Tagged: Ireland


Casual Malificence

On principle we don't speculate about the obvious crisis de jour. But, then again, why let the good crisis go to waste? In her short, but poignant, reflection on the reaction of a doomsday cultist, whose cult lost the undue attention it had literary over night, Deirdre makes the point we should keep in mind.


Luminar Podcast: Michel Houellebecq’s Itch

Taming the KGB accents one more time, Deirdre hosts another Luminar Podcast with Mihai and me:

"on the way from David Icke to Michel Houellebecq we chat about consciousness, knowledge, ego, the dark night of the soul, smashing the idol of the self, ambition or lack thereof, what is meaningful work, the willing participation of the people in their own control, comparisons between Communism and the European Union, the rush among the masses towards progressiveness and cutting roots, Croatia, Romania and Ireland, the role of intellectuals, James Joyce's depiction of the odyssey in modernity and other writers like him, and finally onto Houellebecq's unscratchable itch."


Irish Troubles 2.0: A Discussion With Deirdre of Luminar Podcast

Kali Tribune is proud to present the first entry into podcasting universe of our Irish friend Deirdre and her newly setup Luminar Podcast. In this talk we cover Irish repeal of 8th Constitutional amendment, i.e. what is commonly being called "abortion referendum" and questions stemming thereof: sustainable development and technocratic micromanagement in Ireland, the rejection of history and continuity of life, unique position of Ireland in EU project and other not so happy subjects.

Not to be missed. You don't get to hear women's voice on KT that often, after all. Let alone with Donegal accent ...

Depressive Tolerance 4

Windswept Podcast: Nationalism and Politics of Dissolution

In this Windswept Podcast, we return to hair splitting over terminology. Is nationalism really what most people think it is or is it a counterfeit of deeper reality, subverting its proper expressions? Is a "surge in nationalism" always the same thing as a "surge in local solidarity" or "love of one's home"? And what does it all mean in opposition to prevalent technocratic governance system of supra-national entities?

These and, other questions, as well as some World Cup commentary very atypical for KT, get their fair treatment in the following.


Beyond the Pale: The Morning After of Irish Abortion Referendum

The landslide victory of Irish pro-abortion public vote in recent referendum came not as a surprise because it was victory, but because it was more or less a public acclamation - a true voice of the people, one might say.

In this podcast we analyze the meaning of this event in the global context and how it stems from peculiar state of mind now prevalent in the West, but very easily observable in Ireland itself: a mentality of indifference.