Tagged: Mihai Marinescu


In the Ending of the Year

A poignant yet for this reason truly merry Christmas to all KT readers courtesy of Mihai Marinescu


Semi-timely Considerations: On Guenon, “Traditionalism” and the Subversive Act of Patience

In this podcast Mihai and I cover a wide spectrum of topics related to various understandings and misunderstanding of what exactly is the Tradition we often talk and write about. We begin with Rene Guenon's understanding of the term and proceed to depiction of some examples of contemporary anti-Tradition trajectory of every day life, manifested in various ways and summed up in the drive to erase the notion of origin in the widest sense of the word; in the process we touch upon various aspects of Guenon's work, a nihilism of contemporary workplace, Mihai evaluates Guenon's "disciples" Julius Evola to Fritjof Schuon, we touch upon eternity and time, and, finally, we point out some remedies we think are beneficial to those of us who cannot make compromise with the world in dissolution.


Luminar Podcast: Michel Houellebecq’s Itch

Taming the KGB accents one more time, Deirdre hosts another Luminar Podcast with Mihai and me:

"on the way from David Icke to Michel Houellebecq we chat about consciousness, knowledge, ego, the dark night of the soul, smashing the idol of the self, ambition or lack thereof, what is meaningful work, the willing participation of the people in their own control, comparisons between Communism and the European Union, the rush among the masses towards progressiveness and cutting roots, Croatia, Romania and Ireland, the role of intellectuals, James Joyce's depiction of the odyssey in modernity and other writers like him, and finally onto Houellebecq's unscratchable itch."


General Amnesia: On History and Intellectual Myopia

The horror of history ... there's an air of triviality in this oft repeated phrase, don't you think? Granted that it is not trivial or that we should address even trivialities if we want our thinking to have serious consequences, could we counter its unspoken conclusion of "let's be done with it, then" with the question: "if the life is problem to us, should we solve it by dying?" In this article by the head of the KT's Black Sea Fleet Mihai Marinescu we are presented with the nuanced and definite negative answer to this question.


Luminar Podcast: From Illiteracy to Illusion

From Atlantic to Black Sea via Adriatic, we bring you another Luminar Podcat hosted by Deirdre and joined by Mihai and yours truly. Wide range of subjects are covered - from rampaging illiteracy amongst the young to the answer to question: how illusion can be real. In the meantime, we don't neglect to address standard KT subjects: memes and mass scale Internet based occultism, inversion of traditional metaphysical notions, synchronicity and few other light talking points.


Miscellanea: Keeping to the Form

In the previous quote from Plutarch’s "Life of Aemilius Paulus", we reflected a bit on the transitory nature of everything “under the Sun” and on the delusion behind the notion of progress. We offer one more excerpt from the same life, this time on a different topic.


Miscellanea: On Vanity, Loss and Redemption of Time

KT introduces a new form of article named miscellanea, in the vein of Ancient and Hellenistic designation for treating various subjects in non-systematic manner  - short interpretations of various passages drawn from a variety of sources – ancient authors, the lives of saints, classical or more contemporary authors and others.

At the end we give moral of  the  stories, just like in the good old days when drawing a morally uplifting conclusion from the story was not something to frown at.

We present the excerpt from Plutarch’s Parallel Lives - The life of the Roman general Lucius Aemilius Paulus.


What’s to be Done: On Holy Indifference Pt.1

How to beat discrepancies of modern living: half of your life you are corporate drone, waiter or construction worker and the other half you might just be striving for sainthood. Yet, as Mihai Marinescu tells us in this two part Eastern European self-help manual for aspiring rebels against the modern world, this is impossible. Then, what am I to do, one might ask? Well, gird yourselves with focus and patience and take a dip in this long and poignant analysis. We won't spoil too much for you if we give answer in advance: You can do what you can.

Sounds simple? It is anything but.