Tagged: terrorism


Feeding of the Troll: Virtual Reality and Terrorism

In our previous work we pointed out the emerging process of transition of the fringe towards the center. The fringe, we claimed, be it political, intellectual or otherwise during the last few years transformed in the potential mainstream. The circumstances of mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand of March 15th and manifesto left by pepetrator incite us to revisit the subject. 


Dictionary of Alternative Media

Alternative media ... how to find your way through it? Why, that's easy! Kali Tribune provides you with all the alt media prep knowledge you need: comprehensive dictionary of alt media. This is a work in progress so stay tuned.


Totalitarianism for Housewives

The common notion of totalitarianism tends to present the broad canvas of all-power state from which we should be wary. Yet, as with all things, totalitarianism begins at home. In this video, we'll depict how  even housewives can develop the totalitarian mentality with no great effort; and how every argument for normalcy, on the contrary, requires supreme efforts.