Tagged: individuum



International support to Ukraine brought forward one word, being repeated so many times now, that even birds are tweeting it: “Slava!”, “Slava!". We decided to put forward some thoughts on awkwardness this Slavic word acquires when taken up by certain demographics.

q&a 1

KT Answers, pt.1: Cosmic Ego and the Devil in Psychoanalysis

As we received quite a lot of question and none of them an easy one, we'll need more than one podcast to provide answers. In this one, we pick two easiest ones: what is Ego and what was Rene Guenon's charge against psychoanalysis. These two subjects are not unrelated and can be treated quite similarly from the metaphysical perspective which encompasses what is usually understood as purely psychological set of problems. We explain how Ego can be a metaphysical principle, why it is in fact the most precise expression of what is meant by elementary material particle, how it relates to time and why it is by its very nature destructive towards the past. Finally, we give some everyday examples of Ego-principle working in our day and age, especially as a conditio sine qua non of popular culture and entertainment.

As for Guenon's verdict on psychoanalysis, we explain his method and approach, as well as why he did consider it to be a crypto-diabolic practice.


No Means No

In this podcast we consider what it means to root the understanding of man as zoon politikon in pure negation, taking few cues from what is now widely called - and slurred - 'Liberalism' as opposed to 'collectivism'. We explain the congeniality of individualism and collectivism based on negation and the materialist reduction ranging from the one ending up in the "free individual opinion" to "ethnic groups" based on race; we argue that contemporary "identity politics" - from "woke racism" that is currently the order of the day to "white nationalism - stem from the same root of pure negativity.


Uniqueness vs Uniformity: Rene Guenon and Subtleties of Metaphysical Terminology

There's a lot of talk on the political Right about the loss of "collective identity". In this video we'll use few passages from Rene Guenon's "Reign of the Quantity and Signs of the Times" to demonstrate that this loss, if understood properly, is hardly something to be mourned. The exposition concerns metaphysical notions of "form", "matter", "quality", "quantity" and dichotomy betwenn Uniqueness (unity) and uniformity that bear wide ranging implications and practically beg to be misunderstood by political radicals of the Right.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Individuum

In this podcast we provide an exposition of one of the often used, but not always fully explained, metaphysical concepts - that of 'individuum'. We point out the difference between using this notion as fundamentally a political one as opposed to its, we would argue: proper, use as fundamentally metaphysical concept.

And, we throw some Alexander Dugin in the mix, just for the right flavor ...


Die Furie der Zerstörung: Slavoj Žižek’s Reinvention of Revolutionary Terror

In this video we analyze Slavoj Žižek's proposition to reinvent the "divine violence" of "classical" revolutionary, laid out in his essay on Robespierre. We point out Slavoj's rhetorical tricks by which he obfuscates his, rather blatant, appropriation of the thesis that Revolution (a.k.a. "Event") without terror is "decaffeinated", i.e. not really revolutionary at all. Also, we lay out Žižek's proposal of "revolutionary subject" as an essentially "inhuman human" - a virtual being brought into existence by depersonalization - the proverbial "individuum" which, for some reason, pops up every now and then into our focus when we analyze ideas of postmodern totalitarians. We conclude by demonstrating how Žižek's clown like demeanour and rhetorical tricks hide quite, if only potentially, dangerous man.


Appropriation of Tradition in the West

Kali Tribune proudly presents the first contribution of our Romanian correspondent Mihai Marinescu. In this article he puts forth the question of distinction of religion as a given and religion as a choice, specifically from the standpoint of Orthodox Christianity. The final analysis yields some worrisome trends on display in the West, where conversion is, as it appears, confused with it's more or less militant inversion.