Tagged: Theology


Re-enchantment of the world: The state of amnesia, Part 2

In the second part of his series of essays, Mihai puts forward one of the most important subjects one could think of, although it occurs surprisingly rarely: that of memory and the struggle between oblivion and recollection. In the Christian Tradition the faculty of memory is being traditionally understood as a sort of backdoor for the divine influence - aptly so, because we tend to forget about having it throughout our daily lives - and "thief in the night" rarely enters the house through the front door. Mihai draws our attention to some traditional notions about memory as such and the nature of its object and then proceed to explain why the proper use of this faculty is essential for overcoming the perils posed by essential flaws in human nature.

aristotel-metafizika 2

Basic Notions of Metaphysics: What is Metaphysics Anyway?

After going through a number of metaphysical notions, now, prompted by reader's query, we finally try to answer the simple question: what is metaphysics? The very fact that one can talk about metaphysics for a long time without explicitly defining what it is gives us an important clue about this type of knowledge, more common that most people think. We sum up some of the notions we expounded upon before and attempt to give definition of "science sought for" in both traditional sense and its modern, we would claim, misconception of the "system of science". Also we touch upon the possible reasons for shunning it by modern thinkers like adherents of "analytical" philosophy and say few words on technology and its latent metaphysical origin.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: A Given

It may seem odd to pick out "a given" as one of the basic notions of metaphysics. However, as soon as one recalls terms like "sense data", "object" being "given" to subject, etc. the question arises: who does the giving?

In this podcast we'll talk about the origin of the term "given" in the metaphysics of creation and its modern inversion, i.e. its detachment from the said origin, above all exemplified in the works of Immanuel Kant and Martin Heidegger.

Also we touch upon childishness of "new atheism", the nature of thr relationship of ancient philosophy and Christianity, ending the podcast with lively description of the beautiful blue and white vistas of KT's Paypal account.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Truth as a Transcendental

In this episode of our going series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics" we inspect the classical definition of truth and its implications which reveal, as usual, the proverbial "more than meets the eye" dimension of something seemingly quite pedestrian.

So let us take a look back into our Medieval and classical past and explicate what is implicit in the notion of the truth as transcendental.


Ad Barbaris

We interrupt the practice of publishing exclusively our original content and nick the extract from the book length series of interviews Cardinal Robert Sarah gave to French author Nicholas Diat. Although, in religious matters, we rarely address the problems of contemporary Church directly, prefering instead to bring out the positive content of Christian Tradition and simultaneously address the proverbial signs of the times as we see them in accordance with our mainly philosophical expertise, this time around we cannot pass on the opportunity to express admiration for a man who does both of these things with clarity that we would be hard pressed to match, even from our comfortable, marginal, position of much freedom and zero influence. As the text is multilayered and at few points Cardinal's wording is especially succint in addressing some of the ills we've been writing of at length, readers can expect commentary to follow.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Transcendentals

In this podcast we investigate the Medieval notion of "transcendentals", an underlying and all pervading principle of Sacra Doctrina and philosophy of Middle Ages that was nevertheless rarely in the focus of contemporary scholarship. The doctrine of transcendentals is one of those teachings that are so common and obvious that one has trouble noticing it, similarly as we have trouble noticing air that we're breathing. 


Faust Complex: Young Hegelians and the Theology of Atheism

Body of ideas brought forth in the early to mid 19th Century Germany by the group of radicals summed up under the moniker "young (or:'left') Hegelians" enacted an enormous influence on both 20th Century and our current time, in the guise of totalitarian political ideas and practices. What is somewhat neglected by interprets is the fact that Young Hegelians first and foremost were a movement inspired and even led by radical theologians; whereas contemporary public opinion on Marxism, anarchism and even Nazism tends to comprehend these movements to be as far removed from theology and metaphysics, i.e. as a political reaction to historical reality, they are originally anything but. They, in effect, stem from an attempt to liberate humanity from religion in general and Christianity in particular, based on certain peculiar ideas that are religious in themselves.


Words and Time

Speaking about the origins of all is a daunting task, impossible by some accounts. However, speaking about the origins of speaking itself is, supposedly, quite doable. In this podcast we'll put this assumption to the test. We focus on the temporal dimension of language in its original and deepest form, i.e. language as a tool of metaphysics, and claim that this dimension is the eternal past - that behind which we can never step, whether in thought or word. Consequently, we discuss subjects stemming from this insight: nature of Tradition, words of unknown origin but perfectly nuanced meaning, impossibility of fundamentally new beginnings, errors of modern philosophy, Science Fiction and enduring illusion of human creativity. (Paypalable bonus: you get to learn some Croatian in the process)


The Truth and its Shadow: Rise of Superficial Intelligence

To understand something "on the level of words" is fairly common phrase used to denote someone's superficiality. However, there's more depth to superficiality than initially meets the eye. In this podcast we'll point out some of the depths of what we previously dubbed, in Plato's phrase, skiagraphia or "shadow-drawing"; a mental equivalent of drawing the shadow of the image on plane surface to add to it the illusion of depth. We'll point out, in our common "metaphysician next door" manner, how this attitude drives people to cut themselves off, not only from the realities of the world, but, more perniciously, of their very selves too.

So, it is a bit obsolete to wail and grumble about the dangers of supposed rise of the robotic Artificial Intelligence, when we are already dealing with the real and present danger of supremacy of the Superficial Intelligence