Tagged: Posthumanism

aristotel-metafizika 2

Basic Notions of Metaphysics: What is Metaphysics Anyway?

After going through a number of metaphysical notions, now, prompted by reader's query, we finally try to answer the simple question: what is metaphysics? The very fact that one can talk about metaphysics for a long time without explicitly defining what it is gives us an important clue about this type of knowledge, more common that most people think. We sum up some of the notions we expounded upon before and attempt to give definition of "science sought for" in both traditional sense and its modern, we would claim, misconception of the "system of science". Also we touch upon the possible reasons for shunning it by modern thinkers like adherents of "analytical" philosophy and say few words on technology and its latent metaphysical origin.


Re-enchantment of the World, Part 1: A Feeling of Claustrophobia

In the first part of the series of essays Mihai provides us with a unique approach to a unique pathway to knowledge - symbolism. While the use of symbol as such is not unknown to our day and age, Kali Tribune's Ministry of Metaphysical Discernment, Semiology and Apophatic Affairs will aptly demonstrate just what level of difference there is between what modernity and Tradition understand as symbol.


A Posthumanist Next Door: David Icke as a Preacher

Posthumanism, in quite general sense of the term, is an omnipresent subject on KT. Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, less so. However, what if conspiracy theories, in the most pejorative sense you can think of, could be a substance of what one might call nascent posthuman religion or at least a world view that seems to be the most compatible one with the negative essence of dissolution of the modern world and modern man? If there's anyone who could provide us with even a preliminary answer to these questions than it must be the Ayatolah of conspiratorial new age populism - David Icke himself.


Luminar Podcast: Communal Wombs

In a new episode of Luminar Podcast, Deidre informs us about wonderful world of surrogacy and in quite off hand fashion demonstrates once again that feminism, especially in the hands of - oh, the irony - "merciless millenials" is the one aspect of posthumanism especially concerned with the destruction of women.


Luminar Podcast: On Forgetting Fairytales

Deirdre informs us about yet another ongoing attempt to deprive human beings of human form, in this case at the youngest age. Taber school in Barcelona, removing fairytales and books from young children's bookshelves, and no doubt to be followed by other schools doing likewise, is a deeply ideological act, and part of a wider process of historical revisionism that infantilises us all.


Ad Barbaris

We interrupt the practice of publishing exclusively our original content and nick the extract from the book length series of interviews Cardinal Robert Sarah gave to French author Nicholas Diat. Although, in religious matters, we rarely address the problems of contemporary Church directly, prefering instead to bring out the positive content of Christian Tradition and simultaneously address the proverbial signs of the times as we see them in accordance with our mainly philosophical expertise, this time around we cannot pass on the opportunity to express admiration for a man who does both of these things with clarity that we would be hard pressed to match, even from our comfortable, marginal, position of much freedom and zero influence. As the text is multilayered and at few points Cardinal's wording is especially succint in addressing some of the ills we've been writing of at length, readers can expect commentary to follow.


Miscellanea: Intolerance of Eternity

Immortality is not such a tall order as it may seem at the first glance. The situation in which man can claim the right to become a woman and at the same time cannot affirm his right to exist for eternity is in fact quite the recent occurrence, as we shall see in the new KT Miscellanea.


Dissolving Faces: EU and Frankenstein Democracy

Nowadays dissident voices in Europe are squarely put on the right of political spectrum. However, we on KT tend to see the entirety of this spectrum as not very well useful in the face of the threat that is more or less vaguely sensed but rarely clearly defined. Here we'll provide a modest contribution to clarifying its nature by using kindergarten method: displaying its face(s) in pictures.

Let us face the many faces of the politics of dissolution.


Paragons of Subhumanity: On Post-birth Abortion and Other Merry Subjects

A long winded discussion between yours truly and Deirdre of Luminar Podcast initiated by academic advocacy of infanticide or, as authors of 2012 article "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" we use as the starting point call it: after-birth abortion.

However, and not surprisingly, this podcast covers much more than this peculiar form of high brow nihilism.

Discussion touches upon, among other things:

problem of person and the reality of soul, Christianity and paganism, Hegel and the  philosophy of absolute subject, posthumanism, euthanasia, abortion and vulnerability of women, reaction from the Right, impossibility of traditionalist revolution and dangers stemming thereof, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, science and science fiction, Alexander Dugin, resurgence of history after its supposed end in liberal utopia, forgiveness, Down syndrome

and much, much more.