and recommends the vaccine for Obamamania and Trumpophrenia


A.J. Syndrome: Manifest Destiny of “Conspiracy Culture”

Alex Jones is widely ridiculed in the alt media circles, depending on the level of their seriousness. Yet is this "seriousness" an objective quality or just the way of self-flattery? In this podcast we explore how victory of Donald Trump will make Internet "conspiracy culture" go mainstream and argue that it will show what it in fact is: a social experiment in developing anti-social mindset.