Tagged: Euthanasia


Making Manifest of What Was Hidden: Abortion and Infanticide

Recent ballyhoo about an attempt to justify "third trimester" abortion in USA provides us with ample opportunity to analyze the thing itself: to make explicit what is implicit to the act of abortion. In this video we argue that infanticide - a supposed "slippery slope" of the pro-abortion argument - is nothing but terminus, a logically explicated boundary of the abortion itself, into which abortion in the end has to resolve. We argue the point mainly from the stand point of open infanticide advocates, whom we already discussed on KT, and simple presumptions of traditional application of logic.


Paragons of Subhumanity: On Post-birth Abortion and Other Merry Subjects

A long winded discussion between yours truly and Deirdre of Luminar Podcast initiated by academic advocacy of infanticide or, as authors of 2012 article "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" we use as the starting point call it: after-birth abortion.

However, and not surprisingly, this podcast covers much more than this peculiar form of high brow nihilism.

Discussion touches upon, among other things:

problem of person and the reality of soul, Christianity and paganism, Hegel and the  philosophy of absolute subject, posthumanism, euthanasia, abortion and vulnerability of women, reaction from the Right, impossibility of traditionalist revolution and dangers stemming thereof, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, science and science fiction, Alexander Dugin, resurgence of history after its supposed end in liberal utopia, forgiveness, Down syndrome

and much, much more.


Beyond the Pale: The Morning After of Irish Abortion Referendum

The landslide victory of Irish pro-abortion public vote in recent referendum came not as a surprise because it was victory, but because it was more or less a public acclamation - a true voice of the people, one might say.

In this podcast we analyze the meaning of this event in the global context and how it stems from peculiar state of mind now prevalent in the West, but very easily observable in Ireland itself: a mentality of indifference.


Windswept Podcast: On Unholy Indifference

KT proudly introduced new brand of podcasts in the universe of global podcasting: a windswept podcast, that is, audio recording combining articulate speech combating sounds of strong wind and occasional car engine. So, instead of nagging about sound quality, our faithful flock can appreciate how well we record environmental noise in the background of the poignant discussion of the mood disclosing what philosophers call nihilism: the mood of indifference.


Quality of Death: The Alfie Evans Case and Euthanasia as Future

The case of British toddler Alfie Evans' predicament and relentless struggle of his parents and good deal of world wide public to transfer him out of Britain captivated the attention of the masses for some time. Now this will, inevitably, wane but Alfie Evans' end, where institutions of state - i.e. courts - prevented attempted treatment in other country due to concerns about, quote: "Little Alfie's quality of life", presents what seems to us at KT to be a landmark point in the spiritual atmosphere of our day and age. Why and how this is so, we'll demonstrate based on reading of the court ruling on Alfie Evans and rejection of appeal to it. As is always the case with euthanasia and politics pushing it forward, its about legislative system first and foremost and then, consequently, with the radical transformation of society.

This transformation is - you guessed it - not for the better.

A death overdrive 0

A death overdrive

The physician per se is deprived of the autonomy of rejecting the infliction of euthanasia if he is to uphold the reformed imperative of his vocation, just as the infant he discards is not autonomous. And, henceforth, we can observe the return of the euthanasia movement to its eugenics roots: in order for a happy society to live, the unhappy elements have to die; in order for good to be absolute, evil must be abolished; for if murder would be evil, then the murderer could not be good. So if the murderer is good, then the murder is not evil.